HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1019 ORDINANCE 'NO. I Q1 NEW-.SERIES AN ORDINANCE .OF -THE CITY OF BAKERSFIEID :.CONSENTING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF 'A _ PORTION OF A CITY STREET-, AS -A' PART OF THE COUNTY HIGHWAY SYST]±;M. WHBREAS;:,by: Resolution of the 'Board. of- Supervisors: of the' County';of"'-.Ker:n; duly. adopted. on July 19., '19.54, :the hereinafter-- described -portion of: Panorama -Drive; a public. highway-within the. City of.- Bakers- ,field, was--dedl.ared to. be.' a- County highway, and:. ...Said. 3oard- of Supervisor•.s- ,of-:.Ke;rri County:has, by said Resolu- tion, : re'quest-ed the -aonserit: of the -C35ty Council .of the City::-.of Balsers- field :to include _ said portion of=,.Panorama ,Drive in':tYie :County highway system;,,:-.and The . CdunciI of the. City of .Bakersfield- desires rt'o"con'sent to. 'said- inclusion. : . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT.-ORDAINED by the': Council of the City of Bakersfield,. as follows: - SECTION :1: -The Council of the'. City of- Balersfield does._Yiereby consent to the inclusion -of a' portion of. Panorama- Drive, :a .pub13 c highway lying within"-..the City of Bakersfieldo 'In' the.-County Hig1kdy:`System. ' That -said. portion: of Panorama Drive.. to be -'included in - said County Highway System; is,.:.de scribed as follows; A' strip -'of .land 11G feet in width lying 55 feet 'on each'." :.side 'of the -following. described .'line,: .:- : ,-Beginning. -at. a point .on .the West. line of Section 16, Town= ship 29' South, Range 28.East, . M -D.;-B.- &'_M., as said Sec- ti.on 3.6 is shown .and delineated b.y Tr ac:t.:No:.''169% re c orde d Naveint�er. 16, .1953 'in •Map. .Book 8�: Page. 94, in .the office of 'the County--Recorder of the County of "Kernq State -of California :sai•d:point .of beginning be ars .N. :00. 22 "55°. W..p a- distance _. : _ ����of-1510;91� feet From the .West ¢.c'orner__of said,iSect3 on 1_6:,---- _. thence- Ni, 890 06-1 31'! E., a distance of 192..61:-.fee.t;; ...thence. Eas.ter:ly ,a distance of :652:0'1 'fee-t-- 'along : 'tangent curve concave ..to'•-the North and having a radius of -.1879.14 feet; thence along S tangent course N.--'690. .13+ 43-11 E. a• distance - "'of: 68..29: .feet;. thence Easterly a-.:di:stance: of..'586.68',feet more -or. le ss along e::.t,angent curvet conc:ave. :to the ...:Southeast....,-arid having a radius of 2000•.feet, to in . an Easterly.boundary-line :of. .the:.City -of" Bakersfield.'" ..California;' the side'.'line-s of.the': above' described"-strip" of:land''are to-.be prol•onged-' or. shortened. so -'as. �•t:o .begin' on the. Tr6'st boundary •line: of'-s6±d Section 16. and -to terminate on the Easterly.boundary line of: the City':of Bakersfield as. it 'now -"ists. r ,'SECTTON 2:0 This.: ordinance ' shall� take-.effect thirty days 'from and- after .the . elate of its passage; ---=--==000- : . TBEREBT-CERTHY� that the foregoing ;Ord.3narice' was-'pissed ;arid.: adopted by :tYie. Council of the :Ci_ty`- of`..Bakersf eld,' at a regular meeting• tkiereof held on:- the •-19th .day.'pf July, •1954,. by the' foll-owing ;vote :. .: ' - ' ....�. :. . . • - tA1��.�,: C!�i:;:E'.KIS, i.4fl.INS, CS6�S;:i1,� E;S:;SL'i�;iEii's. S, ��tLlliiuy,PEST . ..; •' . NOES: -. AMNTq v ....... = '.' ,Gi y.. Clerx And d Ex- �f:iclo -Clerk of to ne ML Council of-•the City of: Bakersfield. 'APPROVED. July -19., 1954 UR o :e y of BakeVsrlelcl I Affibatidt of roafing (Oxbtnattres STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Kern } ss. ' MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I' 1 That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that 1 21....................... ........................... 19.N.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the ' fln...STFAT"I a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting I Y ! thereof duly held 'on............_ 19."P"_-_1954....................................................... 19......... which ordinance was numbered.........1019........New Series,and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. CONSENTING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PORTION OF A CITY STREET• A S A PART OF I I THE COUNTY HIGHWAY SYSTEM .� I�l . I i Subscribed and:swo31.91`before me this f 1 t� f u l 5.4 = _d�Yc°f_ , y. ._ 19 i �:`7� _ ......................... NotY�oy.Publ%ie'in an .Co d�fortheuntjr of Kern, r ' �,�Stote•of'Co1ifor6ia._ ` My Cominlsslon'Lxplres Nov 12, 195�s f I � I i Ii