HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 991 - -~.'i'·.. ' ' ' .... · ".' EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO.~' NEW SERIES · · ..': '0 DiN. ANC .... ROV. IO!NO . ... " .. ., REGULAT, tNG THE COLLE.~TiON, TRANS. PORT,.ATiON. ' AND' ..DISPOSAL.OF REFUSE/. GARBAGE AND- RUBBISH .' i .'. '~"' ~" '". IN THE ·CITY· OF' ~AERSFIELD, PROVIDING... PEN- '. · ' .. '...'" - .:. ALTIES. FOR. THE .VIOLATION. HEREOF, AND' REPEAL-' '-"'~ ~ ..~' ""':' lNG EMERGE.NCY~'ORDI. NA~CE NO'. 638 NEW SERIES '"..'-.. '.?'. .~ A-IfD ORDINANCE.'. NO . 983 NEW :SERIES OF' THE · ' ,'~ .: · "citY. ~OF BAKERSFIELD 'AND ALL OTHER· ORDINANCEs " · . ".'~ .'"' -IN CONFL'!C.T' HEREWITh;'.' "..'.'~' '...- '" ~' " .""' '~ ' "' ' '.'i :%.' ' " ' "' ':' '?' "'!:.':..'"... ..'.'":':' '.W:HE~EAS, t'he healtk,'.safe~y, and. Welfare"of the inh'abi~an't.s :.'." of the'city-of'.Bakersfi~i~ re.q~ir~.'..the .p~Ss'age of-an ~mergency '"'.' ~ '.ordinanc'e'~pr0viding 'for .the c611ec'ti.0n,, t~anSportation and dis- i-'.~ · '. '.'...'.~P0.sal of ref'.use .and .garbage..~i't'h~'n the City of Ba~e~Sf{eld, . ":' "' NOWiJ':TEEREFORE, i~E 'IT :oRD~INED. bY the' cOUncil of the' City· of Bake'~fi~id, ..as' follows: · ' ' ' '~SEC~ION' 1 '.,.~. . Eme~,genc7 Sanitary Measure j ".' ~ .- .. ".' ,- ~ , " This ordinance is' .de term~e.d.' and decla~ed~. ~o be a ssnitary me.asU~'e.....fo~' the .promotior~-.-.&nd..protec;cion of the health, !safety and · .W&'!'fare of.t:~e 'people of~.th~ ct~Y. 'of Bake.~sfleld'l'-and. to. be an · ......emerge'ncy..'-.o~dinance within· the...meanihg-o.'f section 24 of the 'Chart~ . .:"..... of the:'C'~'ty'of'.'Bake~sfieid~ and"sh.al'l take effe'c~' ime~i~tely upon ".. "'~J?'~ 'i. ts. paslsage'; '" ..... " · ' .. ·sEcTION · .. :' .De'finit ions. .. .. '.'..,... .(a') .'?Person~, When used ~in -t'his .ordinanCe, .i.nc't~de'~' and " : 'shall "150'..'c'o'nsg~.ued to mean. .any. individual, f/~rm, compony, copartner- ......shi~'" ',ssoclation or corqo0~atlon ·occupying.-the .pbsibion, status ".... ~-6bltgati°n. . . 'of.. a pe~son.. . tunde~, an.d...within th~ terms here'of. · --'-".' V'/:~..."~..,~ .-.... . · . .... . ... ~ ~.". ..... ", ~ , ,.~..':1:'.."':--'?'~ - .;'.'~_..L-'~'.':- -'-"... . L.?LL~.--.'.~--~'_'. -. .... _.,~...'..'.--.-_...: ........ ~_ ~~. '....' --'".~ ~--- ~ '- '" ...... · ..':..' (b).. "Ref.use", shall inciu~e-and mean all rubbish, garbage .-. as'.. he~ei'~af..t'~i~ ' define d, 'l'e aVi'ngs,~ waste ' paper, '."£ibe~,: ~ag's, tr ash,.. :.....'"i a~h~.~.'.~wh., trimmings,'., t~e.e, and shrubbery ~imm~ng~, leaves,, debris, }. · · ,;..,. ... ~.~:..... .....' : - . . . . .~;'" · "..-'."..:.L' '-".' '.'-;~' . . . . -.. '.. ... '. ~."- : - '.i.-'::j.".. ~ - . · .."'.':~ ', .' .','.... . · . . ~' ......, , . 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'"'~'". '. ':. :.: :i' .: '"' "' ..' "" :" '"'. :-..."~..'...'.j.... , .... . ....' . · .'., . .;........ . .'.. '..._~.' ~.. j..'... .-.i' ... ~. '4. "' '-' · " '.' ..' .. .' , .. ," '-.' :. :-:. ,.....~...-... '. . · ..-... .... '..:.....~'~...' . '.:- · .,.-,.,..,~ ., · . ..... . '.~n'. no ?'a.se .more ~tian .one"il~uidr~id. ~(1.0'0).'~ ~.ee't ·. .-...' 'prd~er',t.y -.I,ine.~ ~d.j ade~nt L 90~ 'the '~t-~.~'e'6 i'f~'o~' iW~i.oh. SuCt~ .driveway' extendS; ·:..'.. '. i '""".(.- .. '-'.' J-~'"" ~'"':'.. "."" · ~ .'"-". ·... .' '/.:' "..~or".~fu~e '.~f an~ kind'on any' '·pr'emt.,[~e~s~".'s'~r~e .,.. ........ "..'..... ..... '.' .... ', "' · '.' '..' ." · .... .: . '~.....':..,.. driveway... . . .._ -wi:thi. nutt~ ..... City Or'.B ~s~i d;['.''(''''.. '- .': .". ' ' "' .. ..... i iON.: ~',"."! '" ' ' ':'"'""' ~ " · · "... ..' ' . .'' ....: '.. · .. '.':" · .~.'.. ,'.. ." .... ...... ' . .. ~ .. - Tra~s~ort~ti~on ' · .... '' :.. · ~- ...' ~ .. . . .- . · . .' . :..~: . :; . . '. ' '..' .' . · '"",? i:~:''' '::i, .,.' '~ 'g:)' ::: :A.3".'~ i' g'arb'a~e' 'sha~ i'.'B~ % t~,'an~Po~..:~od.'. ~-n.-ie.al~-,~n~l £1y_.p.~oof : :..' 'b'on. tainers..or 'in teak-proof.' Vehi~i~ bodi~'S:","oh :'comp.'ar~me~'s".fitte~ · . .... ..;with. ·sliding ~6r.'hinge'd co~e~s-, 'which shail' be .'ke'pt"cl.6se. d at '-all' -" '""'""':':'"' ' '"';"):':'"'""~'"',"'"'" " ""' '" : ' ""' "' 'i .'."~:~..',' (' C' . ' '" :'.-[.:~::'....>..:,times 'e.x,"~e~.~' that'.-'one' cover.· "at: :a ~imei':~y'.:.b~ bpen',wh~le., the. ,v~hicl'e · .i 'i .':.' · -!~.~ belt,'~""TS'ad~'dl; :".~ll .'s:~c.h containers., veh:i~ie' bodi~s'. 'and: .'cor~par.t- .. · ~' .'.... ' -.' ' ,' .U~..J . ~' ' · " "' ' '. · ' ' ' .... :' : ' .'." .'[' · ~ . ' ~'-'- :." ' · · ~ . .. . · .:'i. me. nt:~....~Ust'"'be:· k[.~pt" ,dlean: 'at' :~ll:' ~im~.s'.'': /.;.-'... · '.":::: " "' ""' ': ""' ""' · .'.' i,j .i ': :'· 'i '" ""' .... ~:: ': :'~l~'.:~'Ubbis 1 "ib'e i,.tr' in.v'e'hicles .,40 -c'on~'" ..'":..":...i~'..:."'.'-..'.:.' ..'.'. .. . .... '. ....: ~..... .. ... ': ".;:-.(, . '.[ s:truC~d 'th'ail' none· of s~f..~t, rubbi.sh'.i~i.li ?ifb" :through ..o~' fall :'o~t '.uPon. · ........ ".:" :' · ::'"."anY.:.'..istre~"t',".Isne" alloy:.Or :d~ive .i.. g'aia"-:v~fiiois'..~h~'i".i~'e .so · . :' · -~'..'."4. '.' · ."'..-" ~ '.. · . . - · · '...' ' .'..'.". '-: .,'pro~ec'te d'..i~i'ti~':.~-~;ove rs as to p'i~event "the a ~nte;n~ s fr.'om 'b'e. lng '~o'Ppe'd'. .. ['".'"";".!." i~ Cie', ....' ... '..'."'.' .: :'. , ""''' "" ' ' i:I 'ori"~i.°wn-,from '~:~id. vehi .. '..':.' '..'." .." .. ..... :"~ ~' ~" ' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '" " " ' ' ."';:' '..~ '..~.i. .' .. ...;......'. · "..: .:j.".(:.c.):'.!.'It'."~hail .be uni'agfUl ..r'or.:~.an~..;per.SOn...to. '~oliec.t or. ' ' ..... . ""~' '..:i' ~ · ' .... · - ' . .,.~. -...,..' . '.: ~ · , " ' · '" 'transport'"gar~age ~tthi'~.'"~'-:"""C"'-"i~"Lf,,ux~ lye' .... ' '""'~ ':" ' ' "' :' .Bakers£ie[d'' tmiess'. [~u~A-'p'erson -'. :'C' .'(":""."i' ..: ','.i. '~, ' · ' .' "' : · · -'. _.' .:be '.tHe.-'c.'°:~lec ~:. ~s. fie re'in defined;. '~nd'' it': .~1~1. · i'-'.'.'"" :: "i,::': " ~ ... -.. . · " · ' ,.'~..'"'...ah.'y:'.'~i~.~oh..tc, 'per~it,-.~liow. '0~ .ent'e~'"i.nt~. any".a~r~em~nt .~h-a~s.oe~er,: . :.,-~ '.."..: ~.".' ::"'i :..~or......:. :.the..'c'otl;;.~i'on .or .tr'an'sp~b a'ti~n:-o-f... ~rb'~e'. wi th ~ny. persbn." ... .... . -.,:'. ~_~.. ' . . .... '; .' :..?'..." .~'.(. .. ... : ,. · ... . . · ::.~ ::'-i'"' ~::..~. Who.:. ..:.. t's'."not... . .'bhe"...... collector 'as' herein... ..de'fine.d;'~. . .. hdwe.ver,, nothing·. . . .herein · -:." ¥--?.'.i:-'/: .... :.'.'~-'~:~..z_~:.'~:_. .... ~_::'.. '. :..'::" .""..- .. "' .:~i.~.....':-..:.~-L' ~ '.?.~.~%.~C~:'~. ~,~.~..:::.:2:'z".,_~s_:~_.' , --: -.:. :~::._ .' j_.~ .... "..-..','. '..~::-contatned shall .deny the.'righ~ or. 'prtvile~8 .'.tO any person 'o~her.: '.' ~ -.:.;' ~."."...',.',..'%... .: '., . ... .. ... , . . '""""'" "'!':.'[":t'2~'~i':''t~e ~e°il..~:tor· to transport ~bbiage. pr.~_iu~ed' 'on:'Pre/~is~s .o~ea.".' ":' ;.:'-:"'","" ' :7 L ...-..; .....Or.L[....occ:u~ie'd 'y.':'him,~. provided...that., su~H ' b e.." "', ~o c. "..in" ""i '. .:ii :.. : .'.'.':'; ,. ..-.,.::. ~.~. :..., ..:. .. . '.. . . ..... . .... "":~ '" '"':' ' " · "'"'-./.:'.'"' '.",('!.' :' ..~.':") ' ":4: "'"' .f';".['.:....i · ~ - . ' ..' ., " .' ~' ..... ' , . '..... :...... -' .: .'.,' '~' · ..;... -.; . ~-.... ','. . ... ... .. : !'.~-.'. '..'.. . ,. '~.:.. ...... . '. . , · . . .,,. · i-'.. ~.. .'J : ' :" '""~- ' quantities' greater than ten' (lO)':galI. o.~.s.per., day;..proVided, however, - ..~that such :. pe~'s'6n before 't~an,~porting/such garbage' shall· first ob'tain -" ..,.~l 'a. permit ~'0 to ac' f...rom.' the.. :H~a!~'~i. Offic. e~. and further provided 'ghat. " 'whon:'the Hea'~.th O~"fice~' 'is 's.a~i. sf.i~d t. hh.t sue'h o.~ner, ahdl.producer can and ~11 t~an:~ort isuch...gldr'b'~ge in a..sanitarY and lawful manner. ...;...' -:'~' zNo"perso'n~, firm.or' ~°rporati'6n shail .... be 'Pe~mfg'ted..to dump" j. · . :' designated mmlc~pal d. ump.,t'o:'be ;p~0viJde~'".b:y. saSd,.C.i.~y~:'.an.d:' .Such.' '. .... '~' ·shall violate the.', s SEC~ION ' '"" · '.' '" "· ..he.. Ci. ty · ..; E'.a'nager, Shall pres'cri.b'~ suitable': tYPe'.S :or kind~sTM :of..ne'~'. or '~e- ". ~lade:ment.. . ~ . g'as.~b'a'g~' containers and' cOve~.s... :in. which.:~.~ge s,~.'l'be · placed· a~d.'.kept for c olle'~'ti°~..' 'Su~h'c'ont~ne~s, in' ~dd,itilon t.o'. · the requir.~..m, ent.s: .o~' Se. etto~: '3. (b).he.r~£,: Shall.be f~e~'...£~om.'all .. -.. ;..'...'.'~." .. .: .... '. . · ..:.. ~0'ugh o~ :j agge d s~rfac'e s ~hfch'.:'~Ould: be .' likely '~o C duse in'jury to -- :., · .' persons.'l~f.t:[ng ghem. The maximum s.:l.~.e .of any container'.shall.be · ,.. :.'.~2 gallon.s ,.'. 'but' . in no case shal'l .the .weight 'o~ the Con..tafner' and' · ..Contents.' be... Pe.r. mit.tod to' exceed 80' po~unds,, when ~.!,.aced for ·collect·ion. · · , (c)'....T..he City Heal~b' Officer,"w$.gh the 'approval'of the'. '~ 'C~ef.'.Engsnee'~L'0f the F. ire Department. 's~a. ll. ..pre scribe suit~bl'e types .. .... 0r'dinance 'N:o,','.70~. ~e'~ 'Series of ..the City .of. Bake. rsf~el'd.' ..' ... · ..-!_ .... ....:.-...::...: · . .... · -.. · . .:. . .. ' ., '~ . '..' · ~ ~.'... ... · '..: .~. . "~ .. . · .. ":" ~......: .' ,.,. ::..' SECTION. 8.. '. i ...... Mis~elt'ane°uS .... ' ' "'"" · . ' 'It shall be "unlawffil' '~6V. bury '.any refuse., within· ;g'he City of 'Baker;sr. i.eld, except·· ~t" a re. gui .a~.' 1~. :idesignated,.munieipa1 :.:.all:urn.p_ .. C0mbu'~'tiblo.rubbish may b'e ~'Urn~d...~'S pe'rmitted-.under- ..-- "n! e No. ?05 New 'Series-of .tbS-'CitY..of..Bakersfield.,'.a~d 'amendments · o...-i' .... ~ .g: ·When burnin 'may b'eL .d~ne ~ith0ut offensive-smoke 'or' o'do~s.' · ' (b.) .'it' shaii be unlawful gB'BU~ L6r bury.any garbage within ""'" ..'u't~.e"City of 'Bak~'S~ield. at .any'tt.~..:. : -'...'..' .i' ".':..i" ':'" · ..'..'-'i~?[.'.i.': .-'.(c) .An~.porson who 0'ccup.ies'.any. Premise's on'which refu-se.'.' · · ....:.'alcum'ui:a%e~': Shall keep and maintai'n/all...Coh.~ainer, s: used .~'s 'req.uiPod · "'""b-~th..!S'..''''''~ "' i ' .. i' """:..'i":'..'. '.".'~"'.' "': ' ' '"' · .":'~. y. '.ord'tnance~ in a clean and 's'anit'a~y e'0nd'f:t'i'~n at all .tfme~. · -" "{' )". Ail r~/'fuse shall, bec. Omo: ~he'. pr~pei-ty 'of ghe 'coi~[~c-tor u~;n'the -~athorized collectton.th~'re0f'as herein pr'0~lae~; '~'. ~0~A m .~-. .. i. ,~';~'i'I ¥. . ,i: . ·.. · .... , " .~-~orce_~n~~ ~ ~ , . . ·: ~,.......?-~..-~...,., .. . · .~_ .. . . ......., .,. :.. · ..... (a)' '.'.'lThe.' Health 0f.~i. ce'r' 'is h~r~byl S~.'ifi~ly requf'~e'd, to. · . "e.~...0r6e .the 'P~l'si'ons o'f this ordinance and':'§hal~· have the ri.gh~-i · .. t.O.~, in,~e'ct any and all premises "fo'~' the 'p~rPoses .of. 'determining t~' ''"~s~itary.condi. ti~n there'o'f 'and Whethe~ '.the. pr0.vi, sion~ of thi.s ordi- ,n~ nce o.r.. otheP health and .sanitary. ~equire'm~nts a~. being' Observed'; .. ar.d 'an~:.pe"rso.n' 'denying or '~bstr'Uc~ing sU~t~ inspecbi0n 'shall.be· subject t'o' .the. :.penalty -~e~ein p~Ov~ded. ", '.' ..:'..... ~ ..".'. .. .. " ' (b")' It: sh.a!..i be Unlawful' for .any person in 'an~manner -. ~n~er£e~e. wit'h' '~r obstruct, t'he ·collection· or. dispos'al"of 're~uSe- as · .',~e~'ein'prov. ided~-ror~ .. " " , · .~. ",'7: .... '_'{.c.') .'Th.e...Health O.f_fic'er, wfth'~.he_ .a..pp.'.?.o_Val:.~o.f::.the..Ci.~,N~nagar_~ .... '~' ": :'sh [11. h..ave'..th'.e power· t'0'.establish sanitary rules and'. regulations go ~e'~'nihg''the... .c°l~.ection and disp6sal, of refuge not. inconsistent With 'r~l an ": " ' ~'' ' · "· .... " t~.'s'0 n ce. .: ; ... .,. &.. ,,,~ .... ~,. , "' " SECTION 10'o ' .. .-.- '..i':;.'.. ... · · · · Penalty.. .. · "jo r.'Wilfully'.non, lcomplying'-~ith ~ny of tlh9 terms,..requirements ... ;..... r6'Visi.6nS c6ntained herein,, shall-be 'guilty of'.a-misdeme~nor, and " · -' ~is~'~c'°n~'i~c%ion'.the'r~of, "shall be ptm'ishable. by a fine not t'~ exceed ." . . J ' .: ": ... . . · , · Three '~tu~d~.e'd D~lla~s ($300 00)., 'os By impriSonment i~' t'h'~' County il". ~o~. a"Period not to. exceed..ni~ety days~, or by .both such fin~::.:...~ :"'~"a . i~priso'~ent, This penalty .shall' ~0t applyi to thee violation by · the c'oi~.e, ctor' of .any pt~ely, c0.n~ac~u~'al p~'ovision of his co.n~r'act~ -*' ~ .If. any'section, sub,.s~Ctio'n; c'l~use, · or ph~ase 'of 'this · ' o~dinance i's fOP .any reason .held to be'.'uncons~itUtion~l, such ~ ~.~,' '~"'~,~,~.' · .... . . ... d "c'~"s R i not affect ~th~..v~lid~y' of'th~ 'remaining .secgions . ~...ii' . .... ... . . this..0~dinance. The Council "hereby dec'lakes'.that it ~onld '"' .. P~se.d....t-h%.s 'o:~dinance, and each.section, .sub-'Se6~ion,-sentence, Clause · ;..'i" '. a~.d-./P~sse t~reof, irrespec~ive of. the. fact' tha~ any' one or .mdre ' ." "' 'L:.'...6i.~er' section.s, Sub-sections, Sentence's, .'cl~Us.e-s or'.Ph~ases be decl~'~ed .... 'unconstitutional, .' '"' ~ '- SECTI0'N. 1~., · ... ..... REP~.~ER ' '. · ...,..' 0~in~nces'Nos. 6S8 Ne~ Series' ana ?~ Ne~ Series and'~ll · . -- · . . · · · . . '... · ...' . ...~.... '.-....~. ~.,'.:...'.~.~ ..'....'...~.. .' ~...,........ ~ .... .,,~ ' .~:~ ?'~Lr,.~.. ~.' ..... ..._L ;; ... .. , I BEREBY. CERTIB~/'that 'the' foregoing. Ordinance. 'was passed :'"- 'and adop~ed'by..,tho CoUnoil of' ~he ct~Y..6f .Bakorsfi'eld,' a~ 'a - '... · . ~eguia~ 'm~o~iing held on the. ~4th'd~y o'f 'De'c.~m~er, 19§3. b~ the' ,, ' : '- --~-:f°'llowin~____v~.~. '" .. . . ' .... -. ,'.: . . .... I'.'.' '"'.' "" } · :':"-' '~' ""."" '~.°~:.:-- ......... ~-."~.----~---:-': .... '---~..:- · · I ' '. ',' '-' ~. .....'"."./. :...." '. 9x. ty Ol.er~.'and Ex-O~.r~'-cl.~ Oler~ 'o'~ 'the'..'.' .'i . . · .., .. , . . . .. · .:." " ",..~.".. . i/.l..'t . ... . ~.., .' .' ' i. :~ .. ~ .' .t I! ' ' . ~ 7 '~. , '~'.~.'-.' ..'°. · . " ".' . .. ' -' . .'..~ . . '~'L "°'. . . ' ... .' ' " "" '- · .2 ? v . ., .. ...-,, . .. ... .'..~...j~....~ .~ r" "~.~"-~. ~. , . - -- ' ' '-'. · · '" - ~ . '* ...... .y .'.' .... ;- . . · ,... o At av t of losttng (Ordinances ',: [ County of Kern ss. , MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that ', December 17 ~ on .............................................................................................. 19...5.~.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .......... D_e.c.ezilb~Z'....~L~ ..................................................... 19.5~., which ordinance was numbered ............................ New Series, and entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AND REGULATING THE COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION · ,: ~ DISPOSAL OF REFUSE, GARBAGE AND RUBBISH it' i IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, I?.ROVIDING .PEN- ALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION HEREOF, AND REPEAL- ... 'i ' ING EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 638 NEW SERIES ,.' '1 ' AND ORDINANCE NO. 983 NEW SERIES OF THE '.i CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES ,; :, IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. ' '1 ~ _~.~-~.'~",-,. · ~'/' ' ........... ......... ~ of ~ ;Oece~r~ 19 53 i~. ~ ~mmi~ion~i~s Nov. ~2, '.'.:. _ ..~ .............................................................................. ~...~ ..................................