HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1016 - ORDINANCE NO. J®�l� NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PLUMBING ORDINANCE NO.. 968, NEW SERIES .OF. THE CITY .OF'' BAKERS- FIELD, BY'.AMENDING :SECTION 609 THEREOF :AND ..: BY ADDING 'ONE NEW• SECTION THERETO' REGULAT- . - TNG THE DISCHARGE OF.. COOLER AND SWIMMING.. " POOL.WATER .INTO THE SANITARY.: SEWER: SYSTEM. OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS-, in, recent -yearv-the use of ''coolers and cooler systems in the'. :City. of Bakersfield has -greatly. increased, and WHEREAS.. it has been -the -.practice, of a..large number of the 'users `of said -coolers and cooling systems :to' discharge the water- therefrom, into the�. 'sanitary sewer system of said City, and WHEREAS, as a result: of the discharge of...water from. coolers and,cooling- systems into the sanitary..sewer :system .of said; City,: C3 ty1,s s:ariitary sewer system`hfid become . overloaded and this Council :finds it necessary 'to regulate .the di-se of- water. -from said c'oole.r.s. .and, cooling systems,. .arid WAFREAS.,. .the increase i'n the number of.--public; .and private swimming pools in said City has also cai sed ._a great :increase in the amount. of water being 'discharged. into the 'sanitary.. sewer system of; City, .:and .this. Council finds"'-it -nece:ssary to.. regulate the dis- charge_ of grater -from such swimming,;.pools.. :NOTr.t,,:.THEREFORE, BE IT-ORDAINED by the Council of the City'. . of. Bakersfield, as followst : . SECTION: 1.�' That Section 609 of Ordinance No. •968, New Series of the 'City -of Bakersfield be :and'. the sarrie -is-hereby :amended :to 'read' as f ollows -- le -'W&i%tion 609. ter which hag, been use:d`-as` a cooling meditinn in :any cooler, appliance., device or .other -apparat'us's: shall not be'• connecte-d to the drainage .system on the: pre mises where. said ci 'cooler,j%:::appliance , device:;or other 'apparatus is. lo'g-ated and-used, ;.: nor.:.shall. said: water .be 'in"' any;mannex di-scharg6d into -the sanitary -sewer system of-;•'the City 'of -Bakersfie-ld, propided; however, that water •which 'hasi'been used .as a cooling-'medium, in any cooler', ap pliarice, device or other appar.atu :.mus-t•-be Aispose1d.-,of in a manner.. `appro•vd-d,by 'the-- Chief Building -Inspect-tor-':of :'ths City, of Bakersfield. (b.) All- connections 'here'tof ore•-made or existing. .at ' the -time of the pas-sage of this --ordihanoe',. as .mentioned i .this. - secti-on� shall:'be disconnected' froin-�.the: sanitary sewer ..system-of the .City: of Bakersfield and, the- discharge;, of water:=from.. the coolers, appli-an.c:es: devices, 'and otYhi apparatus herein: mentioned, shall, .:: . on':or,.beforo the ls•t day'-:of -January;: 1955,. b.e effected. •in a:manner ---approved by the... Chief Building Inspector. .SECTION- 2. _ Ordinance ' No.' 968. New Series of '.the -City of:.. Bakersfield is- hersby-•amended•'by• adding thereto' a new ..section to be:. imxtribered I. :609.l'-whic:ti'beation shall read•--as- 'follows': Section' .609.1. (a.) . `All. swimming::pools .in the City of :..Bakersfield shall be equipped with a filtration' system which. shall be--,installed- under the.'.super'Vi si'bn- ''and-. to , the satisfaction, of tYie:. Chief. Building Inspector of:' said, City; whic-h7•said filtration 'system, will -permit the re-use -of the:-water in.".said swimming pools for ••a::period'-of:not less -than. one .year:: (b.) :The discharge ::pipe' ,fr.o%-.said :swimming ':pools.:shall not: be` larger than one inch--and the .water in :said. pools shall not . :be.. -discharged. into the sanitary sever' system.- of -said. City more . . ofte.n:• than once, -a year• and ,not.until a permit has been. obtained. from.,the: City Engineer whoy shall- designate -the. time for .:the.• dis•. : . charge'-of such-kater.' In no event. shall such -di scharge','of water from swimming pools. be,. at a' time when:,the cZ•ixaatic .temperature . 2. Its ii higher :than::seve.nty degree s•.- .(c.). 'All ' swinni.ng pools.•ex'. st'ing'. at the time of the passage- of .'thus ordinance•,. -shall•.be imade to conform...to :the •pro- :.visions:- of 'this - ordinance` on..:or be fore-•the°-..lst day of. Januarys . 1955•. ;. SECT ION. 3. 'Thi-s. or.diriance shall .be:...e•ffective . t-]i rty. ..days from and 'after: the date of its passage:., I.,HERE$Y.:CERTIFY th-at-.the'• •f.oregoing Ordinapee was passed and adopted by •the -Council '-of 'the ' C•ity' of a sfield at. a regular. .. :.;me,eting thereof.•he•ld- on"the :�;day of : : , 1�954. -by. t`he- f,ollowIng: vote AYES: CARNAKIS, COL•LINS, , EVLLETR, SCHMMER, kUGL.VAN, V91T ' --: NOES: ABSENT.. �.. ,,�.•..w.-------- Atj ...City:-'Cleric-'an . ' x-0 i.c io C er o e -Council=of the-,City of Bakersfield. AP R•.OVED this. . day or. �. 1954• .: . 0 . o City of ers e IAffibauff of lJoattug Wrbinanrrs STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Kern } ss. A d ;.� MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: �A That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that a euly 15 1954... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the it DD t AJOWIM ll, as 1uh, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting j I i thereof duly held on..._....November___12,___1954-__.--..--...-________________________ 19......... which ordinance was f numbered..1016_..............Now Series,and entitled: . '! AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PLUMBING ORDINANCE I I NO. 968 New Series OF THE CITY OF BAKERS— ; FIELDS BY AMENDING SECTION 609 THEREOF AND BY ADDING ONE NEW SECTION THERETO � { REGULATING THE DISCHARGE OF COOLER AND SWIMMING POOL WATER INTO THE SANITARY ? � SEWER SYSTEM OF SAID CITY. E i d I ' .& ----- �=;`Subscribed and sworn to before me this @, I = 15 .--day of---July 19..54. ' ........................ ' ' 1 Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, - State of California. 'l