HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1071 C1Ty h ' t8viN ORDINANCE NO 1o71. . _ ,_,,,�,•.__:, NEW SERIES ARK AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.01- OF WJ AN 9 ZONING' ORDINANCE- NO. -.1010, NEW SERIES P;' OF: THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, BY .CHUG TNG 2 • 2 0 THE ZONING-OF THAT CERTAIN PRopERTY -LO- CATED NORTH OF PANAMA LANE, SOUTH-OF BRUNDAGE LANE, AND Ell►! OF .COTTONWOOD ROAD. WHEREAS,.- -in-accordance with -the procedur.6 bet -forth in'•th.a .provis.ions� of - Zoning Ordinance No. :..1010-,. •New-.Series*. ;'of the"tity. Vt.Bakersfield; the Planning Commission and- Cityy Conricil have held hearings'.on a motion of said Planning Commission to change .'the zoning. of..certain property -within :said. Citg, --ap.d WHEREAS j the: Dity Council ':Iiis-"determine.d :after due' considera- tion that •said.- zoriing change should be authorized. NOW, THEREFORE, -BE IT ORDAINED� :by the. Council , of -the. City of -.-Bakersfield, - as'. follows; _ SECTION L. ,.: ., That Se.ct.ion 3.01 of Zoning. Ordinance No.' 1010,: New Series of.."the. City'.of -Bakersfield., .be and-'the same-.is hereby amended by changing-"the zoning .of certain• property in said City, as. follows s Changing the zoning boundaries from an ,R-1 (One-Family -DVTelli.ag) Zone to an A-W (Agricultural-Oil We1i). Zone "of 'that property described a' :followss ' That certain property designated .as -the Municipal Farm _ lying southerly of Brundage Lane, northerly of .Panama Lane, _.end easterly of Cottonwood Road- . being more particu- larly described in. that certain-resolutibn. Ordering -Annexa 'i . :tion of Contiguous Territory -04ned by. City .of Bakersfield -to the City of Bakersfield- passed ,by the- Board of Super- - visors of• the County of Kern,.•-St.ate of California on -Sep- tember 29, 19520 a' -copy of which is. on' file 'in the- office "of the- City -C°lerk, and. also described in the- Affidavit "of , . Completion filed November 12, .1952' . in- the office of the County Recorder 'of Kern County;. to which. description refer- . once ie3 hereby made, and 'made... a part :hereof as if set. -forth in' ful:l.. herein. SECTION' 2.. . . This oi?diaanc.e shall.. take effect thirty 'days from and after -the'.date of it.-3 passage. . ' ' I: HEREBY '-CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by .the.' Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting.--thereof held. on the..9th. day .of,..:Januarys ,1956;' by.'the. follow vote: AYES::'CARN{1KIS, COLL!NS;�i28E GOOLIN, EVZLE7--t S3114`!_1 R, S 1LL{VAIV. NOES: - ABSENi: i+.i+ • . 1. Cit Clerk and Ex- ffieio Olerk of the- Council of .'the City of 'Bakersfield. APPROVED: this 9th of January, 1956. VOR Of_qW City: of Bakersfield Affib suit of Posting Orbi tttrtres STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Kern ss' !;�I A MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that O i January 10 56 on...................................................R--------------- ------------------------. 19.---... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the 'i City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting �;l thereof duly held on...................................anuar--__9_=.................................. 19 56_., which ordinance was numbered---.-_1071 New Series,and entitled: t AN .ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.01 OF i ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 101.0, NEW SERIES �11 OF THE CITY OF .BAKERSFIEIDs, BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN .PROPERTY LO— E ' CATED NORTH OF PANAMA LANE, SOUTH OF BRUNDAGE LANES AND EAST .OF COTTONWOOD ROAD. ;;• i rF ' list I ' ---- j----j .. . rl , • Subscribed and sworn to before me this a :& 10th---day of......... anuar- -------------- 19.56... '� ----... --- la-'"J4----- ------. - %-Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, i? State of California. lsty Cornmissirri Expires June 9, 1957 {� l