HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 992 · '. .. ORDINANCE AMENDING .TRAFFIC ORDINANCE~ '.-.. :' i...'". '"' NO. 658 NEW ·SERIES: OF THE CITY OF .BAKERS- ... -.... FIELD., CALTFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR :THE DEFI- '~:: ..... NITION, DESIGNATION AN.D RESPONSIBILITIES " 'AND DUTIES' OF' .TI~ "TR~.FIC AUTHORITY, ~ .~-B~'.IT.'ORDAII~D.'by. the'. Counef-l.~O£ tl~ city 'o£ Bako~.sffol'd, " a.q. fc,llows:... ;.-... .. ;... .,.'... . . . .. .Socgion 2 of 0~dinance' No:, 65g No'w .So~,io:s is ame'n, de.d by. c-hanging the definition Of. Traffic' AU. thority, .Which : ... said dofi/~tt~ion sh~l'l ~'ead as .follows':. '.. .. .... .' .- TR.~FIC AUTHORITY- An 'o££ieo~, of gho.' City"of. .... fiol'd' .do.~ignated' by tho City .Council' ~li. ich d,.~ignation .~hall .... bo:.b7 ~e.qolut'i'on of said .City. Council.? . · ' '...."'~- "'i." · '' -.Up.'gn' gho ¢i.~y .Manago~. 'an.d/oi~ tho Chiof: .of': P. olie, · such duly."'a, hi:t '..~., gul a~ly appO.into d. T~ aff.ie 'Augh6~ ty, '-' '"" · ' ":" SEC~IOi~' ~ " · . ~ .. · · ~' · i":~ .. ..- .. ".: .. 2'.'.' "." 'i ;-~---o0o-.-,.;.-...'_ ... · .. ..,~.,_ ,: ,,. ..~: '..,~:"?i.~5.".t ... ,<. [~ .... · .......... .~ ~,.._ ... ,.: ...... . :._. · . . .-'. _.~..~:.~ ..... ~ . . . . ..:~ ~.:-..? .. I .HEREBY CERTIFY that ~ie foreE0ing Ordinance wa~ p'asseB. ~and adopted'by the COU.hCT1- of.' the. ~ity' of Bakorsfie. ld .. .. at' a-'r, there'of' he'~.d :~.-.t. he l'4th day .or .DeC'ember, i95~'~ by. 'th~ following .. vote. : , ... ,.. " ' AYe: .CARNAl(IS,' .COLLINS, .CRO~,' EVELET~, '~AUNDERS,. SULLIVAN, · .' · · ..... '; '"" J" . ... ...... ~.:,...,~,- ~:. c. ~' ...... : ..... .. .. .~ .. '. · ............. ... · " Council of th~ City of. Bakersfield, ...' .... tht.s'..!4.}h da~r oi" Doeembe.~,'. lc).~3, '' " ""' ,~,.~.~t '' ;.,.', . /.. · :~ .~.~;~..? · .~2 .~.. · · : . . '- ,, . /.....: .-_ ~ ~ ' . .(.' · ;.'...'' .. · :'.i. .... · ..' ..' .' .;. . , ~ .. .' · . .. ~"' .., .. .. .'..... . ..... :.~....."" .": ".*"* . i':', '.*' ;!' .~A.,-*, .... ~ ..... - *.'. "-'.-~"-*': ..... "- :,-;:';:'"': -" -~:* :-'" : ,..:'... ', ....: .**.... . . ... --....'... . Affidavit of ost ng (Ordinances I STATE OF CALIFORNIA } ,! County of Kern ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and seys: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; end that on ....... ..D..~..e..~..m...b...o.~.....1..~ ........................................................ 19..~. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ............. ..D...e...c...e...m..b...?.~....~..~..~......]:~..5...3. ................................ , 19 ......... which ordinance was numbered ....... ~..9...2.. ............ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TRAFFIC.ORDINANCE NO. 658 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR THE DEFI- NITION~ DESIGNATION ~ RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES OF THE TRAFFIC AUTHORITY.