HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1049 ORDINANCE NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE REG IJITING THE 'INSTALLATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF SUPPLY WELLS, DRY WELLS, DISPOSAL FIELDS, COOLING TOWERS AND COOLING. TIMITS IN THE ClIff OF BAKERS- FIELD, CALIFORNIA. BE IT. ORDAINED BY THE COMITCIL OF THC1 CITE' OF BAKERSFIELD, as foli omys: PUTT 1. D37IF ITIONS. For thl a purpose of this ordinance. the following words shall be construmd, as here2m. sot foi'•i,'±7, unless it is apparent froin the Conte Xt that a dif feront meaning is intended;. (a) 11Appl z ance'? shall mea7a and include any refrigerative, air-conditiontag, cooling machineryz equipment or unit, excluding evaporative coolers. (b) "Building Official" shall mean the Chief Building Inspector of the City. of Bakersfield¢ his duly authorised representa- tives, or such person as may hereafter be authorized by law to per- form the duties now being performed by that official in the City of Bakersfield. (a) "Closed system" shall mean and include a cooling or- air-conditioning appliance together with the pipes carrying and/or circulating the water through said appliance or machinery-, with but one outlet for the flow or disposal of water after going through said appliance or machinery, or any part thereof. (d) "Disposal fields" shall mean trenches dug in the ground -- for the purpose of disposing of water from cooling systems or uaitso which shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements for sewage disposal systems as set forth in the Plumbing Code of the City of Bakersfield. (e) "Deep well" shall mean a well of more than 75 feet in depth. (f) T'Dry well" or "disposal well" shall mean a pit,, hole or shaft sunk J.nto the earth in a general vertical direction to a minimum depth- of six feet., penetrating at least four feet of pQgsvtous strata of sand and/or gravel formation and capable of receiving and absorbing water discharged from refrlgerative, air-conditioning., cooling appliances or systemso (g) "Health Department" shall mean the Health Department of the City of Bakersfield or such other agency as may be authorized to act as such for said City. (h) "Lot" shall mean a parcel of land occupied or to be occupied by a building or group of buildings. (i) "Public nuisance" shall be as defined in Section 370 of the Penal Code of the State of California. ( j) "Supply well" shall mean a well by means of which hater Is removed to the surface from its natural position in the ground below, for the purpose of furnishing water to be used in any of the cooling systems as defined in this ordinance. (k) "System" or "cooling system" shall mean any appUance or machinery., excluding evaporative coolers, together with a12 plumbing, pipes, fittings, electrical wires, switches and cameations used for the purpose of lowering the air temperature in azW baud ing or portion thereof. PART .II. GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 1. No person shall install or construct any supply wellD. dry well, disposal field, cooling toner, or other mechanical cooling 2. b appliance, system or unit without first securing a permit from the Building Official so to dos and paying the fees as hereinafter specified, excluding, however, evaporative coolers and other mevab2e cooling units. SECTION 2, Before obtaining a permit as herein required, a plat p:LfM shall be submitted by the applicant to the Building Official shag the proposed location of the installation and of any supply well, dry well or disposal fields which shall be first approved by said Building Official. All plans for' supply wells shall also be approved by the Health Department. SECTION 3, (a) Water discharged from any cooling system or appliance must not cause the ground water in the disposal area to became contaminated and thereby rendered obnoxious to the taste, or to constitute a public nuisance, nor shall such discharged water contain any tonic materials or other substances which will render the exist- ing ground water in the disposal area unfit for human consumption. (b) The discharge of water must not cause the temperature of the adjacent ground ,rater to increase above 780 P. where the ground water temperatures are normally about 680 FQ to 700 F, SECTION 4. There shall be only one supply well and one dry well sunk " on any one lot: unless a permit is granted for additional such wells by the Building Official, and each of such wells shall be for the use of facilities located on the seine lot. SECTION 5. �Each cooling appliance, installation- br" syst&—shall form a complete closed unite from the supply well or other source of water intake, to the dry well or disposal field into which the water is discharged:. and there shall be two check valves at the outlet of said appliamce ,accessible for inspection, which check valves shall 3. prevent the back-flow of water into the system. SECTION 6. A by-pass -connection for irrigation purposes may be installed If properly equipped with a check valve and/or control valvoo oc located that at no time will the rater flowing out of said systm through said by-pass connection be allowed to be siphoned into the dry well or disposal field. SECTION 7. Requests by any contractor or owner for required inspections by the Building Official, shall be made at least the day before the preferred date of inspection. SECTION 8. Any person, firm or corporation required by this ordinance to obtain a permit as herein specified, violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or wilfully non-complying with any of the termag requirements or provisions contained herein, shall be guilty of a misdemeanors and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine- not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300.00) or .by imprison- went in the County Jail for a period of not to exceed ninety (90) days', or by bath such fine and imprisonment. PART III. SUPPLY 14ELL CONSTRUCTION SECTION 1. Every persona firm or corporation desiring to drM a supply well for the purposes set forth in this ordinance, shall first secure �a permit from the Building Official and pay a permit fee of 425m00. SECTION 2. Complete logs shall be kept of each well drilled, and copies furnished in duplicate to the Building Official. 4. SECTION 3. Each supply well shall be separate from any dry or disposal well. SECTION Outlets shall be provided to permit periodic sampling of supply well water by the Health Department. SECTION 5. Sand traps shall be installed between the water supply and the cooling appliance where a supply well is used on the property. PART IV DRY WELL CONSTRUCTION SECTION 1. Pewit fees for the drilling or construction of a dry well shall be as follows: SCHEDULE OF FEES For issuing each permit . . .". 00 . eeeo . 00. . . . eoe $1.00 In addition For each of the followings Dry ' well construction (75 ft.deep or less) 1.00 Piping installation ee . 0000 . .00 . eeee . 00euo 1.00 Deep well (over 75 feet deep) . . oee . eoeeao 24.00 SECTION 2. There shall be only one dry well sunk on any one lot unless a permit is granted for additional wells by the Building Official of the City of Bakersfield,. and each dry well shall be for the use of only one lot and shall be used only for the disposal of cooling water from an appliance as defined in Section 1 (a) of Part I. SECTION 3. (a) A dry well shall not be located closer than eight (8) feet to the outer edge of the foundation of any building,,. measured 5. a from the outer edge of the well. Where, however, said well is located directly under a basement or structure or within eight feet of a basement, the top portion of said well shall be sealed off eight feet below the basement floor or structure with a nonabsorbent or impervious material at least twelve Inches thick. Provision shall be made to prevent over Flow and flooding of basements. (b) Dry wells may be located In the area between a street and the lot line if and when approved by the Director of Public Works. SECTION 4. Each dry well shall be constructed in accordance with the following minimum specifications. (a) For rock filled wells, the rock material shall not exceed 3/411 in size. (b) Lined wells shall be constructed of brick or blocks not less then. 8" in length, which shall conform to standards pre- scribed in the uniform Building Code of the City of Bakersfield. (c) Metal casing, where used, shall be not less than 12 gauge, SECTION 5. During and in the course of construction of all dry wells, the owner or contractor shall request the Building Official too (a) Inspect strata and water table condition before said. dry well is lined or rock filled. (b) Inspect completed well before sealing over the top. (c) Inspect all piping. SECTION 6. Where ground water is encountered during the drilling of a dr. well, fib® contractor or owner ' shall -imra®distely conmuriicate with , the Health Department before proceeding with the construction of said well. 6. 1(b PART V. DISPOSAL FIELDS SECTION 1. Permit fees for the drilling or construction of disposal fields shall be as follows, SCHEDULE OF FEES For issuing each pormit $1.00 In addition: For each disposal field • . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 1.00 SECTION 2. Disposal fields shall be constructed only in sand and gravel strata. SECTION. 3. Disposal fields shall be located at least fine feet from the property lines' and foundation walls. SECTION. 4. All applicable provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Bakersfield shall apply to and govern the construction and maintenance of disposal fields. PART VI. COOLING TOW-MS SECTION 1. Permit fees for the installation and construction of cooling towers for refrigeration systems, shall be as follows: SCHEDULE OF FEES For issuing each permit $$1.00 In addition: - -.-For- each 1-ton unit or- less.-,-, o. o • . . . o • o . 1.50.. For each lul to 2-ton unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 For each 3-ton unit 2.50 For each 5-ton or'more unit 4.00 SECTION 2. Structural plans shall be submitted to the Building Official V for approval, unless waived by said Building Official, which shall include comprehensive details and calculations relative to support by the existing; building, structure. SECTION 3. All applicable provisions of the Plumbing Code and the Building Code of the City of Bakersfiold, shall apply to and govern the installation and neintenance os cooling towers. RXIML TERATED COOL32? UIRTITS (Heiz :installations) SECTION 1. Periuit fees fo:.� the installation of refrigerated cooling units, shall include cooligg towar or dry well permit fees, and shall be as follows SCREDULE OF FEES For issuing ®ac"I pe-1- it e • . • es . omao . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 In a.dditio o For each tnii-b of 1 ton, and lass 1.50 For eac-? Z,Ii. it of la to 2 to.-Lisma . mmaomaau 2.00 For each nit of 3 tons 2.50 For each unit of 5 tons and 4.00 SECTION 2.. Regulations governing the installation and/or construction of cooling towers,, dry. walls or svppl:7 wells, shall apply. SECTION 3m 'All applicable -provisions of the Fix-,e Prevention Code rela- tive to refrigeration tLnIts, shall apply.. o T. :�: '.,Y Cs�'�?T:CF:k' that- th�, foregoing Cr r1-t' <�s.1"t_ce Was Passed ,and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on u`.e /!vim' day of , 19�S� by the .follo€ - Ing vote AYES: CARNAKIS, COLLINS, CROES, DOOLIN, EVELETH, SCHWEITZER, SULLIVAN, NOES: - ABSENT. 2. try APPROVED tbir. li�o.� or thr c. e y"@�:: ;.,t;1x�F.sx•�c.�•.�„ 1 I I ' , � I ! m , I Affib tutt of Fasting (Orbinaurra I STATE OF CALIFORNIA I County of Kern } as. r I MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: �9 That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that 1 y Ma 18 on............................................................... .........................119 55 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the I City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on.............M4Y...l6................................................................. 19...5 which ordinance was , . numbered.1Q49................New Series,and entitled: I! " I I' • e � 1 p AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE INSTALLATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF SUPPLY WELLS, DRY l WELLS, DISPOSAL FIELDS, COOLING TOWERS ! AND COOLING UNITS IN THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD, CALIFORNIA ar •Y t• , .I tf If j. 1 Subscribe]-2anF.swo-ri-to-before me this w T 1 18 'h� e"- Ma�< f 19 55-:: i e Notary,Public in and for thc`Zlinj of Kern, 'State oftclifoinia. i J LL, iJ:J:I _. __4 S1 1 , � i