HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1004 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 1eo NEW: SERIES. AN, EMERGENCY •ORDINANCE -AMENDING SUBDIVISION : _ ' ' (b) OF SECTION' -8 OF' .0RDIIVANCE' NO.. 879': SERIES OF THE. :C•ITY.':OF 'BAKERSFIELD; CAL:IFORNIA TniAEREAS •the increase in;.tYie number of dig roaming the streets of'.the City. of: Bakersfield. has -caused:a great number of -.complaiiitsm to-'be' '-lo.dged-'-with• various 1.departments .of the City -e.onebrning:.the nuisance'' being c'ommittecl b sai.d dogs in':,violation of Ordinance `No. 851 New Series', and. . .-WHEREAS:;. 7a .number` o.f 'dogs and- cats are--b.eShg. killed in the streets of. said--City and' the. b•odie.'s- permitted by the.- owners to remain':in. a,.c.6n'dition .which .-i's- offensive to the e1ftzens and .a .he°alth:.me'nac.e. •to; the comtaunity,, -and WHEREAS,' in order 'to'--preserve : the public'. health, peace, ' safety..and: we-If are' of. the'-inhabitants. of the City -of Bakersfield, -':th s' Council.: deems it necessary to provide 'for- the.. immediate employment -cf a..person t6•assist 'in enforcing 'the •:provisIons of ' said .Ordin°ar:ce 'No. 851 N. S. _ .NOW: THEREFORE, BE IT- ORDAINED-- by ,the.:Courie.i-l. ,of- the City .of Bakersfield, .-as follows': SECTION-1, That: sub'divi'sion. (b) of' Se-ctiori,=:8"-of O'rdinahce 'No.. 879! ..New Series of -the. ..City ,of Bakersfield 'be and the same is hereby :.'- -.-by: adding thereto a new''cl•assificatipn as° follower .:SCHEDULE.N0.' CWS . 19 :.__Animal Warden SECTION 2;:•1 lto e :an=emer geaicordinnce is hereby. de'c1are ; b ordinance within- the meaning of Section-'24- of• the _Charter :of .the. City .of Bakersfield, and shall take..effect:. imme:di ate l.y';upon its ...pass age Emergency I F]EHEBY.: CERTF'Y that the, foregoing/Ordinance was passed ' and: adopted by the Council-of the- City of Bakersfield;:at': a regular meeting thereof held:on."-the. '19th 'day of April, j9540 by the . o:l- :. :'.lowing vote : } ��f�6:' A$ A1��5, Q6�41{�sSi PiR4ESi ENELEih�SAUNDEL% SUWVMt VEST . .. }ye�n a eeniFl4 i �wri�!ri�w"w�_ •. y .. p1l�.A ■ww�ww�wiM�i i r�oi�. .. . City lerk .and Ex=Officio' Clerk of the Council:'of the 'City .of .Bakersfield. APPROVED' 'th L s ' i9t ay of 03p i 1:, :1954• MAYOR o `_t City o Ba ers e 1 i ` < F d j r Affibautt of lJosting (Orbittattres STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Kern } ss. I ! � MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1 That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on...---April 23 - 19..-5`.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting 1 thereof duly held on......April.. 19....................................... ... 19...5`� which ordinance was j I ` numbered...... 004 New Series, and entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBDIVISION I (b) OF SECTION 8 OF ORDINANCE ,NO. 879 NEW 1 SERIES OF THE CITY OF BARERSFIELDs CALIFORNIA I . •F 1 , 1 „ \>»�4�?�Q> .• a'`A @?� �} �4 _IIL+CM�.C!L ................... ........... Sul;kc ibe -and sworn to before mehhis �3_ n :d° of A r e. 1954_.. =� = -� . + - -----------------------•--- I ;Notorar�►Pu,tiN in* d,fo'r tbS County of Kern, State of Cdkkfo_wla. My Commis Ion k k�es=1 k. 12, i956: ;1 l 11 F I