HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1039 r^ POdR ORIGINA. r. ORDINANC! 1:0 0 103 �L. 9. Lta SERIES AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AST EXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO TIIE CITY OF BAKERSF'IELD, ( 1!mil-ORWIA y AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF ' SAID ^I -.-Cjj 0j.-0Z `.�0 .PAY T►iE BOWDLD IIv_DEBTEDNESS OF SAID i 711,'PHA;3, a petition T,as f Ilea 'with the Council of -bile City of on the 14th day of February, 1955, requesting -that certain =".err?.tory therein described be annexed to -aid included a:itb n the incorporated 'limits of the City of Bakersfield, and 7.,1FIP,R AS, sat.d petition gas signed by the owners of one-fomn'th of. the I si-xil, bt� area., and by as-sassed value a's shown on the last equal- ized as: �s u-_n,.e nt :roll of the County -os Xe rn, and WMER _45' tltic tei;r .tory described in said petitiob is con..tig® uous z.o -i ha C.2 -by of Bakersfield, and i4l- Rs AL'S, sa.:?d tei:-rlto:ry doe's. not form a part of any other on "be IL*b n day, of February, '19550 there iras filed in 'be office of the City Clerk 'of the City 'of Bakersfield,, a written consent,, by C 1 the owns is of propearty included in said terries tort', t.h:?-' s2i-6- te's° it6ry be sub j-Peted to texation after the completion of s.cb. c."nnE?n4 ,r'-Jion cquall.y with property in the City of Bakersfield to pay r e ro:acted indebtedness of said City therein dascribed, -the issuance of .midis to rap-resent said indebtedness being provided for in Ordinance No. 89::9 "IMe-- .Ser_ess of the City of Bakersfield, together %rith City Elall Bonds hich said indebtedness is provided .for in Ordi- nance 1 o.. c)%C�o ow, S�ories, of the City of Bakersfield, and any and all other irldcb-cedzess or 1l.cbility of the City which mad aec�ue frora and after tlru dat o thereof, and this Council hereby date niiaes' that said consent is sJ,gned by all the owners of property included 'in -said terri- tory, axl4 Morcip s. s in every respect with the. provisions of Section 35319 of the Cave nti.ei2t Code of the State of California, and WIM-FEASB the Councryl of the City of Bakersfield didq on the loth day of February, 19559. pass a Resolutions being No. 15-55s in compliance with the provisions o? the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939� and amendments thereto., being Title h.q. Divi,!� sion 20 Fart 2, Chapter 1.0 Article .5 of the Government Code of the State of California9 specificaily describing the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, and designating such territory by an appropriate identification, and setting Monday, March 219 1955, at the hour of eight ooelock Pontas at the Council Chambers, in the Police Department Building.9 1620 Truxtun Avenue , Bakersfield, California3 as the .day, hour and place when and where the City Council would Bear protests made by any person ovrning real property within the aforesaid territory, and WHEREAS, said Resolution was- published at 'least twice o but not oftener than once a week -in The Bakersfield Californiatae a news- paper of general circulation published in the City of Bakersfield, and also in The Oildale Nears, a' newspaper of general circulation published outside of the City of Bakersfield, but in the county where said Cerrito--y is located.., said publioations having been completed at least ttrenty days prior to the date set, for said hearing,, in compliance with Section 35311 of the Government Code, and WHEREAS, the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield has a ause d written notice of such proposed annexation to be given by mail at least twenty days befog a the public hearing .on said proposed annexa.- tion in compliance with Subdivisions (a) and (b) of Section 35311 of the- Goverrid6jht Code of the -Stata of California, -and - 2, 4 W13EREAS5, no written protests 7,:ere filed against the proposed annexation by any owner of property within the territory proposed to be annexed, N'OW.4 THEREFORE-, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: SECTION 10 That the Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby approves the annexation and inclusion withi)a the incorporated limits of the City of Bakersfield, of that certain uninhabited territory designated as REAL ACRES NO. 1, the boundaries of which are described as follows-0 That portion of Section 35., Township 29 South, Range 27 Bast, Mount Diablo Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California,, according to the official plat of the survey of said land on file 'in the Bureau of Land Manageme nt a more particularly described as follows: Co;wien.cing at the Southeast corner of said Section 35, thence South 890 543 Ifost, along the ' southerly boundary line of said Section. 35 a 'distance of 1363.70 feet; thence North 00 07-1e West a distance of 60 feet, to the true point of beginning, said point of beginning, being the Northwest corner of Brund- age Lane and Real Road, and also a point on the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, California as said corporate; boundary is defined by Ordinance Noa -663, New Series, adopted February, 27, 1950, and filed March 30, 1950s. with the Secretary of State, State of California, thence along the follc ling coiwse.s - aild distances as def-lnod by a deed recorded Decerdbar 160 1952, in the office of the County Recorder', in Book 201.5, ?aPe 403, Official Records of Kern County South 890 549 lie st, 'a distance of 330 feet; thence North 06 Oa u Jost, a distance of 660,1.5 feet; thence North .89a 50,9 East, to intersect the Westerly ?ire of Reel.' Roadg and the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, as said corporate boundary is defined in said Ordinance No. 863, Now- Series, a distance' of 330 fee�; thence South 00 071 a East, along said Westerly -line of Real Road, and on and along said corporate boundary of the City of- Bakersfield, a distance of '660o29 feet :.to the true point of beginning for this description, containing 500017 acres, :more. or less, SECTION 20 Said te:z�ritor�r, and the property located therein.. shall, upon the completion of the annexation of the same to the City of Bakersfield, be subjected to taxation equally with other property in the City of 30 $ake.en -le d to 1?<<y t:`3n E)omdnd Of the- Ci:l.liy of Bakers- field., C�i.+�,C�'!.�.'nf�, _'.n 'i?.,O aeoxo so-A(:s consci.V of '."he O4iners of property ioca1:Qd thzro:u., th— .l miLianco o::� o said indebt-odness bean; 'riJ3.:ov•j dart .'C)' -1.2 ltj- _C.i - O.0 A'C:Yi uQ"s'LOS Of the v1i:y O'1' Saakersfie,ld -rith City "lal', Zonds,, the -+zld b-Z-tidness Vaare or being ,rJY'Girif-dC:d Jfv:° by :1 'Q: 'sac Qo 0z ;':u: !cri7u of said City, and an7' :`ncl all OL'hs ; C' �.� �iJ'i;3_? :.0 3 O � ��3_t.��LET of th6 City which inay acc-rue from. r a "I ol:+te:c, 'i.1i3 ilat-Ca '!i.'•13 s'o�l�p h1i.U.0 .L ON Thi.s Gx dDnM,,c-: shall bocef_ 0:cfecti 1-'c thirty days f'rami and '?"r-27 GER.'£!.?_w.. :�1 '':: z-zi.:- s'oral,o:ingO}/T�'dl n:'e�./k�ce was passed €nd adopted y Ii1�o 1A V urilc'�l Of .I..�LJ C-t t� Of is �1 JlJ����^.YL�IS� 9Lt a :a jular �'!1C-�Qi;'�n� 'i: .,()�•CiG L10l(ik o'n u-+.".n 21Ut C•.csj of March:, by the :t'.Ol..OY+7i:11c" votL„ AYES: CARNAKIS, COLLINS, CROES, EVELETH, SCHWEITZER, SULLIVAN, VEST NOES: - None ABSENT: None of -1m; C-I ty of Bakersfield. i a e 4. Affibavit of ljosting Wrbinanrra STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 County of Kern j ss. a p MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that ' ! on--------J%E0RAL 2255a_FIRE_.. -- __-___-, 19___55 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the STATION------------ ---_ ,p a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting y . thereof duly held on...........March....21..............................................----.-.---...., 19--55, which ordinance was numbered_-1039..............New Series,and entitled: 1 , I AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF I � I Q UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELDs 9 �� I CALIFORNIA S AND PROVIDING •FOR THE .TAXATION OF SAID I i ' TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID l ! I CITY � i ' N 1 I 1 1 ` I I .. a -- _ ... ........... t I Subscribed and sworn to before me this E ------.25;.......day of__.March--------------------•- 19.........55 I, IIY I Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California. ift Commission Expires June 9, 1957 Ii I