HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1090 l j ORDINANCE3 VO.1090 NEW. SERIES AN 'ORDINANCE MENDING SECTIANS� 7, AND- •19 ORD- INANCE N0. 703, NEW SERIES,•. MD' REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 945, NEI4 SERIES. OF TI-1 CITY OF.-. BAMR'SFIELD, C, LIVORNfA.: BE Imo' ORDAINED by• the' .Council of the City of Bakersfield., -as follows : SECTION .1 f Ord•iiance No , New� Serie.s. of . theTYat Section 7 City .of Bakersfield be ."and the-same is hereby amended . to .'read as, 'follows: LTABI LI`1'Y INSURANCE. -:It. shall .be unlawful -for any owner: . t•o•'•dkive or oper-ate or cause or •pe.rmit• to .be• driven or operated -.an7:'tax1:cab- or motor vehicle :referred. to'.hereln, in. -the City of, Bakersfield, .until such owner; shall have furnished the ' City of Bakersf i.e 1d a good• and sufficie.ht policy of insurance securing -the owner, as. defined herein . and ariy o.t•he r. person.: using or. re6pong.ble -for the u-se of -any .siich vehicle , .with the consent-, express .or im-, - :plied, of-. such owner, against loss: from :the liability 'imposed upon such owner- by..;law. for injury to, _ or .de a.th' of, . any pers:on,.. -or damage to- property, growing:. out of the .maintenance , operation or- ownership of any such motor .vehicle to. the amount•"or limit .of.-Ten Thousand . D611:ars 4LO0C►00.:-00)•_,-.exclusive �of..interest_..and costs, ori 'account of injury to, . or.-death'of -any one- person, in anyone =ace i-dent 'of- Twenty Thousand Dollars (#20;0'00.00) , exclusive- of interest. and costs, on account of an.y =one: accident resulting in.din jury to or death of more .'than one person,• -and of Five Thousand Dollars ( 5,000.00): for damage to property of'others resulting'-from any one acc•i_dent.: • Said motor vehicle liability policy shall: inure to .the bane- .fit:•of any anal all persons. suffering loss_ or -damage , either to- person �. or peroperty, as herein provided, and the' liability .of .the 'insurance •carrier. 'shall be i n no manner abrogated or abated. by the_ death of the :.� tort: fe;asor and/or the owner. - K + Z AF gush policy shall be subject' to the approval of the City Manager, and City Attorney of the • City. of Bakersfield. No, Policy.:shall be cancelled except upon'ten (10.) days - writts.n- notice .to the City Manager of intention to c'ancel.' : Said- motor -vehicle. liability insurance -'shal'1' be•- a continuing.-liability up to th ,.ful-1: amount thereof-notwithstanding any -recovery there :on, and said policy.,shall- so certify, if at .-any time , in the -judg- :ment of .the City. Manager, 'said motor vehicle liabi.li.y.pol c .-es are not, duf fie ient,-f'or 'any cause-, said Manager may. require the owner of :such public- motor..-vehicle who filed the same : to, replace said policies within-=ten ' (.10)- days after demand ' with .other--policies which comply with' the.. provisions of this ordinance .,... If said owner fails- to re.- ..Place. said motor vehicle policy within said .'tb ' (10:) days- period with a good. and sufficient policy as aforesaid satin-factory to said City Manager and the City Attorney; the ownerI's.'permit..'is sue d hereunder shall be . by much- failure. automati'cally'.suspende.d until such time. as such. re:quireme nt 'i-s- complied wi th, and ' :the Chief ' of. P611ce shall; 'enforc.e .such' suspension. SECTION:2. .. ' .That. Section 19 of Ordinance .No,. New Series.. -of the City off' B°aker�field- be and the same is hereby amended to read . as .follot-is: Sec ti on 19.. RATES -'OR TAXICAB SERVICE The rate s' or f are s . . , to be `-bharged- the..-.public by taxicab carriers :shall' be.. as. follows: . ,(O'..-Fifty. Cents (50X) 'for the first one-fourth (1/!�) milee or. .flag.drgp; .Ten Cents., (10�) for each. additional. one--third - ( /3) mile , ;or f.radtiozi thereof'. -The wai.ting .time rate shall:be Three Dollars. . 33.00)�- per hour, or Fifteen Cents' (15X.) for each three (3) minute-s ' . : . :.. . . . . . (b) There -shall, be no charge made' for extra :pa'ssengers. be.._no_ e.xtr&-.c.harge.:.f o� ,Y�and.:_luggage_•� _ (d) The .above rate s. shall 'apply to. ,any. area wi thin 'five mi7es;=.from •ar.Ly exterior boundary of .the, City-oP. •B'akersfiel•d. . 2. (e ).• .Nothing in this section 'shall:be construed to : prohibit the . .issuance by' .any carrier, .of scrip, tokens or other- evidence of advance -.:payment fdr trips valued ''t •Five Dollars ($5-.00) or more:•in• accordance. with..the - above rates, at a -di'sco nt not to excee-d'..teri per dent ...(10%) SECTION 3* :. That' Ordinances No.. 945,' New .Serie s of the''Ci-ty of Bakersfield be .and. .the s ame -i s•..-he re b y repealed. _ SECTION 4: This ordinance shall take ..effe.ct thirty days-.from and after the. -date 'of it:s .:Pa.6sa.ge . :..1 HEREBY CERTIFY that the .•foregoing. Ordinance was passed.-- and ado pted• by _the Council of the City of :Bakersfield at a. regular meeting- the reof'hb-l•d on the 4th day of., June ,: 1956, by the following vote ' AYES: CARNAKIS, COLUNS,'CROES, DOOLIN, EVELETH,.SUyP E'ITZER,.SULLIVAN. NOES.. ABSENT: CIL y Werg. ,and EX11!O11rMo 7 Clerkof=e Council of:, the' City of­Bakersfield. ". APPRO:VD thus 4 day.-of Junes AY..OR o e y o Ba ers e ` Affib tuft of lJosting (Orbinattres p ! STATE OF CALIFORNIA f l! ss. County of Kern r I1� II� MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: i' That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that (! the 5th day of June , 19 5..she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting i thereof duly held on.......the 4th__:day_of... une_._______________________________ I9.56__, which ordinance was I 1090 i numbered.....:......................New Series,and entitled: ;•fi i E'� L� ,iI AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 7 AND 19 i.h ORDINANCE NO. 703, NEW SERIES, AND REPEAL— ING ORDINANCE NO. 945, NEW SERIES OF THE I. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA is I is i i i I ,. 'a I I I I ii Subscribed and sworn to before me this +I;j 5th......day of...........June , 56 i �—..ot.C�z..7Z� !, Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, ! State of California. 1I My Cornniisplar Exrir3-s Jungg•9, 1957 cry ! 'I t I•