HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1064 , -r ORDINANCE NO. 1064 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CYTY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS, a petition was filed with the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 19th day of May, 19559 requesting that certain uninhabited territory therein described be annexed to and included within the incorporated limits of the City of Bakersfield, and that said territory be made a part of the Bakersfield City School District, and WHEREAS, said petition was signed by the owners of one-fourth of the land., by area, and by assessed value as shown on the last equalised assessment roll of the County of Kern, and WHEREAS, the territory described in said petition is contigu- ous to the City of Bakersfield, and WHEREAS, said territory does not form a part of any other city, and WHEREAS, on the 19th day of May., 1955, there was filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, a written consent, signed by all the owners of property included in said territory; that said territory be subjected to taxation after the completion of such annexation equally with property in the City of Bakersfield to pay the bonded indebtedness of said City therein de- scribed, as provided for in Ordinance No. 893, New Series of the City of Bakersfield, and in Ordinance No. 9509 New Series of the City of Bakers- field, and any and all other indebtedness or liability of the City which may accrue from and after the date thereof, and this Council hereby determines that said consent was signed by all the owners of property 9:ncIud.ed' in said teri tort'., 'and complies in every respect with the provisions of Section 35319 of the Government Code of the State of California, and thereof ter, to wit: on the 30th day of 1. ' Septembers 1955, a written consent to said annexation was filed with said City Clerks signed by new owners of certain parcels of said territory, which includes and constitutes all of the owners of the property within said territorys and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did, on the 22nd day of Augusts 19559 pass a Resolution being No. 60-55, in compliance with the provisions of the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939, and amendments thereto, being Title 4.9 Divi- sion 2s Part 2, Chapter 1, Article 5 of the aoverrment Code of the State of California, specifically describing the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, and designating such territory by an appropriate identifications and setting Mondays September 26, 19559 at the hour of eight oaclock P.M., In the Council Chambers of the City Balls 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, Californias as the days hour and place when and where the City Council would hear protests made by any person owning real property within the aforesaid territory,, and WHEREASs .said Resolution was published at least twice, but not oftener than once a week in The Bakersfield Californians a news- paper of general circulation published in the City of Bakersfield, and also in The 011dal.e News, a newspaper of general circulation published outside of the City of Bakersfield, but in the county where said territory is located, said publications having been completed at least twenty days prior to the date set for said hearing, in compliance with Section 35311 of the Government Code, and WHEREAS, the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield has caused written notice of such proposed annexation to be given by mail at least twenty days before the public hearing on said proposed annexa- tion in compliance with Subdivisions (a) and (b) of Section 35311 of the Government Code of the State of Californian and WHE MSs at the time set for hearing protests, no written protests were filed -against the proposed annexation by any owner of 2. : - _ f 1 property within the territory proposed to be annexed, and the date for approving or disapproving said annexation was duly continued to October 3, 1955. NOW, TBEREE'ORE, BE IT ORDAINED .by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as followso SECTION 10 That the Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby approves the annexation and inclusion within the incorporated limits of the City of Bakersfield, of that certain uninhabited territory designated as PLANZ PARS N0. 6, the boundaries of which are described as follows: That portion of the East half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 129 Township 30 SouthD Range 27 East, M. D. B. & M., in the County of Kern, State of California, more particularly described as followso Beginning at the intersection of the Easterly extension of the Northerly line of Lot 107, as said Northerly line of said Lot 10718 shown on the map of Tract No. 1758 recorded September 16, 1954 in Book 8, Page 161 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of SerYa County, with the Westerly line of South "Hn Street, also known as Kern Island Road of 60 feet in width, said intersection also bears N. 890 552 2241 W., 30.00 feet distant from the Easterly line of said East half of the North- east quarter of Section 12s thence N. 890 55° 22" W., along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as said corporate boundary is defined by Ordinance No. 1021, New Series, adopted August 2, 19549 by the Council of the City of Bakers- field and certified September 39 19540 by the Secretary of State, State of California, and along the Northerly line of said Tract No. 1758, a distance of 1184.065 feet to the Northwest corner of Lod: 123 in said Tract No. 1758; thence S. 00 009 52" E., along the Westerly line of said Lot 123 a distance of 110.00 feet to the Northerly line of Custer Avenue of 60 feet in width as said Custer Avenue is shown on the map of said Tract No. 1?58; thence N. 890. 551 2241 W., along the said Northerly line of Custer Avenue, a distance of 110.00 feet to intersect the Westerly line of the- said East half of the Northeast quarter of Section 12, the last named intersection being also the Southwest corner -of Lot 189 as said Lot 18 is shown on map of Tract No. 1785, recorded February 3. 1955 in Book 8, Page 184 of Maps in the office of the said County Recorder;' thence N. 00 009 52" W., and departing from the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, on and along the Westerly boundary of said Tract No. 1785, a distance of 390.00 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 22, as said Lot 22 is shown on map of said Tract No. 1785; thence S. 890 551 22" E. , a distance of 369-o 10--feet, -to the Northeast -corner of--Lot!-26, as--sald -Lot-26- is shown on Map of said Tract No.' 17853' thence N. 00 009 52" W., a distance of 295.00 feet to- the Northwest corner of Lot 55, as said Lot 55 Is shown on Map of said Tract No. 1785; thence N. 890 550 22" V. a distance .of -369;10 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 88, as said Lot 88 is shoes on map of said Tract No. 1785; thence N. 00 009 5211 W.D a distance of 290.00 feet, to the North- west corner of Lot 90, as said Lot 90 is shown on map of said 30 e 4 Tract No. 1785, thence So 690 559 22" E.s a distance of 129.251 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 909 thence S. Oa 008 07" E.g a distance of 10.00 feet to a point in the Easterly boundary of said Lot 90s thence So 890 552 22" E., along the northerly boundary of said Tract No. 1785 a distance .o€ 1165.06 feets to Intersect the Westerly line of said South "It" Street, said last named intersection bears N. 890 550. 22" wog distant 30.00 feet from the Easterly line of the said East half of the Northeast quarter of Section 12; thence S.. 00 009 07" E.s . ilong a line paral- lel with and 30.00 feet distant westerly as measured perpendicular to the Easterly line of the said East half of the Northeast quarter of Section 129 and on and along the -corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as said corporate boundary is defined in Ordinance Noo 898s New Series, adopted January 2s 1951s by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, and certified February 59 1951 by the Secretary of States State of Californias a distance of 655.00 feet, more or less, to the point of beginnings containing 23.210 acres more or less. SECTION 2. ' That said hereinabove described territory shall be included .within and become part of the Bakersfield City School Districts pur- suant to Resolution No. 60-55 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field., and Section 2421.5 of the Education Code of the State of Cali- fornia. SECTION 3. Said territoryg and the property located thereins shall, upon the completion of the annexation of the same to the City of Bakersfield, be subjected to taxation equally with other property in the City of Bakersfield-to pay the bonded indebtedness of the City of Bakersfields described in the aforesaid consent of the owners of -property located therein, the issuance of ,bonds to represent said indebtedness being provided for in Ordinance No. 893, New Series of the City of Bakersm field, together with City Hall Bondss the indebtedness therefor being provided -for by Ordinance No. 950s New Series of said City., and -any and all other indebtedness or liability of the City. which may accrue from and after the date thereof. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall become effective thirty days from and after the date of- its passage. 4- i I MM=r CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular »etflmS thereof held on th® � 3rd day of Ootobera 19559 by the AYES: CARNAKIS;COLLINS CROES DOOLIN EVELETH, SCHWEITZER, SULLIVAN. NOES: Croes-9 Sullivan ABSENT: .None Abetaining: Doolin Marian S. Irvin Cl.ty. Clerk and Ex-Of 'icio Clark of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED. this a3rd dwy oS Octobery 1955o KA OR oS the pity og 'Bakersfield Affibautf of rusting I(Orbinaurra STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Kern ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on-----4th day of October 55 ______________________ 19___: _ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance;passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on--------3rd' day of- October 1g55 which ordinance was numbered________ 064-_-- --- -- New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING. ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD9 CALIFORNIA., AND PROVIDING. FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED .INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. ---------- --�!.?� - ------z - - -------------- - ,Subscribed and sworn to before me this + ,4th- October ..�a --- - -------------------------------- Notary Public.in;and for the County of Kern, State of California