HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1069 oW EMERGENCY Av ORDINANCE NO. ion NEW SERIES : AN- EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION- 10 -OF . ORDINANCE NO.. .9449 NEW SERIES OF THE',CITY OF BAIERSFIELD, HY ADDIKG THERETO A NEGT PARAGRAPH TO. BE DESIGNATED AS (c� WHIEAS; pursuant to the Charter .of-the City of Bakersfield, . the' Council. Hof'. the City of :Bakersfield is about to: Issue reaenae bonds for the acquisition, operation and maintenance of real property . . .in the -City of Bakersfield.for' off-street ,p*Pkirig -to alleviate the congested .traffic condition which has. existed for so, me time and does .•now-exist in -said City; and WHMEASs this'lCounoll.-deems It''necess ary ,f or the immediate safety of .the_public that this ordinance be .passed for•thwith; -to permit the- fu ids •to be collected from on-street and off-street parking facilities,"-to be used to '.carryr out • the provisions set• forth in Sec- 'tions 3 .1332 and 33.3•: of . 'of .the City of -Bakersfield. NOWS T.HBREPORE, BE .IT 'ORDAINED by. the' Council •.of , the City of Bakersfteld, as follows: SECTION 1. -Section 10 -of' Ordinance No. 9440 New Series - of the City . of Bakersfield,- be: and the -same- i•s 'hereby .amended 'by adding' thereto a :new `paragr aph,• to be d®signated as (c),. 'which paragraph 'shall read as. f olldws: "(.c) For the purpose of• :payment of the:principal of and interest on -or '7otherwise .securing any off-street parking revenue - bonds issued. under. sections '33:1s 33.-2. :and 33.3 of 'the. charter . of the City of• Elakersfield 'and under anyr resolution=ad®p.ted by the 'Council,pur'suant 'to said sections, or for: 'any other legal. purpose provided,.for in any such resolution. — - SECTION. 20T. :This, ordinance is .hereby declared to be *an .emergency, measure within" the meaning of 3ectIon 24 .of the Char.ter 'o.f the City. of Bakers- . field,. State - 0 f California, and necessary f©r.:th®."immediate preserva- tion of the .publio .property and.. -safety, and _shil :.take ;effect immediately upon'. Its."passage. I ''.=EBY .CERTII� that. the.. f oregoing Emerge: ' • Oi�diaance was ' passed -and. "ad.opted ,"by• the Council ,of, the -.Cite :of.Bakersfield. at a regular..,.meetin$: thereof held on 'this 3 th";dsy.;'ot. DToveacnber, "1955s the: f.oll©wing vote-. . p�*.CARNAkIS,ems, CROES,'DOOLIN,#ELETH, SCHWEITtER, S.ULLIVAN. _ HOES, ._ Nong!_,. Collins ABSENT: r,••- ea.wr" QAW City .Clerk and -a fficio Clerk of the Council:: of,-.the -City.-of Bakersfield. . APPROVED:, thii loth da of Bovember,• 1955 Mayor.::of" the 41W of Bakersfield,.' 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Kern ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that November 15 ------- 55 on_________________ _____________.._______________ , 19___ ___ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full„ true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on November 14 , 19 5.5 which ordinance -------------------- was numbered___.___-1069 New Series, and entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 10 OF ORDINANCE NO. 944, NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF .BAKERSFIELD9 WADDING THERETO A NEW PARAGRAPH TO BE DESIGNATED AS (c) ------------------- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of_______November 19. 5:5. -------------- ----------- �r - -- -------------- Public in':and for the County of Kern, State of California r