HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1063 ORDINANCE NO. ,1693 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE LEVYING UPON THE .ASSESSED VALUA- TION OF THE TAXABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD A RATE OF TAXATION UPON EACH ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS OF VALUATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING DULY 1, 1955, . AND ENDING DUNE -30, 1956. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL• OF- THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION .1. That there. is hereby levied a, tax of thirty-six and '43/100 cents ($.3643) on each one hundred dollars ($100-.00) .. of _the assessed valuation of all taxable property 1n. the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of. California, for municipal expenses of- .the Municipal Government..of said City (excepting as -$ereinafter' mentioned) during the fiscal year beginning' with the- first 'day of'' July; 1955, and 'ending with .the thirtieth day of- June, 1956'. SECTION 2.That there is hereby levied .a tax of forty-four and 69/100 cents 4.4469)' on each one hundred dollars . ($100.00) of the assessed valuation of all taxable property in the City. -of Bakersfield,. County of Kern, State of California, for Capital Outlay'during the fiscal year. beginning With the first day of July, ' 1955; and ending with. the thirtieth day of June; 1956. SECTION 3 That. th-3re is hereby levied a tax of three and 9/100 cents $.0309) . on each, one hundred dollars ($100.00)- .of the assessed valuation of all .taxable property within the City of Bakersfield.. County of Kern, State of California, for the Recreation nepartment,, -.duri.ng the fiscal , .year beginning-with .the first day-.of 1ul7,.1955^, and ,ending. with- -the- thirtieth day of June, 1956. SECTION 4. That there is hereby levied 'a tax of- fifteen and .91/100 -cents 1. j 6:. -on each' one hundred dollars ($100.00) of the 4dsessed .. valuation of all taxable property within the City. of. Bakersfield, County .of Kern, State of California, for Parks and Playgrounds. during the fiscal .year beginning with the first day -of July,' and ..ending.with the thirtieth day of June, .1956. SECTION :5. That there is hereby levied a tax of twenty-four and'•43/100 cents (*.24.43) on each one hundred dollars ($.100.00) of the assessed valuation of a.11 taxable property within the City of Bakersfield.. County of' Kern, . State of -California, for Collection and Disposal of Refuse and Garbage during the fiscal year beginning with the first day of .July, 1955, and ending with the thirtieth day- of June, 1956. SECTION 6. That there is. hereby levied a tax of seven and 33/100 cents . 3•0733) on each- one hundred dollars. ($100.00)- of .the assessed .valua- tion of'4911 taxable property within the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern,: .State of 'California, for the contribution of 'the City of Bakersfield to the Firements Disability and Retirement -Fund during the fiscal year beginning with the first day of July, 1955, and ending with the thirtieth day of June, 1956. SECTION 7. ' That there' is hereby levied a tax of ten and 94./100 cents ($.1094) on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of the assessed valua- tion of all taxable property in the City of. Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, for the contribution of the City -of Bakers- field to the 'Ce.lifomia State Employees, Retirement System during' the fiscal year beginning with the first day of July, 1955, and ending - . :.. _ with theiii3�tieth day of June, 1956. SECTION 6. That .there is hereby levied a tax of six.. and 87/100 ' cents. (. .A68.7):; on eac:h-.one hundred dollars (0100:0.0-)' of .the assessed valuation.-of all 'takable- property within the boundaries - of the City of. Bakersfield,.-.'.County of Kern, State of California, - as said boundaries .:were fixed -and' determined on:the first Monday. in March, 1955s excepting therefrom all of. the property annexed 'to .the City `-of Bg.L.kersfield and commonly.: known and referred to. as. the "Suhaet,*Mayflower District:", as the samo'--appears on the records' of the 'City, for Sewer Bonds 1951; Intere-st•. and.-Redemption Fund; during the fiscal year beginning with first -day.' of .July, 1955, and ending with the :thirtieth day" of June, .1956. ; SECTION 9.. -That there :is hereby levied a tax of six and 26/10.0 cents ( .0626) on.•e-ach one hundred dollars' ($100000).. of.- the assessed.. valuation of all taxable property-.within the City .of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, for- City Hall Bonds, ':Interest and Redemption Fund during the fisc�l...year. beginning with the first" day of .July, 1955, and ending with th6 thirtieth .day of June,. 1956.: = SECTION 10:0 :. That there .is hereby -levied a" tak- of ten and 83/100;.-cents .( .1083) on each one' hundred dollars ( 100.00) of.the : assessed: valuation.-of all taxable -property within the .Ci-ty. of: Bakersfield, County of Kern, State ..of' California, for Law Enforcement under the Motor Vehicle License Fee fund, during the fiscal year beginning with the first day of .July; 1955, arid ending with. 'the thirtieth day of June, 1956, : .. SECTION.-ll. .. :"That there: is hereby levied a' tax -of five. and 22/100 cents ($.0522.) on each -one hundred dollars 0100.00)) of the .assessed valuation—of._all _- : a a61e property.•within the City of Bakersfield.. County of Kern, State of California., f-or.'the Traffic. Safety .Fund during the ..fiscal year beginning with-•the first day of July, 1955v ar�1 ending with the ' thirtieth day ,of . June, .1956. SECTION 12. This ordinance.'sha11 take effect thirty days from and after the date of its passage. :.. I IMEBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the -City of- Bakersfield at 'a regular meeting thereof held- on the 29th-.day of August, 1955, by the 'follow- ing vote: . AYES: CARNAKIS,COLLINS, CROSS, DOOLIN, EVELETH,SCM UWVAN, NOES: ABSENT:, City Cl 'rk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the. Council of .the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED 'this 29th y of August, 1955. MAYOR .of the ity of Bakersfield. O S - A tbautt of lJosting Orbittaurps STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Kern ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on..........August---30---------------------------------------------------------- 19 55: she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on-------Augur-t...2.9......1H55................................ 19--------, which ordinance was numbered------------ima.............New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING UPON THE ASSESSED VALUA— TION OF THE TAXABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD A RATE OF TAXATION UPON EACH ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS OF VALUATION FOR THE FISCAL YEARI BEGINNING JULY 1, 1955, AND ENDING JUNE 30, 1956 _ -�.t>.�.��•..� - - --------------------- -'Subscri6ed.and sworn to before me this _ ~ <�'+ • 31std. ofAugust 55 �. _ ------- ----- -- - - --- ------------ - - Notary Public ffi nd for the County of Kern, State of California f