HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1075 ORDINANCE .NO. SERIES AN _ORDINANCE PRESCR33NG THE MET$OD ®ND. . 'IME :OF 'FILING- DECLARATION :OF CANDIDACY-ANH.1'ETITION FOR NOMINATION AND-.ELECTION, OF OFFICE. OF 'THE FIRST MAYOR OF 'pX- C ITY.. OF BAKE$SF�Lp. -• WHEREAS, the Council of 'the. City; of B:akersfi.eld did, - on the . 3rd day of January, 1956' - by resolution duly:. 'adopted, resolve to sut:mit ,to.,:the electorate of the City of Baker.efield, .4- proposition amending: the-.'charter .of said.-city, whereby a mayor.°:is to be elected by the votes cf' the' qualified electors of said 'city;' and ..did also by. said resolution :provide •for the subkissibn. of a proposition prescribihk .the time' of the .election ..of -t ie'.first. mayor.,to be- elected, which it. has' determined shall be' conctirrently with .the 'Submission . of the amendments.::.to said :charter to ",the electors° on the 5th day -of' .June", 1956, -a'nd It is necessary to prescribe the - time` and mode ,-of nomination and election of::.said mayor - to 'be first elected. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the. Council of-the C1ty- of Bakersf3eld,:_AA* follows:; SECTION -1:.• ' Wher®ver: =the. word charter fs used in this: 'ordinance, it shall mean; and include. the charter .'of. the -City of:,Bakersfield;' ' SECTION. 2. : That the first mayor 'to be declared: -elected upon. ratification :of the: ameridment.s. to. 6ectidn 14. and. 20 of ' 'and •the !:addition. of Secs tibn 20 A to:, th`e ;charter'; ' shall posse-aB. a1ll:-.Qf; the- .qualifications for councilmen: as prescribed in. Section 17 of- "the charter except the qualif�ic-a�ti:.oi� per-twining to. :b .iig'.ele:c-tar-s�or�thearcl w2ifctr°rttiey ':J vepr..e a ent.:• SECTION 3.:. . . Any 'candiaate .'foar' -the off ice , of "the:-fir a1t mayor"shal1 not earli4i%,."than- the •23rd day .of- February, 1956.9 .:.and -not later than . the :12th day of March, 1956, present his declaration 'of candidacy .substantially in the' form• and manner. prescribed .by Section be of trie.• charter. S ION lj... ::The--::form of nominating •petition'.and 'indivi.dual certificates shall be: substantially as prescribed in--Section%.69" of the. .oharter, ...which -forms shall .be furnished by the City Clerk: The :requirements. of.:the:.certificates shall be substantially as. prescribed -by." Sec tiom-71 .of :tho ..charter. SECTION:. 5, The '-p'elti.tion for; nomination may be presented to .the' Clerk not.: earlier, titan. the ,23rd ,day of February, '1956 'and no ._lateri than the 12th: clay of March, '1956- The' clerk shall. endorse `thereon the- day,. 'hdur and. minute''when .the petition wast presented. 'to him. The ..%certificate eonstituting'.such petition, befor6"being.•present.ed to the .clerk, shall-: be fastened together in book form, arranged. in alphabetical .order:,' according to 'surnames,- and' fastened together At -one edge'._in. -a secure and suitable: manner, -..and 'the certificates shall 'then -be numbered consecutively. SECTION- 6- When a.•.peti.tion of nomination is- presented :fon.'filin' to the .:clerk, :he 'shall forthwith-within.' flour. days examine the- same. and'" ascertain.whether it, is sufficient'under.;;the. provi-sions _of: the charter, and 'shall attach.. to. said petition his certifica.te..showing the result- of... said•z��examination, and forthwith send by regi�ste i ed' mail or.del-iv-er, - a� caP�'a- end=certificate to- the`'p on seekin`g�a nomination.I 'the. pets• lon be found• insufficient such 'dertificate-'of' the.' clerk shall :designate, each individual certificate` found. to be".defective and the defect therein. If the petition be insufficient, .it may be amended or supplemented by'. the presentation of an additional nominating petition containing additional nominating certificates, not later 'than March 21 ' 1956. The clerk shall, not later than March.26;• 1956, make .•like examinatio ' and' determination of the amended petition, and .attach .to it a like certificate and mail a copy as afore- ' said,. and -if' his certificate shall show the . amended petition to, be. insufficient, or if no additional nomination petition shall have been presented, the petition shall be retuimed to the. person seeking' ' nomination named 'as the person to whom. the petition is to be returned. If: neces-sary, the Council shall provide extra help to enable the Clerk to perform' .his :duties under this ordinance: SECTION.' 7.' Any signer -to a certificate 'forming part of the petition of. - -nomination may withdraw his name from. the. same, by ,fili:ng.with. the clerk a.-revocation. of his signature before-.the presentation of the petitiori .to the city clerk, land not. otherwise. -He may then sign a - petition..for another candidate for :th.e- same office. SECTION ;8. Any person who has filed his declaration of .candidacy, as hgrein provided, may, notelater .than March $,. :1956; cause. his name to be with from nomination, by ��filing: with the clerk' 'an affidavit statiiig`.`that he so withdraws,, , and "no .name. so. withdrawn shall be 'printed' on the '.ballo-t.. SECTION 9. If eii:her the original or -the 'amended petition be found to conform-tb. the .provisions of this ordinance 'and pertinent provisions. - - .of_the �chart.ei�.;-the clerk slial3: forthwith- f 'When-a - --`---�- - petitiori..of nomination . shall have been filed with the clerk, it shall . not: ba withdrawn nor added to, and no signature shall- be revoked. .thereaf ter. 3. SECTION- 100 - The c7_erk ' shall preserve 11i' his office" for'..a.'period -bf year. all •patio"ons of nomination and .all certificates belonging thereto.. SECTION.;11:. - All "other requirements for the conduct, of �eleaton's as con- : .. stained iri:�irti:cle VII 4f..the charter shall apply. generally' to :the election of the fies-t mayor,- except as'.-provided, in.-this ordinanoee ' : _ 'SECTION,.12. The pori don•who 'shall be' declared elected 'under. the' charter : americlnients-being submitted 'to the sl:eators' under. .Resolution No: 1-56 ' of the: C ty.-'Council, .shall Abe declared by .this Council .the.,first mayor- elect.. who: shall take 'of fice ' on the first Monday" following : receipt of- official' notification by the: 'city clerk.,'." of .tie ratification of the said amendments bA the .State Legislature: .;. :.. - ,• . : : . . .. . - ..:SECTION -23. :.� • : : �::• .. . '-This ordinance shall pertain 'only to the_eleetio�i -of the first ..mayor .to `be v<�`ted on in. June:. .1956:. : . SECTION lk. Thin ordinary"ce shall take 'effoct thirty days_-fr.om and after. the date: of ..its pfissage:: Z;.M.13k .-CERTIFY -that. the. forflgoing..ordinance was pas:§e-d antl�. :adopt,ed :by '.thei. Council. of the City 'of Bakersfield ,at a. regular. meeting thereof'.held on� the•. 23rd 'day of January,. 1956; -by...the..f ollowi'rig vote: PES`•;CARNAKIS, COLLINS, CROES, DOOLIN, EVELETH, SCHWEITZER, SULLIVAN. { .NOES: . . ABSENT: - -. City Clerk .an .Esc-.Offido ""Clerk. of . the Council of. the. City. .of.--Bakersfield : :., FtOVEB .this 23rd clay f January, :1956.' ' MAYOR of. the 'City. of Bakersfield. Affib tuft of lJosting (Orbtnan es r e IE 0 I I STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 County of Kern } ss. f t i t � � 1 I. � .j MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: f ..� � That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on..........................January.......................26---------- .........................1 19... 6 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the C City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting January23 � l thereof duly held on---------------------------------------- ..--......----------------.-------.................. 19.-56, which ordinance was numbered.--.-10?5 _ New Series,and entitled: I r I AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE METHOD AND TIME OF FILING DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY AND PETITION FOR NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF THE OFFICE OF THE fl .FIRST MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. C �'y N � Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th January -•---------------- 56 I --------------- ----day of.......................� � 19---- - -----------------------..! ---!v-! ............... Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, _ State of California. l _ 6 •; t 1