HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1025 ORDINANCE NO. NEW SERIES I ;.AN .-ORDINANCE LEVYING UPON TIDE :ASSES.SED-.VALU- ATION OF -THE -TAXABLE PROPERTY IN THE CIT Y OF ' BAKERSFIELD A RATE OF TAXATION UPON'EACH ONE HUNDRED'•DOL' LARS OF VALUATION FOR TAR FISCAL 1EAR -BEGINNING - JULY 1; 1954 AND ENDING JUKE 302, .1955. BE•-IT ORDAINED BY. THE "COUNC.IL OF TM."CIT . OF-,.'BAKERSFIELD,- as follows SECT ION '1. Tkat 'there."-is hereby ..levied .a• tax of seventy-nine and one-half ..Oent's'• ($:795-) on, each.'one hundred.' dollars - ($100;00) of the. assessed. valuation'of all ;taxable property ih- '.the -City of Bakersfield County .. of. Kern.,.,State of , California," f:or` municipal expenses" of -the- Municipal Government"-of • said City (excerpting as- hereina'fter 'inentioned). during. the fiscal year begiru�ing with the first• day 'of' July, ; 1954,' and end- ..ing with ..the: .-thirtieth day of June,. 1955, _ SECT.IQN• 2.0 That there is. hereby levied a• :tax :of eighteen and twe-tenths cents, ($".182) on each one hundred dollars ..(tlOOgOO) of the" assessed valuation of all taxable property in the City. of Baker-sfield,. County of .Kern;"-State of California _Capital. butlay during, the fiscal. year. beginning with .the - first day ;of July; "1954, and ending. with the :- thirtieth.•day ,of June, 1955. •SECTION 3.. That . there .is hereby levied a tax' of two and one-tenth cents ($.021) on each one hundred dollars ( 100,00.) of the assessed valu- ation of. .:all taxable "property within the City of Bakersfield, County :of�Ke"r_ri;:-State. "of_-_Qa.l.ifornia.,::;for_ the._Recne.at"iQn_:Cammi:s-s:ion,ydurin __;._..__ .. the fiscal .year beginning with the "first day. ''of July, " 1954, .and end-. 1ng with the thirtieth day. of June, 1955.. y :. ... SECTION 4. :Tkia t there is hereby levied: a tax of fifteen., Arid ..one-half cents on, each orie ;hundred dollars .( po 00') 'of 'the assessed valu-` ation of all. to_7able property within the .City of Bakersfield, .County :of. Kern, State of• Cal'if and'-Playgrounds during the r fisca]: year beginning with;. the first .day_;of July, 1954, and eridin g with..the thirtieth' day• of June;" 195.5. .. SEC T TO.liT ..5'.. . That there is':hereby leviecl.:',a,;=tax of :'twenty and. one-half cents 4405) o$• a:a -b--. one' huridre.d""dollars :1010.0.60�)•. of the .,a'sse'ssed valu. anon oftax:able.;pr-operty witki`in-::the:. City of. Bakersfield; County of Kern, State of California, or Col�l:ection ,and Disposal of .Refuse and Garbage.:_during' the fiscal year .beginning with the first., day. of - JiaTy, 1954'; and'.ending ?i�rith the th irtieth day of.' 'Juno g955. . ; SECTION- 6,: :That .there is". hereby.levie.d a tax of six and one--!-half cents ( .065.) on': each i�ne :_hundred. dollars ($100;00) of the' -assessed valu ation, of:all taxable .property within the"City of Bakersfield, Count y of Kern, : State of 'California;. foir. -the : contribution of the City of Bakersfield. to tk.e :Firemen=s Disability` and-' Retirement...P during :the fiscal year. beginriirig:'with .the first day: of: Ju]:y, 1954, and ' 'end ing with the thirtieth th :day..o.f,',June., . 1.955. SECT2 .N. 7', .. . That , there: is :hereby levied a tax of` :eleven and" three-tenths. cents.' on ��acki one hundred dollars ($100.00) of" the assessed ' valuation.'of' all .:taxable•• property in the. -city. of Bakersfield Co unty of Kern- -State of :California, fbr .the contrbution'.of the City of ,�B�aker_sf-'ie3d` 76.thee-Cali -f-Q nia State mployees.t Ret re`..MP.nt-System-cur3h -' the fiscal year,,bFginnirig with -the. first -dayof Jul g y, -1954� and ending with' the 'thirtieth: day of •June, 1955; '. . 2; ; SEOTION. 8. That. there '.is';hereby levied. .of tax.:of .seven 'and six-tenths cents A.076) on each one hundred dollars =:( lOq.;'00) .;of .,the a-sse'ssed valu- ation of all taxable property w1tk5in the"boundaries'. of the City. of Bakersfield, .Cot;sity of Kerns' State. of Cal.iforna as. said boundaries :were fixed,land.,-determine'd on'tkie._4th day. of. Decembers 1950, for •Sewer Bonds-:r195L. lhterest-'arid-.-Redem tion Fund clurin the.-f.•iscal' P �. g year 'begin- nirig. with the', firs-'t'.'day• of July, 1954.- -.-and" ending .Withi the 'thirtieth. dray of ..Jura, 1955. SECT That.'-there is' hereby.'le' vied' '.'.tax of .five and eight-'ten.ths:'cents •;(4.058).'-on each. ot&': hundred' dollar, s 60;OOY -of the assessed-.4a' luation. . of :a]:1 :taxable: property within .:the -Citty'o '. Bakersf.ie'Td', County of Kerri, • . State. off: Cal:iforia;:= 'for' City -H411 Bonds. Interest- and._Redemption Fundddil . ng .'t. ie fiscal year beginning v�i.th '.the ''first day of July; 1954, ,and ` ,..ending Wi'th..the''.:thirr-tie-th• day -'bf June, 1958.' SEC'P-ION'10, That there; is..`'hereby' leved'.:a :rtax o - three-to nth§ cents ( .003) on -64.dh._pne. kiund34e•d--doll airs ($100,00)'.0f ::tkie assessed .valuation of all ;taxable property w:ithjn the. City of. Bakeris.field1, County of Kern; .State of California, fc�r° '.the. Flannln '9 and .A.cquisi.tiori Fund during :the fiscal: year; begirinirig: w;Cth -the f ir:st day of :Jul'y : 1954:, and ending witki the thir.tie'th. day: •ofz June, _1955, SECTION -1.10 That- there .is hereby levied -a-. 'tax of - two`-cents- 4 020.) on each one . hundred.;dollars ($100.00) -of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within t:he. d.ity of. Bakersfie.ld;'-- County .'of. ..I�ern, 'State of :.Calif- ;:•:orna; or:r:the� Mator. Vehicle License Fee Fund during the fiscal year. beginning with. the first day of: July, 1954, 'and ending 'with the.. thirtieth day''.of June :::195r . SECTION ;12.:`- That there is hereby levied :a' tax: of four and' seven-tenths cents • -($..047) on each one hundred •dollars..•($160. 00):'.of the assessed valuation of :,all -taxable .prgo e-rty �iitkiiri -the' City. of. Bakersfield, County of Kern, �S:ta�te.,6f'_:!Ca1.1fornia, ' for.• ,t)ie:.Traffic :Safety :Fund during the fiscal year beginning-.with. the first day. of ..July; 1954- and' ending with the: thirtieth day of June, 1955, SECTION- 13: .finis, ordinance shal'l take:. effect: thi -after the date of...it's passage'.' `. -:1 HEAEBY-:CtRTIF'Y.•.that :the'.- foregoing. Ordinance 'was passed --and . Adopted by 'the Council of.:the. City'of Bakersfield "at-,a.regular meeting thereof: held -.on' the- 23rd da.y of 'August, 1954, by the.-::following vote:: - AYES: CARNAKIS, LLINS,.CROES;EVELETH, SCHWEITZER, SULLIVAN, S'•:Si NOES.: ��t _ -. ABSENT: Kar an S.' Irvin 1 y er 'an x- --cl o G-Leric of e ' Council of ':the. City of Ba'kersfie-ld. By ro em . APPROVED' this 23rd day of August, 1954.. ZL 'C a er s e 4• p STATE OF CALIFORNIA I;y County of Kern 1 Y , I 1 . MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: y That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that I on....................August 25 19__54 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the 'Fire Stat ion , a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting I I I thereof duly held on...................August 23 .............1 19..54_, which ordinance was ----- 1025 ` ' numbered____________________________New Series,and entitled: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING UPON THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE TAXIBLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Y A RATE OF TAXATION UPON EACH ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS OF VALUATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY I. r 1, 1954 and ENDING JUNE 30, 1955. i. I e r ' Y � ! 6 �I 11 ' IP 'a���,.,, MARIAN S I = �• .. IRVIN--• ---- -- •--- ............................. . . . .. __ �. �. City. Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of > Bakersfield, California Subs' ed•and swoorn t 6efore'.me this *of...l G!F'.11. ----'--------- A 19 ¢ B A ` �.- ........... . 1 Notary, of,Pub1ic in and,f6r thl County of Kern, �• tote Cadfo4riia. i IT= I2 2956 i e 7