HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1080 ORDINAN4 NO. 080 NE4 SERIES . �NDRDINANCE-: OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD' J CALLING A SPECIAL_ELECTION• TO BE`HELD 0 ✓ �.,,,f_ THE 5 DU DAY OF NE, 1956,. ixprl r''TO 1 NNFjLkTION OF ,GRFATEft-BAMSFIELD =MET- ROPOLITAN AHTA"'T0•-•STY OF BAKERSFIELD, ORDERING CONSOLIDATION OF SAID SPECIAL ' ELECTION WITH THE STATE CONSOLIDATED DIRECT .: PRIMARY. ELECTION AND PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY.' ,. ELECTION AND REQUESTING :THE BOARD- OF SUPER- VISORS OF THE COUNTY OF KERN -TO ORDER THE CONSOLIDATION OF'SAID :ELECTIONS.',; , WHEREAS, it written petition-was. filed with-the .Council of tr the. City of .Bakersfield, requesting that' oertain inhabited ter- ' ritory therein described be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, . . and WHEREAS, ••by•'Resolution•No. 11-56:,- the--,Council of -the City of Bakersfield 'declared its intentien to. calla special 'election - in certain inhabited territory contiguous'- to said- city proposed. to be annexed to- said city, for .the purpose of submitting' to e gaalifi--ed electors .residing in said territory-:the question whother or not said territory shall be annexed .to 'said city, setting forth a time• and place of hearing -protests against said proposed election, and " WHFRE.AS, . a copy of said resolution was published as re-. quired':by law; . and WHEREAS, prior to grid .at the times set for hearing prot*$.t.s -to the proposed election written .pr.otests were not. made by owners of one-half of the value of the territory proposed .to be annexed, as shown-by the last equalized assessment.: roll and no. protest• was made- by public and private •owners equal to. one-half-:of• the value . =territory,..; WHEREAS; insufticient supplemental protests were filed with- / in the ten-day- period following the Yearin protesta., as pro-of vi.ded by Section 35120 of the Government Code. of .the- State of-. , Calif orhia, 'arid WHEREAS, upon good cause: being' shown,, the Council of the City of Bakersfield believes certain changes in. the. territory proposed to be annexed to .the City of Bakersfield should. be made. by - the exclusion therefrom -.of -certain parcels of land, which said parcels of land do - not exceed 5% of: said territory- proposed to. be annexed, and. WHEREAS,. all proceedings, have beet-had in accordance with ' sand- resolution and the Annexation Act of 19130 reference 'thereto hereby being made for further particulars. NOW; THEREFORE, 'BE IT .ORDAINED, by the. Council of the City of Bakersfield, as: follows: SECTION: .1;: :- A special election is hereby :called to be. held. on the 5th day. of June, 1956, ".in the territory her described and proposed to' be annexed to .the City -of Bakersfield, for the. purpose of submittiizg to the qualified electors residing in said -territory the:,question ... whether or .not .''said territtD ry".sha11 be. annexed to the. City of Bakers- field., and the .property in the territory .to be annexed'be sub,ject.e.d to taxation after annexation equally with the property within the City of .Bakersfield, to pay. the bonded. indebtedness of .the City- of Bakersfield.-out-standing for. the. 'acquisition, construction. or' com .pletion.'of, municipal improvements,. provided, however, .'that the -real property .located 'within the Mt. Vernon Sanitation District. and the :property located within the North of River Sanitation. District,. shall not be subjected,.to taxation.for the 'payment of outstanding indebted- - ness for the sewage disposal plant of the City of- Bakersfield. until After: payment in full by said Districts of their- respective out- standing bonded indebtednesses: _ SECTION 2.:That the territory proposed to be- annexed: to the.-City bf Bakersfield; is hereby diminished,. -riot to exceed 5%. . That a description of said territory, as diminished, is attached hereto marked,Exhibit A, and made' a part hereof. -That said territory is' hereby designated and :-identified. for such election purposes and for use upon the. ballots • '5 at 'such election as "GREATER BAKERSFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA." - 2. SECTION. 3.. : The' polls .at- said election .bha:1l. be QpeheI ..at 7 otclock of the 'day.' he rein: fixed for the hblding of said- election and shall be kept open until 7 _o'.clock P. .M. of the same day, when the :po:Ll.s shall be closed. SECTION 4o Oppos ito the; question- to be voted'. on .these shall be. -Printed. the words "'te. .'and "No'! , and to the : right of. each of these 1 ast - two' wod:s::there shall be a .voting square . 'If. an 'eleactor shall stamp ka cx odp s:.,-(+) in the voting ,square after the printed word :"yes" the vote o. such. elector slj.L I be counted,'.'.in favor of..the .. :annexation of. :sai.d:-territory to-the. -Ci'ty .of..-'B.ak'ersfield; 'and i'f an elector shall- stamp across .IIA, in 'the- voting square .'ewer .the. rr pr'inted'.word. "No"--'.the: vote of-'such- elector shall ..be counted against annexation: S.sid : question per-taihing. to a,n.nexatlon:'shall be placed on the b all 0t'.:to be used- at sa•i-d '•s.•pecial election in :the. fallowing'• iaord$:: to wit :- PROPOSITION Shall ' C'reater 'Bakersfield.Metrropo:litan Area be annexed . to and i�ricorporated within -the C1.ty of Bakersfield- and :the proper.'ty in. the - territory' to be. annexed ..be.'s'ub` Jec ted to taxation after 'annexation equally with 'the prop- ,ye.s erty 'wi-thin--the City of .Bakersfield., to, pay. the .bonded'.. indebtedness of the ' City' of"13.&kersfield '•outstanding :. for, the.: acquisition:, .-construction or. completion' of municipal improvements; .provide'd- howe-ver., , that the real.: property located within trie Mt. Vernon. Sanita- :tj on.Distr.ict and ; the 'property, locate.d•'.withiri .the North. ofl River Sanitary 'District, &jal•1 'riot be subjected to .taxation -for the. payment •of the , out-•. No standing indebtedness. for the sewage disposal pIM-t. . : of the,- Ci-ter :of Bakersfield until after p' ayment in•.fta by. said districts 'of their respective outstanding. bonded iridebtednesses? SECTION 5. That said special election. be 'arid: the. same •is hereby ordered ..z. . t-a.-.be. "consolidated:.wi'th the State::Consolidated 'Dire'ct Primer ' Election and Pre sidential 'T.rimary.Bid ction :to be he°1d on ,Tune 5, ,1956, and the . Board -of• Supervisors 'of-. .the 'County of. Ke-rn is hereby - requested to order such consolidation in accordance, witki the provisi oris .of phis pre}inancer.., SECTicN 6. For: the purpose of said special ele•etion,' the .precincts,. - polling place..s, ..•and officers of election shall be the .same- ;as thos.e.:provided. f'or said State Co.nsbli.d-ated'•Direct . Primary,Eie..c- tion and Pre'sido*hiial Primary Eleeti-o' -.within-'said .territory as more particularly.. set forth in the notice of, election filed and published or. tb--be filed .*and published by.•t-he' County Clerk-of the County of .Berri, :.State bf. '-Californi:a.,: giving notice of-- sai..d"-- - ele cti.o�i.: The' Board of Supervis.ors of the. County of ;I�e•rn is -:'hereby authori.ze'd' to canvass.'the ..returns. of said special _e:lec- :tion, . and shall- certify.'the :result of. :the :canvas's of said re turns to tlbb Council of the City of Bakersfield, who shall the.re- ;-upon .declare the -results thereof. ! SEC-ION 7. :.. The:.'C.i,ty'. Clerk shal•1. publish.,.a :-notice Qf..•said special election as required by said. Annexation' Act of 1913, at le ast` once !a week_ for the four weeks prior. to :the ele.o-t -On- to the . Oil dale. Newt. a liew•spaper of general' .c•irculatiori,;:pririted and 'pub ' lished outside•- thii city,. but in.. the . county.in -which the; Terri= tory. 'i s:.:si tuate d•.:. . .:::.oaa.&:.-_ .. .. .• ..: .,y.,',� ••.. � ., ..'.�.; � '. � �': •.S. � '..,.: ;.•� ..; � .. is .. •'� � �.. ' I IMEBT.CERTIFY. that the f oregoing'•'_c0rd"inas'ien was passed and adopted 'by the Council of the City of -Bakersfie-ld at .a regu-: -1- r :meeting held on the 2nd day of April 1.956, by the follow- -. � �� . �: �._ . .�. � � . . � �� .. ... . • ing vote ' . AYi : CARNAItis;COLLINS, CROES, bOOLIN, EVEI.ETH, $4HWEITZER, SULLIVAN. NOES: ABSENT: City. lerk an x is o er Ff the Co. uncil :of 'the `City .of Bakers- field APPROVED this 2n d ay Of April ,1956' or Y R. of the • ty of Bakers Bakersf ield - i Description for the Greater Bakersfield Metropolitan Area, in Kern Count California more 'y, , particularly described as follows. Beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of the Northwest ' Quarter of Section 159 Township 30 South, Range 28 Bast, M. D. B. and M., with the southerly boundary line of County Road No. 896, said southerly boundary line distant 30.00 southerly, as measured perpendicular to the northerly line of said Section 159 the above described intersection being also a point on the corporate boundary line of the City of Bakersfield, California, as said corporate boundary line is defined in the description for the annexation of the "Municipal Farm, together with that certain public highway, commonly known as Brundage Lane, which connects said territory to the City of Bakersfield,"adopted September 29, 19522 by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, and certified by the Secretary Of State, State pf California, October 10, 19529 and filed in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, California, November 12, 1952; thence departing from last named corporate boundary line, easterly and parallel with the northerly line of said Section 159 to intersect the easterly line of said Section 15; thence southerly on and along the easterly line of said Section 15 to the Southeast corner thereof, and to a point on the corporate boundary line of the City of Bakersfield, as described in above said "Municipal Farm" an- nexation; thence continuing southerly on and along sa d corporate boundary line, and along the easterly line of Section'12 of- last named Township and Range to intersect the northerly line of County Road No. 931; thence continuing southerly and departing from said corporate boundary line, on and along the easterly line of Sections 22 and 27, of last named Township and Range, to the Southeast corner of said Section 2 ; thence westerly on and along the southerly line of Sections 27, 29 and 29, of said Township and Range, to intersect the westerly right of way line of County Road No. 63, also known as Cottonwood Road, said last named intersection being distant 30.00 feet westerly of, and as measured perpendicular to the easterly line of said Section 29; thence northerly on and along said last named westerly right of way line to a point distant 30.00 feet northerly, as measured perpendicular to the southerly line of said Section 29;- thence westerly parallel with the southerly line of said Section 29, on and along the northerly line of County Road No. 867, also known as Hoskins Avenue, to intersect the easterly line of Section 30, of said Township and Range; thence continuing westerly parallel with, and distant 30.00 feet northerly, as measured perpendicular to the southerly line of said Section 30, on and along the northerly line of County Road No. 365, also known as Hoskins Avenue, to intersect the easterly line of Section 25, Township 30 South, Range 27 Bast, M. D. B. and M; thenc% continuing westerly parallel with, and distant 30.00 feet northerly, as measured perpendicular. to the -southerly line of said Section 25, on and along the northerly line of County Road No. 7829 also known as Hoskins Avenue, to intersect the westerly line of Lot 32, in said Section 25, as said Lot 32 and said Sect3bn-25 are shown oin "Kern-County -Sales-Nrap -Yo_-.'_l, of-_ _`_ Lands of J. B. Haggin" filed May 39 1889, in the office of said County Recorder; thence northerly on and along the westerly boundary line of Lots 32, 319 18, 17, 169 150 2, and 1, and the extensions thereof, to intersect the northerly line of said Section 25; thence Exhibit A continuing northerly a distance of 30.00 feet, and as measured perpendicular to the southerly line of Section 24, of last named Township and Range, to intersect the northerly line of County Road No. • 126, also known as Panama Lane; thence easterly, parallel with the said southerly line of said Section 24, on and along the northerly line of said Panama Lane to intersect the westerly line of County Road No. 140, also known as South H Street, ,formerly known as Kern Island Road, said last named intersection being distant 30.00 feet westerly as measured perpendicular to the easterly line of said Section 24; thence northerly parallel with said easterly line of Section 24, on and along said westerly line of said South H Street, to intersect the southerly line of Section 13 of last named Township and Range; thence continuing northerly, parallel with and distant 30.00 feet westerly as measured perpendicular to the easterly line of said Section 13, on and along said westerly line of South H Street, to intersect the northerly line of County Road No. 782, the last named northerly line, also being the southerly line of Lot 16, in said Section 13 as said Lot and Section are shown on said "Kern County Sales Map No. 1, of Lands of J. B. Haggin"; thence westerly along the northerly line of said County Road No. 782, also known as White Lane, on and along the southerly line of Lots 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, and 10, and the extensions thereof to intersect the westerly line of said Section 13, as said Lots and Section are shown on •"Urri- County Sales Map No. 1 of Lands of J. B. Haggin"; thence continuing westerly and parallel with the southerly line of the Northeast one quarter INE4) of Section 14, of last named Township and Range, to intersect the westerly line of County Road No. 50,W also known as Wible Road, at a point distant 30.00 feet westerly ' of as measured perpendicular to the easterly line of Section 14, of last named Township and Range; thence northerly parallel with said easterly line of Section 14, on and along said westerly line of Wible Road, to intersect the southerly line of the North one-half (N4). of the North one-half (Na) of the North one-half (N') of said Section 14; thence westerly on and along the last named southerly line to the Southeast corner of the Northeast one-quarter (NE#) of the Northeast one-quarter (NE4) of the Northeast one-quarter (NE4) of Section 15 of last named Township and Range; thence continuing westerly on and along the southerly line of the Northeast one-quarter (NE4) of the Northeast one-quarter (NE4) of the Northeast one-quarter (NE-1) of said Section 15, to intersect the westerly line of County Road No. 157, also known as Stine Road, distant 30.00 feet westerly, as measured perpendicular to the easterly line of said Section 15; thence northerly along the westerly line of said County Road No. 157 and parallel with the easterly line of Sections 15 and 109 of last named Township and Range, to intersect the southwesterly prolongation, of the southeasterly right of way line, of the Stine Canal, as said right of way line is shown on "Sales Map of Lands of Kern County Land Company in Section 119 Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M. D. B. and M."; filed January 259 1e94, kn the office of said County Recorder; thence Northeasterly along the last named- Stine Canal right of way line, and the said southwesterly prolongation thereof to intersect the westerly line of said Section 11; thence northerly on and along the easterly line of._Sections ,l0_�and ,3, ,of.:la-at_ nemed�TgtpLsbip,�and,_Rpnge,_.to.�the,__,�..� Northeast corner of the Southeast one-quarter (SE4) of said Section 3; thence westerly on and along the northerly line of the South one-half (S4) of said. Section 3, to the Northeast corner of the Southeast one- quarter (SE4) of Section 4, of last named Township and Range; thence southerly on and along the easterly line of said Section 4, to the Northeast corner of the South one-half (Sj) of the Southeast one- quarter (SE4) of said Section 4; thence westerly on and along the ' northerly line of the said South one-half (S$) of the Southeast one- quarter (SE4) of said Section 4 to the Southwest corner of the' Northwest one-quarter (NW4) of the Southeast one-quarter (SE4) of said Section 4; thence northerly on and along the westerly line of the Northwest one-quarter (NW4 of the Southeast one-quarter (SE4) of said Section 4, .to the Northwest corner of the last named Northwest one-quarter (NW4) of the Southeast one-quarter (SE') ; thence easterly on and along the southerly line of the Northeast one-quarter (NE4) of said Section 4 to intersect the southerly prolongation of the westerly boundary line of that articular subdivision known as "Stockdale", recorded August 19, 1926, in the office of said County Recorder, in Book 3 of Maps, at page 170; thence northerly on and along said southerly prolongation, and along said last named westerly boundary line to intersect the northerly line of said Section 4, the last named intersection also being the Nomthwest corner 'of said "Stockdale"; thence easterly on and. along the last named northerly line to the Northeast corner of said Section 4; thence northerly on and along the westerly line .of Section 34, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M. D. B. and M. , to the Northwest corner of the Southwest one-quarter (SW4) of the Southwest one-quarter (SW°4) of the Southwest one-quarter (SW4) of said Section 34; thence easterly on and along the northerly line of the South one-half (S4) of the South one-half (S1) of the South one-half (S4). of said Section 34, to the Northeast corner of the Southeast one-quarter (SEI) of the Southeast one-quarter (SE4) of the Southeast one-quarter (BED of said Section 34; thence northerly on and along the westerly line of Section 35 of last named Township and Range, to the Southwest corner of the Northwest one-quarter (N'W¢) of said Section 35; thence easterly on and along the southerly line of the Northwest one-quarter (NW-.) of said Section 35, to the South- east - corner of last named Northwest one-quarter (NW4) ; thence northerly on and along the easterly line of said Northwest, one-quarter (NWY.) of said Section 35, to the Southwest corner of the East one-half (E2) of Section 26, of last named Township and Range; thence continui = northerly on and along the westerly line of the East one-half (E of said Section 26, and along the westerly line of the Southeast one-quarter (BE!) of Section 23 of last named Township and Range to intersect the northerly line of the California State Highway, Route No. 580 distant 55.00 feet northerly, as, measured perpendicular to the southerly line of said Section 23; thence easterly on and along said northerly line of California State Highway, Route No. 58, and parallel with the southerly line of said Section 23, to intersect the southerly prolongation of the easterly line of Lot 15, as said Lot 15 is shown on map of Tract No. 119-89 Recorded September 5, 194.1, In the office of said County Recorder, in Book 5 of Maps, at page 42; thence northerly along last named southerly prolongation and along the easterly line of said Lot 15 and the easterly line of Lot' 6 and the prolongations thereof, as said Lot 6 is shown on map of said. Tract No. 11989 to intersect the southerly line of Lot 20, as said Lot 20 is shown on "Map of Cloverleaf Tract", filed February. 29, 19240 in the office of said County Recorder, in Book 3 of Maps, at page 98; thence westerly on and along the last named southerly line, to the Southwest corner of last named Lot 20; thence northerly on and along the westerly line of Lots 20 and 3 and the prolongations thereof, to the Northwest corner of said Lot _3, as said Lots 20 and 3°a e -s on7i'Ald "Map of`C1`o`verleef�Tr`a'ct"; thence eWaterlf'on and along the northerly line of last named Lot 3, to intersect the southerly prolongation of the easterly line of Union Street, as said Union Street is shown on map of Tract No. 1001", filed September 26, 1930, in the office of said County Recorder, in Book 4 of Maps, at page 27; thence northerly on and along last named southerly (3) prolongation, and along said easterly line of Union Street and the prolongations thereof to intersect the northerly line of said Section 23 thence westerly on and along the -southerly line of Sections a, and 15, of last named Township and Range, to the Southwest corner of Lot -29, as said Lot 29 is shown on "Sales Map of Lands of Kern County Land Company, ,in Section 15 Township -29 South, Range 27 East, M. D. B. and M.," filed April 6, 18922 in the office of said County 1ecorder, and also- as said Southwest corner of Lot 29 is .. ahown• on "Record of Survey Map" recorded February 18, 19520 in the office of said County Recorder, in .Book 6, 8ecord of Survey Maps, at page 84;' -thence on and along the following described Lot lines as said Lots and 'lines are shown on said last' named "Record of Survey i Map";' northerly on and' along the westerly line of said Lot 29, to the Southeast corner of Lot 21; thence westerly on and along the southerly -:line of said Lot 21, to the -Southwest corner of said •Lot 21; thence northerly on and along the westerly line of said I Ldt 21, to the Southeast corner of Lot 11; thence westerly on and Along .the southerly line of said Lot 11 to the Southwest corner of said Lot 11; thence northerly on and along the westerly line of said Lot 11, to the Northwest corner of said Lot 11; thence easterly on and along the northerly line of said Lot 11 and continuing easterly along the northerly 'line of Lots 12, 13, 14,15 and 16, to the 'Northeast corner of said' Lot 16; thence northerly on and along the easterly line of Lot 19 to the Northeast corner of said Lot 1, said ' last named Northeast corner of Lot 1 also being the Northeast corner ' of said Section 15; thence continuing northerly on and along the i easterly line of Section 10, of last named Township and Range to intersect the southerly line of County Road No. 999 Section 3, also known as Norris Road; thence easterly on and along said southerly line of Norris Road, the last named southerly line also being distant. 30.00 feet south of the northerly line of the South one-half (S*) of Section .11 of last named Township and Range to intersect the southerly prolongation of' the westerly line of County Road No. 941, i also known as Airport Drive; thence northerly on and along last named southerly prolongation, and on and along the .said - westerly line of Airport Drive, parallel with, and distant 30.00 feet westerly, as measured perpendicular to the easterly line of Section 11, of last named Township and Range., to intersect the westerly prolog ation of the northerly line of County Road No. D1540 also known as Douglas Street; thence easterly on and along last named westerly prolongation, to intersect said easterly line of Section 11; thence northerly on and along said easterly line of Section 119 to the Northeast corner thereof; thence continuing northerly, on and along the easterly line of and to the Northeast corner of Section 2, of last named Township and Range; thence easterly on and along the northerly line of Section 1, of last named Township and Range to the Northwest corner of Section 60 Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. B. and No; thence continuing easterly' on and along the northerly line of said Section 6, to the Northeast corner of the Northwest one-quarter (NW*) of said Section 6; thence southerly on and along the easterly line of and to the Southeast corner of, the Went one-half - (Wi) of said Section 6; thence S. 890 531 40" W.,' on and along the southerly line of said Section 6, an said southerly line is shown an mpp..,of_, "Proposed...County. = Road- No:4624 , fil-led-in--the office--`of, the County Surveyors. of Kern County, California, a distance of 163.90 feet; thence S. 00 061 20" B., a distance of 55.00 feet, to the beginning of a circular curve, from which the radial center of said curve bears S. 00 061 20" B., distant 85.00 feet; thence on and along said circular curve, concave to the Southwest through a central angle of 980 46, 55% for a distance of 146.55 feet, to a point of non-tangency, from which the radial center of last named 'curve bears N. 810 191 25" W., distant 85.00 feet; thence from said point of non-tangency on and along the westerly line of said "Proposed County Road No. 1624", S. 50 331 22" W. , .a distance of 150.35 feet; thence continuing along said westerly line of said "Proposed County Road No. 1624" S. 190. 561 57" W., a distance of 152.95 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve; thence continuing along said westerly line of Bald "Proposed County Road No. 1624 on and along said tangent curve, concave to, the southeast with a radius of 832.00 feet, through a central angle of 200 001 009, for a distance of 290.42 feet, to a point of tangency;. thence con- tinuing along said westerly line of Proposed County Road No. 1624" S.L00 03' 03 E., to intersect the northerly line 'of the South one-half (S2) of the South one-half (3j) of Section 7, of last named Township and Range; thence easterly, on and along the northerly line of the South one-half (Sa) of the South one-lialf (Sj) of Sections 7, 8, 9, 100 11 and 12 of last named Township and Range, to the Northeast corner of the Southeast one-quarter (SE4) of the Southeast one-quarter (SE4) of said -Section .12; thence southerly on and along the easterly line of Sections 12 and 13 of last named Township and Range, to the Southeast corner of said Section 13; thence westerly on and along 5 the southerly line of said Section 13, to a point distant 40.00 feet as measured perpendicular to, the easterly line of Section 24, of last named Township and 'Range; thence southerly on and along a line parallel with, said easterly line of said Section 240 to intersect the westerly line of County Road No. 912, and continuing southerly along last named westerly line to intersect the southerly line of the Northeast one-quarter (NE43 of said Section 24; thence easterly on and along last named southerly line to the Northwest corner of the Southwest one-quarter (3W4) of Section 19, Township 29 South, Range 29 East, M. D. B. and M., thence continuing easterly on and along the northerly line of the South one-half (SW) of said Section 19, to the Northeast corner of the Southeast one-quarter (SE4) of said Section 19; thence southerly on and along the easterly line of Sections 19 and 30, of last named Township and Range, to the Southeast corner of said Section 30; thence westerly on and along the northerly line of Section 31, of last named Township and Range, to a point distant 30.00 feet, as measured perpendicular to the easterly line of said Section 31; thence southerly on and along a line parallel with the said easterly line of Section 31, said last named parallel line, also being the easterly line of Lots 8, 9, 249 259 40, 41 and 53, and the prolongations thereof as said Lots and last named easterly line are shown on "Map of First Edison Sub-Division", filed September 10, 1909, in the of.,ice of said County Recorder, in Book 1 of Maps, at page 1239 to a point of intersection with the easterly prolongation, of the northerly line of County Road No. 1478, said last named point of intersection being distant 40.00 feet northerly, as measured perpendicular, to the southerly line of said Section 31; thence westerly on and along last named easterly prolongation, and along said northerly line of County Road No. 1178, . parallel with the said southerly line of Section 31, to intersect the easterly line of Section 369 Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. B. and M.; thence continuing westerly on and along said northerly line of County, .: :_. } _ Road No. -47.8#,_and,.the_ prolongations-thereof;parallel with; and - distant �0,00 feet northerly as measured perpendicular to the southerly line of said Section 36, to intersect the easterly line of Section 35, of last named Township and Range; thence southerly on and along the easterly line of said Section 35, to a point distant 30.00 feet northerly as measured perpendicular to the southerly line of said Section 35; thence westerly on .and along a line parallel with, the said southerly line- of Section 35, the last named parallel line, also being the northerly line of County Road No. 25& and No. 966, to intersect the easterly line of Section 34, of last named Township and Range; thence continuing westerly on and along a line parallel. with, distant 30.00 feet northerly as measured perpendicular to the southerly line of. said Section 34, the last named parallel line, also being the northerly line of County Road No; 547, to intersect the westerly line of the Southeast one-quarter . (SE4) . of the' Southeast one-quarter (SE4) of said Section 34;- thence southerly on and .along last named. westerly line, to the Southwest corner of the Southeast one-quarter (SE ) of the Southeast one-quarter (SE1) of said Section 34; thence continuin southerly on and along the westerly line of the East one-half (Ea� of the East. one-half (EUl) of' Section 31 Township 30 South, Range 28 East, M. D. B. and M. , to the Southwest corner of the Northeast one-quarter (NE') of the Southeast one-quarter (SE,) of said Section 3; thence westerly- on . and along the northerly line of the Southwest one-quarter (SW4) of the Southeast one-quarter (SE-1) to the Northwest corner thereof, of said Section 3, the last named corner also being a point on the corporate boundary line of the City of Bakersfield, as said corporate boundary line is defined in the description for the annexation of the aforesaid "Municipal Farm, together with that certain public highway, commonly known as Brundage Lane, which connects said territory to the City of Bakersfield"; thence southerly along said corporate boundary line on and along the westerly line of the East one-half (ED of said Section 3, and on and along the westerly line of the 'East one-half (E2) of Sections 10 and 15 of last named Township and Range to intersect the southerly line of said County Road No. 696 and to the point of beginning, excluding from the above described enclosed territory, all that territory lying within the external boundaries of the incorporated area of the City of Bakersfield, State of California, as said incor crated area is defined and exists as of 6:00 P.M., August 12, 1955., Also excluding from the above-described enclosed territory all that territory lying within the boundaries of Tract 1785 and Tract 1788, said territory being more particularly described as follows: PARCEL 1. That portion of the East half of the Northeast quarter of Section 122 Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M. D. B. & M., in the County of Kern, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Easterly extension of the Northerly line of Lot 107, as said Northerly line of said Lot 107 is shown on the map of Tract No. 1758 recorded Sep- tember 16, 1954 in Book 89 Page 161 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, with the Westerly line of South "H" Street, also known as Kern Island Road of 60 feet in width; said intersection also bears N. 890 551 22" W., 30.00 feet distant from the Easterly line of said .Ea$t half of the Northeast. quarter of Section 12; thence N. 89 551 22" W. % along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as said corporate boundary is defined by Ordinance No. l021.,. New_Series,_ _. - - -- - adopted-August 2, 1954; by the Council o� theCity of Bakers- field and certified September 3, 1954, by the Secretary of State, State of California, and along the Northerly line of said Tract No. 1758,_ a distance of 1184.065 feet to the North- west corner of Lot 123 in said Tract No. 1758; thence S. 00 001 52" E. along the Westerly line of said Lot 123 a distance of 110.00 feet to the Northerly line of Custer Avenue of 60 feet in width as said Custer Avenue is shown on the map of said Tract No. 1758; thence N. 890 551 22" W. , along the said Northerly line of Custer Avenue, a distance of 110.00 feet to intersect the Westerly line of the said East half of the Northeast quarter of Section 12, the last named intersection being also the Southwest corner of Lot 18, as said Lot. 18 is shown on map of Tract No. 1785, recorded February 3, 1955 in Book 8, Page 184 of Maps in the office of the said County Recorder; thence N. 00 001 52" W. , and departing from the corporate boundary of the City of Bakers- field, on and along the Westerly boundary of said Tract No. 1785, a distance of 390.00 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 22, a's said Lot 22 is shown on map of said Tract No. 1785; thence S. 890 55' 22" E. , a distance of 369.10 feet, to the Northeast corner of Lot 269 as said Lot 26 is shown on map of said Tract No. *1785; thence N. 00 001 52" W. , a distance of 295.00 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 55, as said Lot 55 is shown on map . of said Tract No. 1785; thence N. 890 551 22" W. , a distance of 369.10 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 88, as said Lot 88 is shown on map of said Tract No:" 1785; thence N. 00 001 52" W. , a distance of 290.00 feet, to the Northwest corner of Lot 90, as said Lot 90 is shown on map of said Tract No. 1785; thence S. 890 551 22" E. , a dis- tance of 129.251 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 90; thence S. 00 001 07" E. , a distance of 10.00 feet to a point in the Easterly boundary of said Lot 90; thence S. 890 55' 2211 E. , along the northerly boundary of said Tract No. 1785 a distance of 1165.00 feet, to intersect the Westerly line of said South "H" Street, said last named intersection bears N. 890 551 22" W. , distant 30 .00 feet from the Easterly line of the said East half of the Northeast quarter of Section 12; thence S. 00 001 07" E. , along a line parallel with and 30 .00 feet distant westerly as measured perpendicular to the Easterly line of the said East half of the Northeast quarter of Section 12, and on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as said corporate boundary is defined in Ordinance No. 898, New Series, adopted .January 2, 1951, by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, and certified February 5, 1951, by the Secretary of State, State of California, a distance of 855.00 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, con- taining 23.210 acres more or less. PARCEL 2. That portion of the East-half of the Northeast quarter of Section 129 Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Hount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the' County of Kern, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Easterly extension of the Northerly line of Lot 107, as said Northerly line of said Lot 107 is shown on the map of Tract No. 1765 recorded February 3, 1955 in 'Book 8, Page 164 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, with the Westerly line of South "H" Street, also known as Kern Island Road of 60 feet in width, said intersection also bears North 890 55' 22" West, of the Northeast quarter of Section 12; thence North 890 55, 22" West, alon the Northerly line of said Tract No. 1785, a distance of 1195.00 feet to a point in the Easterly line of Lot 90 of said 'Tract No. 1785; thence North 00 001 07" West, along the Easterly line of said Lot 90 a distance of 10.00 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 90; thence North 890 55' 2211 West alon the Northerly line of said Lot 900 a distance of 129.29 feet to intersect the Westerly line of the said East-half of the Northeast quarter of Section 129 the last named. intersection being also the Southwest corner of Lot 7, as said Lot 7 is shown on map of Tract-No. 1788, re- corded June 9, 1955 in Book 8, Page 197 of Maps in the office of the said County Recorder; thence North 00 001 52" West on and along the Westerly boundary of said Tract No. 17889 a distance of 447.50 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 1, as said Lot 1 is shown on map of said Tract No. 1788; thence South 890 57' 22" East, a distance of 363.19 feet to' the Southwest corner of Lot 72, as said Lot 72 is shown on map of said Tract No. 1788; thence North 00 001 52" West, a distance of 329.84 feet to intersect the Northerly line of the right of way of Ming Road of 60 feet in width said North line being distant 30 feet Northerly as measured at right angles to the North line of the Northeast quarter of Section 12, Township 30 South., Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian; thence South 890 57' 22" East on and along said Northerly right of way line, a distance of 931.255 feet more or less to intersect the Westerly line of South "H" Street, said Westerly line of South "H" Street being distant 30 feet West as measured at right angles to the East boundary line of the Southeast quarter of Section 1, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, said Westerly line of South "H" Street also being Corporate Boundary of the City of Bakersfield; thence South and parallel with the East boundary line of said Section 1 a distance of 30 feet to a point in the North boundary line of said Section 12, said point bears North 890 571 22" West distant 30 feet from the Northeast corner of said Section 12; thence South 00' 001 O VI East, along a line parallel with and 30.00 feet distant Westerly as measured perpendicular to the Easterly line of said East-half of the Northeast quarter of Section 12, and on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as said corporate boundary is defined in Ordinance No. 898, New Series, adopted January 2, 19510 by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, and certified February 5, 1951, by the Secretary of State, State of California, a distance of 758.09 feet more or less to the point of .beginning. Also excluding from the above-described enclosed territory all. of the fo,llowing described area in Section 36, Township 29 South, Range 28• East, M. D. B. & M., more particularly described as follows: PARCEL 3. Beginning at the intersection' of the- easterly line of said Section 36 with the northerly boundary line of afore- said County Road Na. 1478, as said ixttersection is herein- above described; thence northerly along the easterly line of -- -===----sat-d--Section- 36• to-interse`ct-'the-•-southwesteriy-boundary-=i-no --r- of California State- Highway VI-Ker-58 of! 80:00 feet in width, formerly County Road No. 134and also known as Edison High- way; thence northwesterly along last named southwesterly . boundary line to -intersect the westerly boundary line of the- southeast 1/4 of said Section 36; thence southerly along last . l named westerly boundary line to intersect the northerly boundary line of said County Road No. 1478; thence easterly along last named northerly boundary line, parallel with and distant 40.00 feet northerly as measured perpendicular to the southerly line of said Section 36 to the point of beginning. Also excluding from the above-described enclosed territory all of the following described area in Section 6, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. B. & M., more particularly described as follows: PARCEL 4. Beginning at the northwest corner of the east 1/2 of the west 1/2 of the northwest 1/4 of said Section 6; thence southerly along the westerly boundary line of the east 1/2 of the west l of the northwest 1/4 of said Section 6 to intersect the northerly boundary line of Tract No. 1826, as said northerly boundary line is shown on map of said Tract No. 1826 recorded July 29, 1955 in the office of. said County Recorder, in Book 9 of Maps at page 11; thence easterly along last named northerly boundary line to intersect the easterly boundary line of west 1/2 of the northwest 1/4 of said Section 6; thence northerly along last named easterly boundary line to intersect the northerly boundary line of said Section 6; thence westerly along the last named northerly boundary line to the point of beginning. . ALSO EXCLUDING FROM THE ABOVE DESCRIBED ENCLOSED TERRITORY 'ALL OF THE FOLLOW- ING DESCRIBED AREA IN SECTIONS 33 AND 34 IN TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH,. RANGE 28 EAST, M.D.B. M,, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL- 5, BEGINNING AT THE'-INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID COUNTY ROAD NO.- 5471' ALSO KNOWN AS BRUNDAGE LANE, AND THE WESTIE-p— ;. BOUNDARY LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4..4F THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SA IFS- .UOTTON 341 AND A$ SAID INTERSECTION IS HEREIN ABOVE DESCRIBED; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG TH-E' LAST NAMED WESTERLY BOUNDARY L•I.NE.TO INTERSECT A LT.NE PARIALLIL WITH, AND DISTANT 200.00 FEET SOUTHERLY, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF THE SOUTH 1/2. OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAI.D. SECTION 34; -THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE LAST NAMED PARALLEL LINE TO INTERSECT THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 34; THEICE':CGN- TINUING WESTERLY ALONG A LINE PARALLEL WITH, DISTANT 200.00 .FEET SOUTHERLY, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF.-THE SOUTH 1/2. -- OF THE SOUTHWEST '-1/4. OF SAID SECT ION '34 TO INTERSECT THE-EA9TH;R.I..Y BOUNDARY LINE 'OF. SAID-SECTION 33; THENCE CONTINUING WESTERLY ALONG A .LINE 'PARALLEL WITTi DISTANT 200.00 FEET SOUTHERLY, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE ... ..NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SEC TION 330 TO .INTERSECT THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF 'THE •SOUTHWEST 1/4. (OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 33; THENCE SOUTHERLY. ALONG LAST NAMED EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE TO INTERSECT THE NORTHERLY BOUN.DARY. LINE OF SAID BRUNDAGE LANE OF 60.00 FEET IN WIDTH, ALSO KNOWN AS COUNTY ROAD NO., 50, AND AS SAID' BRUNDAGE LANE IS SHOWN ON R''CQRD OF SURVEY 'MAP 'RECORDED JUNE 17,' 1947, IN BJOK 5, RECORD OF SURVEY MAPS, AT PAGE 114, IN THE OFFICE. OF SAID COUNTY R-CORDER; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY. BOUNDARY LINE OF BRUNDAGE L-ANE, .PARALLEL'WITH, DISTANT 30.00 FEET NORTHERLY, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF-SAID SECt.10N 33, TO INTERSECT .THIAT PARTI - • CULAR LINE SHOWN AS BEAR I NG- N. 00013118 0 E; , AND DI STANT N. 89031r31" E, , 961 .68 FEET AS MEASURED ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY• LINE OF SAID SECTION .. 33, .FR.OM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF, AND AS SHOWN ..ON. SAID RECORD OF SURVEY MAP; THENCE N. 0005t18" E,. , A DISTANCE OF 2205.45 FEET AND ACCORDING .TO SAID RECORD OF SURVEY MAP, TO INTERSECT 74-#E gpUTHEASTERLY. RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE ASPHALTO BRANCH OF THE 'SOUTHERN. PACIFIC RAILROAD; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ' ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF--WAY LINE AND ALONG A.C IRCUL'FIR CURVE CONCAVE 10 THE WQRTHWEST,. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2016948", WI..TH 'A -RADIUS OF 111429.954-- .. FEET, A D.ISTANCE OF 454.84 FEET,. AND A3 .8141.901'N- ON :•SA ID RECORD OF SURVEY MAP, 7. TO. INTERSECT THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF- THE SOUTHWEST 114 OF SAID SECTION 33; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG LAST NAMED.-NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SAID. SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF. SeECT.fUN 33; TO#-NCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE . WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF THE NORTN"ST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 114 OF SAID SECTION 33 TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID ,NORTHWES'T 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 33;• THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE .$OUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF THE NORTH 'I�s OF THE.SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 33, ANC. AS SAID LAST NAMED SOUTHERLY 90EINDARY_. 13 SHOWN ON MAP OF TACT NO. 1646, RECORDED tv1AY 261 1953, IN BOOK 8 /•bF MAPS AT PAGE 59, IN THE OFFICE OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER, AND A$ SAID LAST - WED .SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE IS ALSO' SHOWN. ON VAP OF,TRACT NQ... 1420, RECORDED 11ECEMBER 1.7, 1947) 'IN' BOOK 6 OF MAPS AT PAGE 87, IN THE OFFICE OF. '6AID COUNTY • RECORDER- TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF 'I'NE.301J7!FII4AST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 33, THE LAST DESCRIBED CORNER ALSO BEING THE SOUTNIAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT N0. 1420; THENCE CONTINUING EASTERLY ALONQ+THE IOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF THE NORTH '1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECf11I N' 34 TO THE SOUTH- EAST CORNER O F THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF .THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 34; THENCE CONTINUING EASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE..SOHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 34, TO INTERSECT A LINE PARALLEL WITH, D 1 ST UTANT 200.00 FEET EASTERLY, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR_ TO-.SF_E_-WESTrR' -•----- � = SO`UTH-EAST"1� OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 34;. THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG LAST- 'NAMED PARALLEL LINE TO INTERSECT THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY L' INE. OF .SA'ID BRUNDAGE LANE OF 60,00 FEET IN WIDTH, THENCE WESTERLY "ALONG LAST NAMED NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE,. PARALLEL WITH, .DISTANT 30,00 FEET NORTHERLY,- AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR' TO'-THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION 341 A Dy.S.TANCE OF 200,00 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF- BEGINNING. ALSO EXCLUDING FROM THE .ABOVE DESCRIBED ENCLOSED TERRITORY .ALL OF THE FOL•L041- ING DESCRIBED AREA IN SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, M.D.B. & M. , MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL 6. BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 8671 ALSO KNOWN AS HOSKINS.. AVENUE OF 60.00 FEET IN WIDTH, LYING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 29, WITH THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE' NOR- THERLY ALONG LAST NAMED EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 29; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 29 TO INTERSECT THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF THE SOUTH- WEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG LAST NAMED EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LAST NAMED SOUTHWEST 1/4; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 29 TO INTERSECT THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF THE EAST 60.00 ACRES OF THE NORTH 1/2..OF THE SOUTH- WEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG LAST-NAMED WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE TO INTERSECT THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY L.INE OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG LAST NAMED NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE TO INTERSECT A LINE PARALLEL WITH, DISTANT 330.00 FEET EASTERLY, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR, TO THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF- SAID SECTION 29; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG LAST NAMED PARALLEL LINE TO INTERSECT THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID HOSKINS AVENUE; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG !AST NAMED NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE, PARALLEL WITH, DISTANT 30.00 FEET NORTHERLY, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID Sr•CTION 29 TO INTERSECT THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 29 AND TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO EXCLUDING FROM THE ABOVE DESCRIBED ENCLOSED TERRITORY ALL- OF-THE DESCRIBED. AREA IN SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, M.D.B. & M. , MORE PARTI- CULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL 7. BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF HOSKINS AVENUE, ALSO KNOWN AS COUNTY ROAD NO. 365, OF 60,00 FEET IN WIDTH LYING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION 30, WITH THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF LOT 32,AND AS SAID LOT 32 IS SHOWN ON MAP OF BERKSHIRE FARM TRACT, FILED AUGUST 27, 1901, AT 10:50 A.M. , IN BOOK 1 OF MAPS AT PAGE 381 IN THE OFFICE OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF LOTS 32 AND 31 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 31 AND AS SAID LOTS ARE SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF BERKSHIRE FARM TRACT; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 31 TO INTERSECT A LINE PARALLEL WITH, DISTANT 330.00 FEET WESTERLY, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION 30; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG LAST NAMED PARALLEL LINE TO INTERSECT THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID HOSKINS AVENUE; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG LAST NAMED NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE, PARALLEL WITH, DISTANT 30.00 FEET NORTHERLY, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION 30, TO INTERSECT THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 32 AND TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO .EXCLUDING FROM THE ABOVE DESCRIBED ENCLOSED TERRITORY ALL OF THE FOLLOW- ING DESCRIBED AREA IN SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 28 FAST, M,D.B.& m. , d10RE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL 8. BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF --' HCSKIN_S AVENUE, ALSO KNOWN AS COUNTY_,ROA.D-_NO_._-365;._OF 60:-00--FE-ET -+N--WID`TW-�--- LYING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION 30, WITH THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF LOT 27, AS SAID LOT 27 IS SHOWN ON MAP OF BERKSHIRE FARM TRACT, FILED AUGUST 27, 1-9011 AT 10:50 A.M. , IN BOOK 1 OF MAPS, AT PAGE 38, 'IN THE OFFICE OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 27 TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE WESTERLY _ ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 27 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 27 TO INTERSECT THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID HOSKINS AVENUE; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG LAST NAMED NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE, PARALLEL WITH, DISTANT 30.00 FEET NORTHERLY, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION 30, TO INTERSECT THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 27 AND TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. 1 ALSO EXCLUDING FROM THE ABOVE DESCRIBED ENCLOSED TERRITORY ALL OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED AREA IN SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, z :. RANGE 27 EAST, M.D.B. & M. , MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL 9. ALL OF THAT PORTION OF LOTS 15 AND 16 IN SAID SECTION 13, AS SAID LOTS ARE SHOWN ON KERN COUNTY SALES MAP NO. 1 OF L•AN;DS OF J. B. •HAGGIN, FILED FOR RECORD MAY 3, 18899 AT 1 :40 P.m. , 1N THE OFFICE OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER, LYING SOUTH AND EAST OF THE SOUTH- EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ASPHALTO BRANCH OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD ACROSS S^ III SECTION 13. I 1 .I I A II ,� tadttut# u #tit (�rt�tnr� i A STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Kern ss. d 1 MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: i � That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on THE...............................................................3rd day of Apr... ....................... I956, she posted on the Bulletin Board at the I City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting ! thereof duly held on..........the 2nd day of Apr i l I q 56 which ordinance was •, I •1080 ; numbered......'.....................New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD : i CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BEHELD ON a THE 5TH DAY OF JUNES 19562 PERTAINING TO THE .ANNEXATION OF GREATER BAKERSFIELD MET— ROPOLITAN AREA TO THE CITY .OF BAKERSFIELD� 1'F 9 ORDERING CONSOLIDATION OF SAID SPECIAL ' ELECTION WITH THE STATE CONSOLIDATED DIRECT ' PRIMARY ELECTION AND PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ` I ELECTION AND. REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPER— VISORS OF THE COUNTY OF KERN TO ORDER THE CONSOLIDATION OF SAID ELECTIONS.. , •� I ¢yi i � 4 r f: --J.._. -------------- �. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd Aril 56 , .. ----_---_-_----- j a 1 y Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, i State of California. I My Comma--si-n E;,pires June 9, 1957 4 11 i i t i