HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1088 •? v f}RDIN�AIITCE N0. ,1088 NE1nT SERIES --- . . AY,ORDINAi1TCE REGULATING .THE SALE OFSUR- PLUS STOCK, MATERIALS .OR EQ.UIPMENT- BE . LONGING TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. BE IT. ..ORDAINED by the. Council of: th(i.. City- of .Bakersfield, as':follows: . : ' � ' •. ' • . SECTION�.1',. • . : . : � .: . -ill 'department heads of the. City . shall submit. .to the. purchasing' agent, at such times .and irf. eucli form as 'he 'shall pre' scribe; reports..showing stock., materials. and equipment on. hand ' not.'then in 'use ,in said department:. SECTION 2. Genf.a` surplus of 'stock,,. materials or equipment ex;.sts' in any_.department', the purchasing. agent may transfer the same .to any other department• or..departments having .a-need for such stock- or any . portion theroof.: . • SECTro�t .3. When. it is found. by. the' purchasing .agent' that a surplus of stock; •mateerials and/or. equipxr�ent -:exists which- is: not needed for use by' any': .City •department, the Ci•ty._Council may .authorize' the City Manager-..to' dj:rect the sale thereof. by..the' purchasing: agent, , and' the proceeds from. --any such. sale or sales shall be deposited in, the'• general :fund`Of: the'.City. . : SECTION (a) ' Upon direction of the, City Manager, duly authorized, a.s provided' in Section 3 hereof, the purchasing agent shall obtairi competitive find formal quotations -for the sale' of •surplus, .:stock, materials or 'equipment, when any. one, item" or group 'of .items .of fered.: x `.`fortsale 'amounts to. more than. $ p in appraised resale::value.._,. . - (-b) In '-such event, said purchasing agent. shall •cause. notice of sale- to be. published for five eoriseoutive' days in the official "newspaper, giving".-&•.general description of the items to b.e:-,solf, where bids 'are . to b.e received and the .time: acid place. of sale. The purchasing agent shall, in addition, -solicit ' sealed :or informal quo•ta.tions, as ,the 'case may be, from prospective buyers, by telephone: or -by. sending' them -copies of newspaper ..notices; or' other methods designed_ to .re.ach' the greatest •number of prospective buyers.. •(c) iThhen. any separate item or items of such surplus stock, ' material or equipment to be offered for .sale amounts to less than 1D� — said purchasing .'agent may .accept: informal .bids or quotations for -'the.`6ale of such item'or items. (d) -.fit the. time and place of - sale- Hof such surplus Btock, material, or equipment, oral bids may be considered by the purchasing ' agent, after giving proper notice of such fact, provided such oral bids shall .be ' at: least 10% higher than ;highest bid received at the time of: opphing- of-bids. (e) Cash or cashier's check in an amount equal to 10% of the price 'bid.,' shall be deposited 'by the bidder at the time of making..-or submitting his bid. The--person to.wYiom..any such bid is awarded,. 'shall 'consummate the purchase within five days- from .and excluding. the day of the award of, such. bid.: This ordinance shall take effect thirty days from and after -the: date of its passage. --------000------ q 2. . . •. ' • = .. ;fie � I HEREBY CERTIFY that the .�oregbing Ordinance was pas-sod and .adopted -by the.'Council of the City of Bakersfield at a. regular :: .meeting •there-of .Yield on the 28th day bf May, 1956, .by the follow- ing Vote;,..: •AYES:$ARRAMIS, COLLINS., CROES, DOOLIN, EVELETH;-SCHvigITZER,.SULLIVAN. .: NOES: ABSENT: City.Clerk -and .Ex-Officio Clerk of the ' Council :of the,..City of" Bakersfield •APPRO s . 1�1 day of May, .:1956 ; MAYOR Pro tem•.of 'the.. City of Bakersfield s _ A bautt of lJosting (Orbinaurrs STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Kern ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on......................... 9th--day---of--HRay_s------------------------ 1g---56 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on......... he 28th day of May ------------- lg 56 which ordinance was numbered--------- 088_________________New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SALE OF SUR— PLUS STOCKS MATERIALS. OR EQUIPMENT BE— LONGING. TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. _ - - -------------- "8vbscribed and sworn to before me this 28th May, 56 r.. =: :ally of---------------- 19 3 Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California o= r' bly Cooinir, i;iul:)n F::�)Ir:^•S June 9. 1$57 .rr •. e-..— - u•.