HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1061 RMERGENCY ORDINANCE No. 106`_NEW SERIES AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 879, 'NEW. SERIES, - AND RE- PEALING EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO:. 1059, NEW SERIES, BOTH OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS.; at times -it bebome s. necessary .for available personnel in- the employ 'of the .bity, of Bakersfield to work additional hours and shifts over -and above! their regular weekly or monthly. work. schedule. ,and -to pay-.such personnel 'for , such additi-ona�l hours or: shifts so v.rorked, and WHEREAS; because of such facts, this' Council hereby f lads that an�-emergency exists makingiit .necessary to-provide for 'the immediate preservation of- the public .peace, property and safety and for the daily operation ofunicipal departments'. NOW, THEREFORE, BE -IT ORDAINED by the' Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: .. SECTION 1. . That Section 6 of Ordinance No. . 879, New Series of the 'City J of .Bakersfie,ld, be and -the same jis hereby amended to read as follows: Section 6. (s). In the event'-miy Officer-or employee of the City of Bakera:Pield works ' additional hours: or shifts. over and- above his regular- weekly or monthly work schedule, - compensatory time off equivalent to the additional houra or shifts so worked 'shall be allowed, or compensation shall be paid at an hourly rate based upon such employeels regular monthly glary when divided by the number of days-- in 7 the .. y paI ticular month in whj.ch .such additional work' was performed and prorated to the nu�ber of additional hours- actually worked by such employee, except hat in the case of members of :the - : Fire Department; such additional compensation .shall be paid only for fullishift.s worked. over and above the regular monthly '6 y or weekly e. schedule, Such..'additional compensation to be paid to .each member of .the Fire::Department working . such additional: shift or shifts, shall .. . • 11. . .. -be computed -.by dividing the monthly rate 'assigne,d '.to suoh' member .. y3�:•. by fifteen .(15) and multiplying - the resulting quotient by .the number `of additional shifts worked 'over. and above the.:regular monthly ` or weekly work schedule of such member. In no event.. --however, shall compensation be allowed for working-,,ouch additional time without the-.'..prior authorization of the City Manager or the Assistant.'City ' Mariager, that such additional work may be performed. (b) -'In the event an employee is called upon to' perform-work over and above his regular eight-hour schedule by a - superior: officer who has determined that an emergency -exists which requires, the services of such employee, such employee. s.hali be paid compensation as pro- vided in .Section 5 hereof. (c ) 'For the purpose of- this ordinance, the term emergency shall mean an.unforseeable .event or occurrence requiring the im- mediate preservation. of life, health or property. (d) , This. section shall have no' applicatiox' to.. attendance by :an -officer. or employee at- meetings of the City Council or any board or: c.omm Csfflon of the.. City in the performance of his regular duties. SECTION 2. . That Emergency Ord inance No.. 1059, New Series of..the City of Bakersf ield be - and --the same .:is .he,reby repealed. . SECTION S. .This ordinance is hereby declared :to be an.emergency measure witbin.' the meaning of Section 24 of 'the Charter of the City of Bakersfield, State .-of California, and necessary .to provide for -the immediate preservation of the' ublic t peacepropr_t��and +safst�r,=_ -and. for the .'daily. operation of' municipal departments, and shall• take effect immediately, upon its passage. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the:. foregoing Emergency Ordinance: was .pas•sed;:and_:adopted by the Council of- the City of 'Bak rafield -'at' `a.:regular meeting thereof held on the'-8'th. day of August, 1955, .by the fallowing voter AYES:CAP.NANIS, 015109 CROES,.DOOLIN�-EVELETH;'SCHWEnZER,:SULLwA4't 0 City° Clerk and.,Ex-Officio Clerk of the Couhcil of the Citg of Bakersfield. APPRO D, this 6th d of August, 1955• MAYOR '_of the 61ty of Bakersfield.