HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1002 ORDINANCE NO, /oez 1MV BERMS AN ORDIKANGE APPROVING A1dI,TEXP T ION OF A PAR- CEL OF MUIRIABITED 7ERRITOIRf TO ThMi CITY OF BAMMRSF3ELD9 CALIPORNIAp AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THC BONDED 11,D)EBMIESS OF SAID 0I1.Y'm YMIREASS a petition was filed with the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the lst day of March, 19549 requesting that certain uninhabited territory therein described be annexod to and included Within the Incorporated limits of the City of Bakersfield,, and VHEIREAS9 said petition was signed by the oxmmers of one-fourth of the land9 by areas and by assessed value as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County df Kern, and WHEREAS; the territory described in said petition is contiguous to the 'City of Bakersfield, and YMEREAS9 said territory -does not form a part of any other city, and liJMREAS9 on the Ist day of March, 19544 there was filed in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Baker.sfielde a written con- sent.. signed -by all the owners of property included- in said territory, that said territory be subjected to taxation after the complletion, of such annexation equally with property in the City of Bakersfield to pay the bonded indebtedness of said City therein described9 the issu- ame of bonds to- represent said indebtedness being provided for in Ordinance Noe 893 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, together with city :Hall Bonds which said indebtedness Is provided for In Ordinance Noe 950 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, and any and all other indebtedness or liability of the C-a::y Which may aecrue from and after the date thereof, and this Commoil hereby determines that said consent Is signed by all the ounors of property included in said territory,, end oomplies in Query respect with the .provisions of Section 35319 of the Government Code of the State of Californyu9 and 3.0 - 3 a ,y a WIDWASe the Council of the City of Bakersfield did, on the let day of Marche 19549 pass a Resolution being No, 3.2-5.4, in compliance with the provisions of the Annexation of Vninhabited Territory Act of 1939, and amendments thereto.,. being Title 4. Division 2. Part 21 Chap" ter 19 Article 5 of the Government Code of the State of California r specifically descsribir.g the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield., and designating such terri- tory by an appropriate ldentsfi.cation•., and setting Monday, April 5., ],954s at the hour- .of .eight o'clock P,. Lop at the COutvc it Chambers, in the. Police Department Buildingq. 1620 Truxtun Avenuep Bakersfield, California., as the days hour and place when and where the City Cousesi3 would hear protests made by any person ovwning real property within the aforesaid - territory, and VW-RBAS9. said Resolution was published at least -twice. but not oftener than once a week in The Bakersfield Californians a newspaper of general circulation published an the City of Bakersfield, and also In The Oildslo News,, a newspaper of general circulation published out- side of the City of Bakersfieldp but in the county where said territory Is located$ said publications having been completed at least twenty days prior to the date set for said hearing., in compliance with Section 35311 of the government Godep and tiJEREAS., the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield has caused written notice of such: proposed annexation -bo be given by mail. at least twenty days before the publics hearing on said proposed annexation in compliance with Subdivisions (a) and (b) of Section 35311 of the Govern ment Code of the State of Calif orni a Q and �USEt 'a'1S., no written pxsotests -mere filed against the propoaed annexation by any amer of property within the territory proposed to be annexed, 2d NOW.9. THEFiEFOREa BE IT ORDATi:a�E.'D by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as folloVas o S ''CTION �•o That the Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby approves the axaaeaati.on and 3.nclusi.ean within. tho incorporated limits of the City of Bakersfield, of that certain uninhabited territory designated as WXORZAL HOSPITAL SITE, tks. 'boundaries of which are described as follovas Beginning at a point on. the north line of 34th Street$ — distant thereon 41,025 feat Qaiterly of the southeast corner of Block 630 of the City of'Bakersfield ield as shoym on that certain may dated March 1.0, 1904,.' entitled "sales May of the Kern. County Lar,l Company showing' subdivisions of its additions to the. City of Bakersfield9 Kenn Countyr Calif o.rni,a", whieh as id. may was filed i n .the -off iee of the County Re-corder of sa f d Kern Co 2ty., April 1.99 1.9.04 g thence ljorth Oo 169 20" East parallel with Ahd 41,*21 . feet -easterly of the oast line of said Block..6300 and.as ...deP scribed in "DELM OF GIFT" from. the Kern Gounty Land Com. panyg to th, 19GP ATER BAZE-R&T4':3ELD L .1:`IORIAL HQSP 12AL . . ASSOCIATION" dated Deoembe� P.S . 1J.53Q and reeorded January 1,8a:.19b4�; i ri gook 2174, pFalge A.P.- of Off i.elal Records of Kern.. Couiit r, a distano© of 610.��2 feutd thence - South 890 431:. 4:V' East, and av described. in : bf ve said 99DEED OF GIFTill 761,W7.2 fe7et.9 more or 1:0::s-s,� .to a point in the was.t 11no of -tjiGt certain parcel, &' 86' °ibed as Parcel. III 'In dead .-to, Fciblf ie Gass and EZectivio.. � bgPanys by Kern Coubtuy Land. C.omgany.3 dated day 29 19'ZO.j::�and reearded 'Mareh 1:49 1951:., in Book. 1,78.4-p� page 2158 'of Official Records of Kern Count g thenoe Soa,� a 14° 0 .� ra a t� -zd as described in said DEED OF GXYTg9' 586.34 . fe.et-9�. on and along the Westerlq line of said Parcel. 1113 theaz.ea. .S'outh 11.0' 391 309 Bestir and' as described in above sald'..'r¢DEjEb OF Glr-T.g` on. -and along the .yjesterl:y 1.im- of said �'sarL:e7 ,STT9 g distance of 43002 feet :to a point in the North l jaie of said 34th Street; thence southerly And perpe:adi.etal:ar W the North Une of said 34th' Street to a po3nb in the South line of said 34th Stree3t j, the last said point being also a polzit In the. corporate boundary of the City:' of Bakersfield, as said Corporate. boundary -is deJ...n9d by a Special. Election. held Marcia 2:1..9 1.9393. the canvass of . said Special Election by the Coumil of the City of Bakersfield was filed with the Secretary of State, State of C,al.iforniag Wisroh 299 19391 thence- westerly on and along the said South line of '34th Streer'b be3._sg �?so -'on and along the vorporate -boundary of the City of Bakersfield as definod by said Special. L'l.ectiorzp to -a point of intorseotion, formed by the southerly extend sion of the Fast line of thae aforesaid. Blook 630 and the 30 M _ said. South ,no of 38th Street; thence Jnortherl on and along- said soutberl -extens-g CM of the East � oa3k of Block 630 to the south.ec.sterly owner oy said B 6So.fl the 3ast nanad .corner being also a po:lnt on the ?forth .3su� of said 3 th StreA-'ua.. thence e6steriy- o�- aand -along the, said North line of 34th Street .aa d •staaaaasH OX 41625 feet9 to the point of beginning'- and oonta3n- Ing 7.5-o.52 goresa wore or loss" SECT TUTd ?{ Saa .d torrlto and the property locaa 0d thereing shaallfl upor the complaat:ion of fiche. :annexation Og Vne saacrLe to than Cjty of Baakers- field� be sub.;jeoced to taxation e.qual..y 111.ith, other proper•55y - n the City of Bal{er,sf w 3 4 Paythe bonded i.ndebt6dw as cry' the Ut J of Bakerof icl aasGribed in the aafcaresa,;i.d cor�sc�rat of the o�°r7aers of property Iddaated therein, the 18sulanat� oft '�o?ads: to represent asaa3.d. indeb-tedneea beixag provided .fca, in Ordinance Nos 893.0 New Series of the City of Bakorafie:�dp together With City Hall Bond-opthe .inm debtedneso therefor being. provided for by' Ordinanoe No 0 9�50.9. IteW Series of sajA City9 and any and a,Iul other Indebtedness or liability of the City urbich may eaaaruaa from and after %',he date thensof.; SEC T:�OIJ 3 This ordinanceashn. 11 become effeetive 30 days from and after the date of.. its passage, HEREBY CERTIFY that the fo:,-�cagoing Card�na3�ce yaas passed and adopted by the Couxxci.�. of the Ci.t�y� of Ba1cers 'issd9 at a regiiimr meet- ink; thereof held on the 5th day Or April.9 by the follovrik 'Mote AYES: CARNAKIS, COLLINS, GROVE, pg0h, 0AUMAa, PuWYAho VFV �i�.=n�arawMCKan.�P�n.rnnwrwenA�nw*9e1PIFlq NOES: . - CBS•ENT: Ifs aaarav+ri+y s j . �. o er o e Council of the C t,:y of Bakersf ield e APPROVED this 5t h aY 'of Aprilp 119.54. wMr__b1V___t11e rzy or aWe,s • e r I. Affibauit of Y 11vating 1 � t I STATE OF CALIFORNIA I'! County of K ern } ss. I t � y • 9 MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: r The+ she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that r April 8 1954 -_-... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the "on.... t.... - 19._ o City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting April 5, 1954 thereof duly held on...............................................................................................1 19------... which ordinance was � 4 numbered......1002 New Series,and entitled: 1 . r t AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PAR— CEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF 1 ! BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIAM, AND PROVIDING FOR ' THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. t � t M 1 1 ' 1 i I 'i 1 • 1 f. I lei S -is c?ibe a- d�worn�to Before me this * o I - � ------•-- --8tlr- _F.da J'of.� rile % 1954-.. •� ota. kkiliccin and foi.t6;County W Kern, �/`n •ti State of'Ccliforr�ia. Notary Publie lli anfffor t1ie'ICounty of Kern, State of�Csnfomla:` w I !� I' I my Commieslon:Exp'ires new =G1 1g56 r 1 1 ,