HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1067 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ,TO. 1067 NEW SERIES AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING RULES AND. REWLATIONS PERTAINING TO THE MOLTING INTO OR RELOCATION OF BUILDINGS IN THE CITY OF. BAKERS YIELD$ CALIFORNIA. - WHEREAS, the City, ofBakersfield has prescribed by ordAnance certain uniform minimum standards for the erection, construction and alteration.,of structures and buildings, which standards said City •deem best .suited for the general welfare and for,•the.. preserva- tion of -life. -and- the -health of its citizens, and .for the maintenance of economic::values of properties within said CIty, and WHEREAS°;fl on numerous occasions .certain •structures, buildings and houses inferior to the standards adopted by the City, either by reason .of;`its- faulty or improper construction or of Its condition of: deterioration or dilapidation, 'have. been moved from locations outside the.:.01ty to locations inside the City;- .and from one location, site.- or-_lot •within the :City to - another .location, .site or -lot within..-. : . said -City; and,_: n many instances 'said 'structures, buildings and houses have remained unfinished for a period of months or years in a condition -of dilapidation or disrepair to the detriment of.neigh- boring properties, and. have created" a hazard-from fire and to health by reason of",vagrants -using• said buildings. at 'sight 'as• dormitories and kitchens, and. by reason of vandalism by persons• : having access "to said structures due. to the absence of doors. or windows, thereby lessening the values of such neighboring properties,. contrary to - the purpose for-Which they were •originally planned, erected and occupied, conseghently tending to detrimentally .affect surrounding__ properties, -.and to. cause farther neighborhood deterioration, -all -,of .which is fLgaInst the public .health, safety and welfare. . .In order, therefore, to prevent the accelerated deterioration of existing" properties and neighborhoods.. as .herein - set forth, and ra to protect -:the rights of its oitizens .to the full- enjoyment of their property, and to forestall the detrimental 'spread of deterioration of ifhose neighborhoods -by -such thoughtless practices, and to promote the health, -safety and welfare of =its citizens, this Council. believes .:. an emerge4oy exists snaking it: necessary for :the inmediate. pre ,orva- tion of the=-public health, property. and safety: . ROW:,� HE MORE, BE IT ORDAINED' by the -Council of the ' City of Bakersfield, as follows: SECTION 1. For' the purpose of: this ordinance, the. f.oll6wing terms shall have the meanings herein specified,. unless a- different meaning' clearlyclearly appears. from the context: : -.(a) "Building Official" shall mean the- duly appointed and acting.' Chief Building 'Inspector of the City of Bakersfield, his duly• authorlsod.=repree.entatives;_ or .such person ;as. may hereafter be authorized by•:U-4 to perform the duties. now. being performed. by. that official in.. the- City of-Bakersfield. -.(b) #'Bni►lding" shall mean and include any. 's'tj�u 4e or 'house. (c). PTermite inspector" shall' mean any person who 1' duly licensed- by the State of California ,to perform: the. work of pest or termite- coni:rol or inspection.: SECTION .2. (a) . No..building 'shall .be- moved or transported .from any 'lot, site .or. location inside, or. outside, the City of: Bakersfield, to.' e .lot,- site. or. location inside said 'City, unless said building; .exclu.d ing its 'foundation, shall be in' compliance with the structural minimum requirements prescribed by the .Uniform Building Code- as adopted by the Ci ty-=of:.�Baker sf ie�d=at=the`�time`--.off "the".moving .of'�said b`ui.ldin9 into, the City of Bakersfield. -(b) - .:Rvery- such 'building shall be completed .in. its exterior. appearance and protected from the elements by the necessary coats 2.. of paint .or.,other preservative. • - (c) ' AA doors and:windows shall be, on the new site - of the building and in a condition to. be .installed. (d) All doors and windows shall b®. -installed within. _ . days after said building is placed on its .new site,..-unless -an extension of time--is'--granted by- the' Building Official# for good cause. SECTION. 3.' . It shall be unlawful for any person-, firm or corporation to move or. transport or cause to •be moved .or transported,.:any building. . from, any lot, site or location inside or .outside :-the City of -Bakers- . . fields .'to, a: lot, site or location' inside .said: City, without first securing a 'permit from the Building Official so to . do, and.paying a permit. fee.therefor as provided in Ordinance No. 967', New Series o :the City v of Bakersfield; 'said permit . and fee shall be in addition to- the permit and fee.s'.required .by Ordinance No. 156, New- Series of the City. of Bakersfield. SECTION 4. Before -a. permit. is granted hereunder, the applicant therefor shall first. submit .to the' Building Official for his -approval, the plot plan of:,.the new lot, site 'or location, and the -floor plan, f-oundd-tibn .plan, cross ' section and -elevation plans of the- building . to.:be-.moved. SECTION 5• Buildings• affected by this ordinance. shall be not older than the ma joritjr- of the adjoining' buildings' in the' immediate neighborhood to which. said building - is 'to. be. moved, and shall not be in a dilapi- dated, ' obsolete 'or deteriorated condition which 'in any manner may result in or'-tend to lessen,the. economic values- -of adjoining prop- _ erties.,. or_. :�ie _a:=detriment-- o •the-neighborhood-In xT�ich said"building is U....be plated. SECTION. 6.. (a) No permit shall be .is sued hereunder for the moving• of. a building from a site outside the .City to 'a site inside the City. :unless;..and- until the building to be moved has been fully•inspected • . by a. licensed civil or structural engineer or licensed architect, who..shall certify_ that -every, component part of said building is. structurally, sound and meets the requirements of the Uniform Building Code. and tbat said building has been satisfactorily braced' to with- etand stresses caused by moving. �lll, of such buildings shall, however; be- sub jeot to the,. approval 'of the Building Official before. being placed -on the new ..site. (b) Buildings to_be moved..from one .location 'to another within said, City; .:shall be first approved .by the Bui.ldii' g :Official. SECT ION 7. -All buildings herein referred to; :shall, before any per-milt to . move the .same :is. granted; be thoroughly and competently inspected . . .-by a. licensed termite inspector who sMl.l, certify in writing that -said buildings. are free frami termites, vermin, dry rot .and/or other' pests, fu'i •or decay. . SECTION 80' . • .Ali. buildings herein referred- to and. covered.. by this ordinance, shall,.be- 'free -from all 'dilapidatedi obsolescent and: deteriorated material bef ore -.being placed on the new 'site. SECTION- 9. The -foundations to be-used in connection with any of. the buildings 'herkn* referred. to .shall be fully completed, inspected acid approved by the. Building Official before any. such building is moved -onto ''a-aid foundation. SECTION 10. .''. 'This -.ordinance ,shal _aot' be construed _ag. lmposing_:Qn_ th®_____�__•. . City' -of Bakersfield any liability' or responsibility. for-. damage .. . . resulting::'fr.om defective building.work; .nor. shall 'the City of Bakersfield, or any official or employee- thereof, be held to assume any such liability or respoasibility. by. reason: oP any inspections .made .hereunder. : SECTION 11.., Any..per aon, firm, or- corporation,-,whether. as. prinelpal, _ agents employee: or otherwise;.::violating or causing the violation ,of any -of..'the..provisionts. of this ordinance shall be- guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof: sbAll:.be..'punishable by a fine .of not more than $300.00 or by imprisonment, in the County -Jail •of the County of Kern- for a. term: not exceeding 'three. m6ziths;. or by both. _such fine and imprisonment. - SECTION 12. If any,..section, subsection, sentence, clause. or phrase of this ordinance is`for any reason held to be unconstitutional.. such decision shall not affect the 'vglidity', of the .remaining portions of this ordinance.: The City Council.'hereby declares that. it would have -passed this' .ordinance and each section, .-subaeetionj, .sentenoe, clause - and.phrase ,thereof, irrespective - of the .fact that ahy one or- more s-ection.s; 'subsseation.s, aentencesp clauses or phrases be declared . unconstitutional. SECTION 13. This: ordinance is. declared to- be an emergency ordinance within the meaning,-Of -Section...4 of the Charter of the City 'of Bakersfield, State .oP Calif orn.ia,. . and necessary for -the immediate preservation -of thee-ptibl , .health, safety. and welfare, and shall' take effect :: imme.dia.tely. upon: its passage. I •HEREBY ,CERTIFY that the foregoing Emergency Ordinance was passed_ and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield _ at 'a regular meeting thereof. held on the 7 th, day of Noveubep , 1955, by. the following• vote -AYES: CARNAKIS, COLLINS, E6,. N.NOES: DOOLIN EVELETh, SCrIWEIMER, SULLIVAN.. 7. aZ . ABSENT. . -- ..-..... `_ City lark and Ex-Officio Mark of .,the Council of the City of Bakersfield.' APPROVES Chia th day of November , 1955• GCtn' tj :MAYOR of the efty of Bakersfield. Aff bautt of 11vating (Orbtrtttttres STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Kern ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on________8t4 day__ of_-November______________________________ 19__55 slfe posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on_____________?th-_day__:o ---November 19 55 which ordinance was numbered-------------106?---____--_---New Series, and entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE .PRESCRIBING RULES AND REGULATIONS. PERTAINING TO THE MOVING INTO OR REIDCAT ION OF BUILDINGS IN THE CITY OF BAKERS.- FIELD, CALIFORNIA. -------------- Subscribed and sworn to before me this ......8thday of------November------ 19 -55 Nota;;3'rNPabli''gn and for the County of Kern, state of California - 1957 -,Inn -on-Miss"on Expires June 9, �� t• R In no. �.