HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1068 4 4::. ORDINANCE' NO. 1060 NEyT SERIES. .AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE BOUNDARIES OF,. THE FIRST, SECOND; THIRD, . SIXTH AND SE�TENTH WARDS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, .-CALIFORNIA. : . BE IT ORDAINED, by the. Council. of the City .of Bakersfield, as..follows.: SECTION. . 1. The boundaries of the First Ward of the City of Bakersfield are hereby altered so as to include therein those certain parcels of territory heretofore -annexed' to-:'the, City of:.Bkkerefield by Reso- lut1ona -of the' - Board of Supervisors of the 'County of. •Kern, which ' said parcels are designated as "MUNICIPAL FARM" .and "MILHAM GARDENS", . SECTION '2. The boundaries of. the. Second Ward of the City of Bakersfield are. hereby- aliered so as' to include- .therein those certain parcels' . of territflry ]seretofore annexed to the City- oP' Bakersfield'-by_ ordi- nanc.es: of said .City, which parcels bear the following:designations respectively.-pind are specifically .described. im the respective ordi-, nances as follows: BETH EL ADDITION,' annexed 'under Ordinance No. 906,N.S. . LA CRESTA- MANOR TRACT, annexed under Ordinance-'No. 941, N.,S. CO][:LEGE HEIGHTS N0:1', annexed under Ordinance No.105OsN.S, SECTION 30. . 'The..boundaries of the Third Ward of the City of Bakersfield are herebyf altered so as to. include that certain parcel of territory heretofor* 'amexed 'to. the City of Bakersfield by ordinance of said City, :which. said parcel is de-sign'ted as'."MEMORIAL '-HOSPITAL SITE", _ is _ocif_tcally. described-,in0r- dinaasa-N® 1 .-0A2N SECTION 4 .. The. boundaries of the Sixth Ward of the .City of Bakersfield are hereby'.altered so as .to ' include therein.tho�e certain parcels of .territory ,heretofore annexed to 1. the City: 'of- Bakersfield b-y• ordi nances. of. 'said City, which parcels.-'bear the' following designations. respectively and are specifically.. de.s•cribed In the're-spective ordi- nances.'-as follows:. SPRUCE ADDITION,- annexed- under .Ordinance' No 901, N.S. " GREE�TEIS" TRACT ATO. 1, annexed tinder Ordinance' No. 917; N..3. CEDAR GARDENS N00 2,. annexed under. Ordinance No. 933,. N.S.. ROSE. ACRE, ' annexed under Ordinance to. 959, :NOS*" . FRAMPTON ACRES 'No. '3,. annexed under Ordinance No:' 966,N.S. FRAMPTON ACRES N0. 4, 'annexed under Ordinance No 974, N.s. - FRAMPTON ACRES.NO; 5, ' annexed under Ordinance No.. 9943,' .N.S.- . BLANZ PARK NO. 2; ' annexed- under Ordinance No. 1000, N.S. 'PLANZ PARK N0. 3; annexed under Ordinance: No. 1013, N.S. PhANZ PARK.NO.''5, annexed under .Ordinance. No. :1021, N.3... 'PLAANZ PARK NO. 4, -•annexed under •0rdinance No:' 10228 N.S. REAL ACRES No. .l, annexed under Ordinance No. ' 1039, N.3. '•PLANZ PARK N0: . 6;' annexed under Ordinance No: 10640' N.S. - .BENTON ,PARK, annexed ,under .Ordinance No ' 10.65, N.S.- ..and that''cer'tain parcel of territory heretof ore-..annexed--' to dd-d City '.by Resolution.-of--the Board 'of Supervisors 'of the'County of Kern, which :said:;parcel :is-designated-.as "OAK PARK". SECTION. •4. The. boundaries 'of - the .Seventh'Ward of the City -of Bakersfield. are :hereby altered so. as to."Include therein those 'cer.•tain parcels Of-ternitory.':heretofore 'annexed to the City. 'of Bakersfield. by., ordi- nandes 'of- said, City, Which parcels bear the following designations re•spec-tively arid: are specifically -described'.in."the respective ordi- nances as follows.: ANYDER ACRES NO. ,1,' annexed under Ordinance .No. .942;' N.s. TERRACE GARDENS NO,,,, 2, annexed under Ordinance NO,. '9?0; N.S.. 3'ERRAC;E'. ARDENS N0: 3, annexed Lander ©rdiaance No. 993, N,S. : SECTION 5. This 'ordinance shall take .effect thirty 'daya frcm and after : - ' the.-date, :of -its passage. - ` 20 _• ... _. ...: �►' ^' a t? .- Vic. :.p - MMCBY CERTIFY. that.the.-foregoing Ordinance was passed and - adopted:'by" the Council of the City 'f =Bakersfield .at a regular meeting thereof :held 'on the 14th day. of•November; -1955.s by the. following vote: AY8`CXRNAKISj-aftft, CROES, b00LIN, EVELEtH, SCHWEITZER,SULLIVAN: "' NOES: cane' - ..'ABSENT:: Coll ins City. -C erk .and -Officio C erk'•;®Z the Council of the- City of Bakeref ®id b APPRO _ this. 14th d f November, 1955. MAYOR .of the 04ty of Bakersfield.: __. ... 1 -..,.- - .. .,iS�_.`�... .i..� ... ..a.._. i_.-. - ._• .._----ter... -._--. - _ _ .�.._a_..4.a.._r _...-r___�__ ._ _ . n - R Afftbaut# of Posting @01-nanrPS STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Kern ss. MARIAN S. IRV IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on----------------November 15, ::_. ...................................... 19---55 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on__-_____November 14, 19___55 which ordinance was numbered-------------106:8 New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE FIRST, SECOND, THIRD' SIXTH AND SEVENTH WARDS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA l ------•------------------------ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1,5tbayyof__ .....November r 1 55 ---------------------------------- --------- s e Notary Publib in and for the County of Kern, state of California rS _ f1 rst �� •t - c/.n:r:S JL..13 Syljf J�