HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1015 r EMMGENCr ORDIMNCE N0401.151M SERIES AN ORDINMICE DES IGITAT IIT G A CMTAni AREA IN THE CITY OF BAKMSFIELD TO 13B DEVOTED TO A PROGRAM OF' URBAN REMWELOPMER-T: PERMI-.LTTIPTG THE USE THIN OF CERTAIN WARTM IMMLLING STRUCTURES AND E Tm I3G SAID STRUCTURES FROPi THE STRICT APPLICATION OF CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE M-TIFORM BUILDING CODE AIM STATE HOMING ACT . ABD SETTING FORTH VARMICES TO BE ALLOMD IN THE J L7'MA.TION OF SAID STRUCTURES o WHMMS9 there exists in the City of Bakei?sfieldo an area containing a considerable number of substandard dilelling's9 which dftllings are beyond rehabilitatiori,, and% *hich constitute a health and f1 a grace to the 1 &iabitan`;;s thereof and a detriment to the surrounding community,, and TR EREAS9 in order to facilitate the clearing out of said area,, the abolishment of said substandard dwellings,, and to provide for the imtediate preservation of the public health, pedce9 property and saf®tyg this Council deems it necessary and advisable to set aside a suitable area to carat out; a program of urban redevelopment. and WHEREA.B.9 there are ava:_1.able In, the City of Bakersfield, a certain group of wartime dwelling units within those projects comonly known as CAL 4060 and CA.L 498% which are -suitable,, with slight alterations, to be used as dwellings in the redevelopment area,, and this Council belidves ft; would be to the best interest of the citizens and this community to allow said duelling structures to be used to replace substandard dwellings in the proposed redevel— opment area,, and to exempt said structures from' the strict applica— tion of certain provisions of the Uniform Building Code and the State Housing Act in the alteration and repair thereof, NOW9 THERWORE9 BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City _ -of Bakersfield,- as follo=.4s s__ �l® 9ECTiON l There is hereby designated a certain area within which certain Mime dwelling structures heretofore erected and occupied within those projects commonly known as CAI, 4080 and CAL 4988 in the City of Bakersfield,.. my- be used for the purpose of occupancy in replacing substandard homes, which said area is bounded as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly right of way line of the Asphalto Branch of the Southern Pacific Companya with the southerly line of California Avenue; thence westerly along the southerly line of California Avenue to Owens Street; thence southerly along the easterly line of Owens Street to Virginia Avenue, thence westerly along the southerly line of Virginia Avenue to Ring Street; thence southerly along the easterly line of Icing Street to Brundage Lane; thence easterly along the northerly line of Brundage Lane to the westerly right of way line of the Asphalto Branch of the Southern Pacific Company; thence northeasterly along said westerly . right of way lime of the Asphalto Branch of- the Southern Pacific Company to the southerly line of California Avenue and point of beginning. SECTION B That said wartime dwelling structures herein referred to are. her®by exempted from the strict application of the Uniform Building Code and of the State Housing Act -by allowing certain permissible substitutions in the alteration of said structures, as fallow-as Ceiling to 70 811 and bean height to 79 39. Roof and ceiling to support 10 lbs. per square foot live load in lieu of 20 lbso Bon—metaMe sheath cable for electricity with uninsuldated neuacral. conductor. 2 z 3 studding at W centers; providede howevers, that the folloveing conditions shall have been bomplied withp All of said structures shall be stuccoed to a minimum thickness of 3/4". using #1.8 gauge 2 x 2 mesh chicken wire. Provide concrete perimeter foundation and dwarf wall to -.� . w obtain 181R clearance gander floor joists, Install new plumbing, Plaster walls in shower with non-absorbent plaster. Provide separation wall between bathroom and kitchen.. Install new vents for a?1 gas appliances. Install new electric service and combination unit junction and switch panels Paint entire building. The present size of said structures shall be maintained, SECTION 3 The use of said tartirae struetures9 altered as specified horsing is hereby permitted upon emy property within the area above described9 to replace dwellings which have been declared unfit for human habitation by order of the Building Inspector of the City of Bakersfield., and which have been demolished, The placing of said war time structures. shall be limited to- equal the number of dwellings actually demolished by any person owning or having an interest in the property on which the 'building to be demolished is located , providod9 howover9 that the placing of said war tine dwelling shall not be restricted to the- land upon which said demolished building was located. SECTION 4 This ordinance is hereb3T declared to be an emergency measure- within the meaning of Section P,.•4 of the Charter of the City of Bakersfieldp State of California; and necessary to provide for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace, property and safety9 and shall take effect- immediately upon its passage. .0 I HMEBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Emergency Or was passed and adopted by the Council -of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 28th day of June, 1954. by the following voted AXES.P;A IV9 gA Q(�Jlllily UQKS..�1(�LET}�. Wi4kawAN, VEST' ty ler an �-0 ric io er of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED June 280 1954. of e y o a Hers �e • [ r? c 1 1 ,�# td�tutt of lJosting Orbittattres STATE OF CALIFORNIA ! County of Kern } SS. p � MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I j1 That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that I- on ..-_----J1l 6......................................... ................._-_. 19..54 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on.....Jude___28.I...1954..................................... 19......... which ordinance was numbered..1015______________New Series,and entitled: I � 1. E. E AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING A CERTAIN AREA IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TO BE DEVOTED TO A PROGRAM OF URBAN REDEVELOPMENT: PERMITTING THE USE THEREIN OF CERTAIN WARTIME DWELLING STRUCTURES AND EXEMPTING SAID STRUCTURES FROM THE STRICT i APPLICATION OF CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AND STATE HOUSING ACT, AND SETTING. .E FORTH VARIANCES TO BE ALLOWED IN THE ALTERATION OF I'! ! SAID STRUCTURES E; i 'I W ; I ��.. _ —� ... ,t r!r?ri-•----------------- � , � I. 9» .a. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9 ,,�� '•� 6t1i July 54 ........ ---.day of------------------------------------------- 19......... y t.. V ------ ---- -------- E I "` Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California. Camraissicn Expires June 9, 1957 .1 E.