HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1044 -1 ORDINANCE NO. 1044 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 943 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, PRE - S•CRIBING .THE NUMBER AND MANNER. OF APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE -CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND' .PRESCRIBING. THE:MUTIES ---- - = -OF CERTAIN OFFICERS -IN RELATION THERETO; PRO- VIDING FOR APPOINTMENT OF A MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE PRESENT AT MEETINGS OF SAID COM- MISSION, AND ADOPTING THE. CONSERVATION AND PLANNING LAW OF THE STATE 'OF CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, there is in the State of California, an act' known as the. ,jonaervation and Planning Law which is Title 7 of the Government Code, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the• C%oun^ oil of the City of Bakersfield to adopt the provisions of said Law"relating to- planning and conservation and all provisions 'of said Law applicable- to the cities,.:.and to vest in the -Bakersfield City Planning' Commission all the powers and to impose all. the ' duties provided by said Act. : NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, that Ordinance No. 943, 'New Series of the City of, Bakersfield Shall be amended to read as follows: SECTION 1. ADOPTION OF STATE LAW. The Conservation and.Planning Law- of-the State of. Calif'srnia; being Title 7 of the. Government Codef and amend- ments. thereto, is hereby adopted by the City of Bakersfield by r.efer- ence to' .said Law, and all the provisions therein contained w}iieh are applicable to .cities, and not in conflict with any provisions of the Charter or ordinances of the City of Bakersfield.' SECTION 2. ' APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. Wherever said Conservation and;Planning_Law provides for' the apQointment._of_a:_dlr-- or, officers, 8*ployees, consultant or other :specialists; said appoint- ment shall be itade by the City Council or City Manager, as the case maybes as set forth in the Charter or.-ordinances of the sity regulat- ing employment of officers and/or' employees of the city., 1. SECTION 3.r CREATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION - MEMBERS. There is hereby created -a Planning' Commission of the 'City of Bakersfield -whioh shall ..consist .-of. .seven members. SECTION !{.. TECHNICAL' ADVISORS. : The Director of Public -Works 'and the Chief Building Inspector of the. City of, Bakersfield shall .attend. -the meetings of. the Planning' Commission and shall serve as te ical advisors to said Commission. Each technical advisor :may ''designate ' one of his 'assistants or deputies to- attend the meetings of the 'Com- mission, in his absence. ; SECTION 5. COUNC:MXAN IN ADVISORY CAPACITY. ' One member of. the:.City Council shall be designated' by •the. City Cou'n' 61l •'to attend".the rife.etings .of' thee."-Planning" Commission, in 'an 'advisory .capaci.ty, 'for 'a tern of tiro years. SECTION 6. ABSENCE FROM MEETINGS. (a) Should'-a member of the Planning Commission, be absent for three consecutive regular meetings of said: 'Comikis-sion without cause, the office of such member, or appointee shall be' deemed to be terminated and the secretary of the. Planning. •:•MCommission shall immediately-inform the City Council of such termiiia= (b) Ari absence due to illness or an. .tu avoldable absence'..from . the City and written notice thereof to the secretary' of "the 'Pl'anning Commission'on .or before the -day of any regular meeting:by:-the said commission shall, be deemed absence for cause. :PRESEIZT• COMMISSIOY AND MEMBERS. The 'Planning' Commission created prior 'to this amending ordinance, is hereby- continued in existence and operation as the Planning Commission' of the City -of 2. Bakersfield, -. except as herein provided, and .the members thereof heretofore .and 'hereafter appointed shall .be and constitute. the members of said Plar.Luing Commission until, the expiration-'of the terms`"for . which they were or shall be. appointed.. SECTION 6. REPEILLER,, All ordinances or parts of .ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. SECTION .9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be effective thirty days from and after the date of its passage. . -------0.00----- : ' . -- I,:BEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof -held on the ,_, ,day .of� �_,r1955,, by the following vote: My -Clerk and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council. of the. City. of. Bakersfield. APPROVED .this y of 1955 • =t;he` C° ty•o-f-��akers-fi°e-1-d� . -- :- _.: ._- - �--- ' II i' s of lJoattup Orbinaurps STATE OF CALIFORNIA I County of Kern ss. j li � MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that I ' V I on......... Pr 1l-__27................................... ..........................1 19.,U.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the I City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof dul held on...APY' l__.2�__________________ Y 19 55 which ordinance was , numbered............1944.....New Series,and entitled: ` AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 943 �I M ° NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELDs PRE— SCRIBING THE NUMBER AND MANNER OF APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE l CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES I OF CERTAIN OFFICERS IN RELATION THERETO; PRO— VIDING FOR APPOINTMENT OF A MEMBER OF THE CITY I COUNCIL TO BE PRESENT AT MEETINGS OF SAID COM— h MISSION, AND ADOPTING THE CONSERVATION AND PLANNING LAW OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA : h I • I I ` ll (. I Subscribed and sworn to before me this I ..------27. .-day of-----A-p 1----------------------- 19 55 ---- . Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California. MY 90MAnisalcn Exr:r�;,P�;v.. 12, i96S : 1