HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1042 :ORDINANCS .NO. 10...�..: NEW SERIES AN ORDINVICB AMENDING SECTION 20 OF ORDINANCE NO. 337, NSW SERIES OF TM CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. ..BE- IT ORDAINED .by the Council of the: City of. Bakersfield ' . as follows, :, SECTION 1 . . That Section 20 of Ordinance No. . 337, New Series of the'dity of' Bakers.fle:l,d .be and the same is hereby aneitdod to •read -as follows: Section 20. Anything in. this. ordinance to the.• trary not- withstanding, authority is hereby-granted to the Superintendent of Streets to permit any public service corporati.ori to do the reenching and resurfacing of any excavation.-made by it, provided that -such public serviao, corporation- has .complied with the provisions of 'this. ordi- . . . nance and at all times maintains a surety .brand or a cash deposit with the City of Bakersfield in the sum .of $500.00 to guarantee, the a faithful performance -of. any work to be. dome by said corporation on . .any of the City streets, and in addition thereto such further cash deposit or bend as may be required by the Superintendent of Streets as Indemnity against any damages that it may. -cause to the public streets. of the City by virtue of- any work of exgavationa :sa made by .it. Such surety bond, or cash deposit must be maintained at. said smn of 11500.00 and such 'additional cash deposit or surety bond as may, be required under this ordinance,. for a period of- not legs than three (:3) years after completion of all excavations and re- -surf ad ing made by.such public service corporatLgn:. . Before any public service corporation shall be allowed by said- Superintendent of Streets to 'do its own retrenching or re- surfacing it shall make and file. with the City of Bakersfield a . . . written asses?anca that it will refill all trenches to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets and will resurface the came to as good a -condition as •before 'said excavation was made and with similar materials . and that the work' of. refilling and resurfaaing said trehobas will be. .:comm.enoed within thirty (30) days after the completion. of the work In any one block in Which said .trenches were ice:':. prosecute -said. work diligently to completion.. In- the event that said public service corporatlat fails to commence refilling and resurfacing any. trench .opened bar it, within the time herein provided, said- public services corporation sha . . :. f¢rfeit to the city of. Bakerefield the bond to deposited say., indemnity agairiat any .demeges that may be caused. to'.the public strwAs by reason of -ally. excavation made -by it. Should such public service corporation tail to -commence 're- filling . and resurfacing as herein provided, -the Superintsndemt.-W Stree.ta)may itmmodiately commence the work of refilling. and resurfaain6 and .complete the same in the manner provided for in this ordinance; and should. the cost of repairing. .said excavation. by City be in excess of the aammint of the bond. or cash d�posit� said corporation' shall immediately .pay to the .City said sum in excess of said bond or -cash deposit.. If at anytime within a period of one (1) year :the pavonont, or surface of .the streets over said opening shall become -depressed or broken, by .reason of improper or defective work by said corpora- tion 'or agent, employee. or contractor,. the person, firm or -aorpora- tion for whom. the street was opened will upon written notice from the Superintendent of Streets immediately .proceed to repair and r*store said pavement. in a .proper. and workmanlike manner 'to the . satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets. And in care said __....pav0meAt ig_not coaiplet ly-restored .within thin. ( 30LdaysW af-ter... . . . .such notice has been given, the' .Superintendent of Streets may. do the work .at they expense of said person, firm or corporation. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty days from and after the 'date of its passage. . rrrrr rrrwOQpwr rr wrwww ..=f+' - I MMIRBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance w%S pjkxsed and adopted -lay the Council of the City. of Bakersfield at,,;IL regulow meeting. thereof held on -the llth daffy of April; 19559 by the follMing votes &ES: Caerastts, COLLINS,•CROEs, LVEL Ii, ECIIWCIT9941 MLIWIRl silt w at: its,s 4t: . CIty Cl er and Ea ffiaio of the COmell of 'the City of. Balms#field. mm APPROVED this llth day of April, 1955. MAYOW of the City ot Bakermfield a I 1 I Fi Affib tut# of STATE OF CALIFORNIA :. County of Kern ss. t. j MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: i That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that ! April 14 19...5Pshe posted on the Bulletin Board at the {, IRS-•STATION------------------------------ QU�M a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on......APT 1...11.1-.-_ ............................................... 19......... which ordinance was numbered---ID4.2..............New Series,and entitled: I� Y4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 20 OF l � ORDINANCE NO, 337 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF EAKERSFIEIA- Y ( I � I Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3 14t4-day of....Al i1•-•------•-•-•-•---.... 19--•5 r - .. .............. �1---- -------- f•----- f = = Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, 1.. State of California. _ - My Commission Expires June 9, 1957 � 1 � � I