HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1077 ORDINANCE NO. NEW U .SERIES AN ORDINANCEAMENDING SECTION 3;01 :OF ..ZON� ING. ORDINANCE NO. 10.10 9. NEW SERIES: OF THE .. . CITY 'OF BAKERSFIELD,- BY" CHANGING- THE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIX PROPERTY LYING NORTHERLY -OF WILSON ROAD AND'-EASTERLY OF SOUTH CHESTER AVENUE. .WHEREAS, in accordance wi th-. the procedure set. forth" in. the provisions- of . Zoning Ordinance No. -1010,_ New Series, -of the City of Bakersfield,, the Planning. Commission and. City.. Council have. held hearings..on a`petition 'to "change' the zoning of certain' property within said City., .and T WHW4S, the. City. Council has :determined. after due c.onsidera- _ �--tion that said zoning change.- should- be auth.orli6d: NOW`, '.l'HEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by'" the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows; SECTION- 1 :That Se' .ction 3.01 of Zoning. Ordinance No.• 1010, . New Series ::of _the: G:i-ty '6f.. Bakersfield, be and- the. same-.-is hereby- amended by changing..the. „oning of certain property:-in said. City. as follows: Chang:ing. -the. -zoning. boundaries from an-R-1 .(One- famil-;� Dwelling) Zone: to, a C-1 (Limited"Oommercial) Zone. of : the :following--described property; -- That, certain property lying:nortYer.ly of Wilson" Road and easterly of South 'Chester Avenue, being. -more particularly described -in Ordinance No. 101-3;': N, City of Bakersfield, ordering annexation -to said City -of th��t area designated. as Planz Park No: 3, as ap- proved. by 'the City Council 'on June 21 1954-.and- filed on July 29, ,1954, .in Fee Book=:No. 387�7"�in ., . the office . of the County. Recorder, County: of .Kern,.:State..oP Cali ..f orni a. SEC'ibt 2..: This ordinance shall. take . effect,:thirty day:s "from :and after thb. date of it's passage. I HEREBX CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance .was. passed and adopted' by tYiet Couricil of 'the City of..Bakersfield at: a .regular -meeting thereof held on the 5th. day' of March,-'-1956, by the-followitg - :vote.;' : •- •. ' . • . � ' gili:Jc' -Fg� 5''1.LIVAPI. . .. ` GLLiNS,.C"ii:5, d�;;.L:�;;-EJELE•;�'.. ., , � •' .. .. _ - - ' AYES: CARP:AI(15, C NOES: � - �' _"' - City Clerk Arid x=Officio Clerk' of. the Council o ity of,- Bakersfield.' - f the. City :APPROVED this 5th da of 'March, WON. of the C:' . of .-Bakersfield. , i of faidtag (90tuattrrs STATE OF CALIFORNIA I! County of Kern ss. I I� �I I li MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on March_-- ------------------- ------------------- 6 1 19 56 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the !� --- City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on.......................... arch-.5..............__................................_. 19..56, which ordinance was i 1077, I! i; I numbered............................New Series,and entitled: l; I ; j AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.01 OF ZONING ` ING ORDINANCE NO. 1010, NEW SERIES OF THE ' l; CITY OF BAKERSFIELD9 BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING NORTHERLY OF ' WILSON ROAD AND EASTERLY OF SOUTH CHESTER AVENUE. .I i, " t ' I• ; 4i II i ' Aw ............ I I Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6.th ----day of------ March lq 56 ? Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, i +;I _ state of California. is i My Commission Expires June 9, 1957 I' i I Y I