HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1028 ORDINANCE- "NO.' 16 x NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE ..-AMENDING SECTION .3.01' OF ZONING + ' ORDINANCE 'IJO,• 1010� NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF..BAKERSPIELD, . BY CHANGING -THE ZONING OF CERT., AIN' PROPERTY BOUNDED ON- THE 'NORTq"BY -PANORAMA DRIVE, ON THE -EAST BY- BRYN- MAWR DRIVE, ON THE SOUTH BY SHATTUCK. AVENUE AND ON THE WEST BY AMHERST STREET.-AND RIVER::.-'OULEVARD. WHER AAS._, in-:accordance'-with, the'-'Procedure set, forth in the. .; provisions o•f. Zoning. Ordinance No.. New Series, of the City of Bakersfield, 'the, Panning •Co and City Council . have Yield•..hearings on -'a'.petitiori.-to..ahange' the' zoning- of certain prop.' erty. within. said City, -and JWHEREAS., the.' City --Council has de.te.rmi-ned. after- due cons.idera- tAon that said zoning changes _should•be authorized. 1V01n1; THEREFORE, BE IT -ORDAINED BY .THE:. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF -BAKERSF.IELD, -.gas. fbllows _ SECTION 1. . That Section.. 3:01 of Zoning.-Orrdinance• No. 1-010' New 'Serie's :. .,:of -the .C'ity of- Bakersf ield, be . and. -the.-.same i.s. -hereby amende'd by ' changing the zoning. .of certain property . n' said. City, ;as follows:'- ....•. .. (a) Changing the zoning b-oundarie s from-an Interim R-1 (One,-Family Dwelling) Zone to. an R"2 (Two--Family Dwelling) Zone - offollowing . described: property: .:'Beginn.ing at 'a point -in -the 'Nor th 'Boundary .line' of .Tract �No­ 1709; recorded. in.,Map Book 8', page 122, which point is the ' in.tersection with the Nbrth line- of Shattuck.Avenue :with the West line bf ,Amherst Street;. thence N. '89° 3.71. . ' : . 05" E.,..7500 feet to' a point at the- beginning of--a curve, ... . : .from which point the center -of' said' curve bears N.. 0°- 22.1- '551.' W•.,- .-770.00 feet; thence 'along said curve. in an Easterly • ,direction to a point at 'the. end of •said. curve, from which point the .center. of said curve .bears N. 200 .46� ' 17" W., 770.00 -:f ee.t; .thehee. .'No 690 131• 43" E.",' .442-.51 feet to a,point on .a --. ---- . frofm which:�<p.eint the...cant-e.r:-of- s.a d:::.ciz�ve-_ha.ar-s_H ==: 860 52t 0611, W.,..660.00. feet; thence along said curve in a . -Northraesterly. direction to .a point at the.,.:end of-'said curve 'from. which point the center - of.' said :curve'..bears• S. -69°':.13•1 43" W. , 660.00 feet;'. thence No.9 .200 46t 17" W.:, 350.91 at to. a- point at the -begirmi-ng. of a curve,' -from. which point the center of said ,curve.bears S• :690: Z31 A3" .W., .15.00 ' feet; thence along said curve in a' riorthwesi r' y:direc- :tion to a, point. of reverse '-curve-, from which. point the ' : center of .last mentioned curve .bears: S =390 33''-- 32" E.. , 15,00. .feet acid the center. of-,the -following. curve bears N.`39° 33t 32" 'Wes 471.21 reet; thence alorig .said curve ' in a Southwesterly' direction -to a 'point :.ori said curve from which point the . center oP said curve'-bears N�, -33 131 17" W14:471':21 'feet; thence' .'S. • 20° 46t _�:7'!; �.,,. 441,08 feat; thence. S.• 690 13 t' 43" we, 401..55 fee# `o a point- at the •beginning, of- a curve, from which. point the center of ..said- curve bears N. 200 46.1 1-7" W. , 660..00':feet; thence along- 'said •curve in 'a -Southwesterly direction -to a point at".the .e,nd -of .said curve from which,poirit'.the -center of said curve bears N. 0° 22t. 55" W. , 66o..o0. feet; thence Be 891:) 37t 05" W.,. 75,00 feet; thence So. . 09 •221. 55` E•s 110.00.-feet to' the true point of. beginn (b) Changing the zoning Prom.' from':-an'Interim R�-1 .(One- Family -e.11irig) .Zone to an- R-3. (Limited Multiple-Family .bweTling) Zone of the '.f'.oll' - ng described property: Commending at a,point in the Northerly. boundary of Tract No. 1709, recorded in Map Book .8, page-,-122,. -in the office .of. the County Recorder;. County: of. Kern 'California, which. point, is'.. at. the intersection .of the North..Ij-,ne of.'Shattuck Avenue. - acid .the West line of Amherst Street;-• thence .N. -'00 .22t 55" W.:,. 110_.00 feet -to the true. point... of.,:beginning; thence N.• 89 - 37:t�� 05" E., 75.:00 feet to a.'p61.nt. :at. the beginning. of a curve, from•which point .the -center, of said curve bears N. �o° 22t . 55" We jr 660,00 feet; thence alor gi said curve - in ,a. NorthPas-terly ;direction to a pcjint -at the' end of said curve, ..'.:.from which.,:point .the- center of, aid' curve bears N. 200 46 x 17" ,W. ,'•:660.'00 feet; thence- N. 690 13.' 43"• E.,s'. 4o1..55 .feet; -thence :.Id.. .20° 46,E•_:1-7!' W., .441.08 feet to•..;a'point on a curve, from which. point the 'center. of said cure. bears' N.- 330 13.1 .:17"- W.', :: 4,71,21 feet; thence along ;said, curve iiz a Northeasterly. . direction.:..t ' a -po.in.t• of.-reverse curve,-: frbm..which-point the center of�-.':lastI mentioned curve. ,be,ara N.. :�3.90 33' 32" W�, 471.21 ' ,feet: and : the center of' the fol-lowing..curve be.arss.S. ' 3.9° .33! 32" ..E.,..15.000 fQet;.- thence along- said- curve •in, a -Southeasterly _ drection:.to a :point at the and of. 'Said'. .°urve from .which point tYie7;:`center--of said curve':,bearls $.-� 690'.,13't .43" W•.s 15.00 feet, :thence N. 200. 46 t �:711 We st s 579�.21 feet..-to -a point on a -curve,. from which oint 'the center. -of said= •curare. bears) N. 150 .55t :. 42" W. , 193 .14 feet; . tYienca. •.along ::s-aid curve . in 'a Westerly. dire'etion.'to • a point. on said .curve; from which point• the . center line', of Brjrn- Maur Drive. as' shown :on;:Tract No. 1699s -'recorded in Map Book 8, p'age. .54 in the office -of ' said County Recorder, bears N. 690 '131. 43" E., 200.00 feet; thence. S. .20 :46t: 11"' E.s 412.:93 .feet; thence -S. 69° 13" 43" W.,. .389 -32 -feet; thence S. 10. 47t 00" W., 140:79 feet; thence. .._ , ._..`�.�...__..._�...�..., S. 00..`221w .55". E..,. 460•58 -f e,.et to.,t_ he --true ,point .,.of 'be�i�nning.. and ' Commending 'at the: North�iesterly• corner of.-Tract•:No.:' 1709,' recorded in -Map Book 80'•page ;122, in the office - of the County Recorder of:the' County of :Kern, , Galifornia, Which point is at: the; •i'ntersection of the. North' Brie of Acadia Avenue .'with the -East line of River Blvd,; thence N. 0° 22, 55" W„-- 1131.27• feet to the true 'point'.bf beginning; thence S.. 0°: 22t- :'55" E.,. 45.00- feet; thence N. 8.90 05e 35"'.'E., '• ?55.4-L. feet; thence 'S. 1° 47, 00'� .1�.,- 111.6.3 feet; thence No 690 13�' -43". 'E•:o 369.�.32-'feet; theric'e :N. 20° 46 •17" W., 162.22 feet.;:: thence in .a: .Wes•terly .4irection, to. a point from which-'point the- true point of b.e inning bears S: 69-0. .05t 351".W;-l: 200.00. feet; thence' S. 89 05' 35'�i W. .200:00 feet :to.-the %true •point of beginning* ::. CYanging the zoning .boundaries. from: ara 'in terim R'-1 . (One- Family-. Dwelling) .'done to. a C-;l (Limited Commerci'al')::,Zone of the 'ol- lowing. Aescribe.d .property:: 0omra6ncing .at the said^ Northwest 'corno.r of said Tract No. ' . 1709; thence 'N. 00�"221 . 55't W- , 1131.27 feet ,to., the."true ,' ' point of: beginning-; thence c:onti.nuing. N. 01?.'22 e. ' 55" ,W- , 335:16 f.e.et'; thence-- -N:. 8g° 064% 3111 'E., 138:10 feet to "a ' point. -at 'the- beginnirig -.of• a 'curve, from .which- point the center of .-said curve --bears.- N-. Oo;'-53 t 2911. W. ,. 1.934.14. feett;` thence' along said, curer@ in; an..Easterly direction t'd: ' -point, on 'said-:curve from which.:.point.'the ..center of said curve bears N.•.'.l•.Oo 50f '55". :W..; 193,4• 4 -feet;.. thence S.' .200 461•- .:17" E.', -25.0.:71 feet; '.thence in 'a,.. Westerly direction to a point . from which .point,,- :the• true:•point of beginning bears S. '890_051 :35" W.y. -900..00 -feet thence S- '-89° 0 + " 200.00 feet .to, 'the true point, of, beginning. SECTION .2. TTiis ordinance shall...take effect; -thirty days from and after .. the :date of its: 'passage- , ' :'i --BERE•BY CERTIFY that'. the foregoing 'Ordinance was..passed and adopted' by th.e: �Counc•il of the City.•of .Baker.sfiel-d''.at% a regular meet- :.ing :thereof h.eld..•on -the 27.th -day .of, Septeiibe.r, .1954, 'by tYie- following '-vote .. AYES: R1CI$ co CROSS,EVELETH ,scNw1IT24 SuurVAR. •VEST NOES: C. y Clerican Ex=O icxo. C' er : o -� e Council .of the CitY •of•Bakersfie;ld. :.: APPROVE Q •Septemb r 27, 1954•' mor MAYOR-of' t e . city .of Bakers ie:l 3� 1 I pj of rooting (Orbtnttnrps � STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Kern } ss' p MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: ' That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that ! on___..September 29 1954 _L9 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the ' F)�,E D&ARTMW NO.. 1--�STATIGN ----.... NN) a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on.......September 27......_.... 19.54, which ordinance was numbered--.. 028.............New Series,and entitled: ' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.01 OF ZONING a ORDINANCE NO. 1010 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERT— AIN PROPERTY BOUNDED ON THE .NORTH BY PANORAMA I DRIVE, ON THE EAST BY BRYN MAWR DRIVE, ON THE � I SOUTH BY SHATTUCK .AVENUE AND ON THE WEST BY ! J AMHERST STREET AND RIVER BOULEVARD. ' , I jll i qq r ' 4.pciibed and.swot•n to before me this �";r,,.a«.,.,,4,''�' •,!• ' September' + r 54 .............. 19 , kotary Public in aiodo-r,fhe County of Kern, I {• 1 +�4" - !+ 'State:ot-California. ` �f�l mmtss n'i*r Nov. 1z 1956 I :; i