HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1012 •dD ORD IIITANCE NO.10/ Vil SEA IES'. AN.:ORD INANCE" AMENDING. ORDINANCE NO..: 967,..-,-NE W SERIES OY:.THE :CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, BY ADDING PARAGRAPH (c) ° .TQ -.SECTION .1102; - BY ADDING-.PARAGRAP:H 3`- TO :'SUBDIVIISION.: OF SEC TION 1602, AND BY ADDING SUBDIV IS ION (e''l) - TO SECTION 33040 BE' IT :ORDAINED .by the. Council. of .tb-e.-:City- of Bakersfield, as. follows: . , SECTION 1. - -1khat'.sect,i.6n 1102 'of Ordinanae'.No.:; 967; ..'10w -Series -of the -City of--'Baker'sfieId, -be and the':'same-: is hereby amended by add•irig thereto. a new.paragrapki to::be -designate-d' --(c );, which 'said paragraph shall react as 'follows (a) Movable. non-load bearing incombus.tibiW.fire resistive parti t cps,,.. capable.. of wi.thstandi ng a temper atu.re. .exposure::.arid hose st am e test in .excess.; of. thirty minutes, . may..be ; installed . in any building. 'of office _type occupancy in. Group F' Divisi.on 2, :in: all .fire ..zones, where no:• space 'in excess' .of 100 :s.gtiare..fee t:. 3:,s: n�ed� exc1- ively-''for storage. SEC.TION 2. . . That "Sec t ion :1602- of Ordinance. No. '967, :Nets-Se'ries: 'of the City of , Bakersfield; be and the same is hereby attended by.aclding ' to Paragraph.: `.:.3:thereof a. new Subdivision; to. be: ciesgriat:ed (a).,: wk�ich said Sub d v- sion'•shall: read' as follows s (a) .Movable non-load bearing.:.inconib.ustible firere-sistive parti-. :tions, capab.le.:.',:)f- withstanding ,a -temperature :e po.sure and hose. stream 'test:- iri excess 45f.:thirty:m::nute:s; may ,.be "ins talled..'in"any:'building of .off ice: type occupg4cy in Group._F, Div s 3:on '2, :in a1 l 'fire: zone s-, where no spa.c'e: iri .excE:s:s of. 100..:squar.e. feet uaed:_e.xcl:usively: for storage: That, Section 3304 of .Ordinance.,.N6.I :967s .Newt Series of -t.he-City of Bakersfield; :be and the same is ,hereby amended-.by adding thereto .a new. . subdivision 't_o;'be de:d__gnated-. (4? ':.-.Wb ch" said:•:.s.ubdivisiori shall •.read ws as follo : :• I. (e-1). Mova.ble non-load bearing imcoinbustible f ire.'resistive '.parti- tions,, 'e-apable - of'-.'Withstatd-.i'ng- 'a'' tempera':ture p:;;posure-.and- hos-e. stream test in 'excess of.. thirty; .min' itres ..:may:b6.-• installed -in any building' of. office type occupancy. in Group F,. Division '2•, ,.in all fire. zones, where no .space in.excess . of . 100 square° fee.t- .is used exclusively fora storage. -SECTION -4- This .6rdinanc.e shall :take:' effect 'thirrty. days 'from and after. the 'date of its :passage, :I- HEREBY CERTIFY' that"'the foregoing-Ordinance was..passed and adopt- ed by the Council. of`-the City of . Bakersfi'eld .at: a. .regular meeting thereof held-.!on' tbe. -l4th.--day of June, 1954., Vy.,them., ollbwing vote; AYES:f�!lRi�;$ 3, f�i,.F_'.�_. i}��.�;.x`U "!'I�t•SA411�TDsR,S,SULLIVA4f�.t►�T - i y er an x z c o er or the Cound-il. of -the City. of Bakersfield,. APPROVED: June .j14,' �1954. o h eY. or a ers e - 20 41 •I , Affi avit of mating Or'btnanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Kern } ' MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that I I June 16 1954 _ , 19 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting June 14, 1954 thereof duly held on________________________________________________________________________________________________ 19......... which ordinance was numbered.........1012 New Series,and entitled: I , ' � AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. Y .I 967 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSTIEM, BY ADDING PARAGRAPH W TO SECTION 1102; BY ADDING PARAGRAPH 3 TO SUBDIVISION (a) Y M OF SECTION 1602, AND BY ADDING SUBDIVISION (e.1) TO SECTION 3306 r; i • i �i• Lill is E Y � f ________________ I kS • Subscrted_and sworn to,before me this - t a 16t1day�of_`June�'�: r-- ......_- = 19 i • _ I , ans ! -..N-btar'y,ilublie,in and foAge County of Kern, �• i �/f�� + State b�Culifornia: j My C mmissiof!Wires'Nov. 12, 1956 e Y'• i � �