HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1085 ORDINANCE -NG'. :10-8.5�' NEW SERIES -A-U. ORDINANCE AMENDING EMERGENCY ORDINANCE' NO. xQ6`l;, NEW SERIES OF THE' CITY OF BA 2RS- . FIMD-, 'BY AMENDING SECTION' 5 TBEREOF AND BY AI)DING' TWO NSW SECTIONS ^0 BE NUMBERED 9.1 BE IT ORDAINED -by the Council of . the - City . of Bakersfie-ld, as .. f oll ow's SEOTT-ON 1:. That Section 5 of Ert*-r.gency• Ordinance .No. 1067', New. Series : of the ,City of ' be and- �Yie .same is hereby'-aidended to' '. read. '.as follo�rs: -Section 5. Biildi'ngs affected by this ordinance- shall not be , in a. dilapidated; obsolete or deteriorated c.ondition,.which in any manner may result in or tend t•o less-en the economic values of. adjoining' properties, or be a'•de.triment -to the neighborhood in which said. buJ'lding is to be placed, .'and said buildings. shall..be made. -to conform' go he to and'-be in harmony in appearance , with the ' buildings 'i'n the immediate 'neighborhood to which. said building -;1's to be move d SECTION.'2 That Emergency Ordinance No.. 1067, New. Series' of the- City -of Bakersfield; i.s hereby amended . by adding- thereto a new section to . be- numbered 9.1;, which said: se c.tion. shall -re ad as follows.: Sec'tib'n 9.1. Nott�r.ithstanding the provis.i ons of Sections 2'' and ,.. of:*this: ordinance firm .orcorora, tion may move . a building :.prior to..completio' as required in said sections .upon fili:n with'7tr.e. •.dhief Building Inspector. A faithful performance. -bond in an .-amcunt to be de.termine'd by .said 'Chief' Build-ing Inspector,. guarante.e_.ng -full compliance with this:: ordinance. "within 'thirty":days from_-.thA)-_-d-4te of is-.su°anc-o"' -'the- borm3 as ' erein required.. or any extension' thereof granted by the .Chief Building Inspector. . 1. SECTION.' 3• That said;Emergeri�cy' Ordinance No. 1067, .New�"�Seried. of --;the City of Bakersfield. .is furthet .amended-.by- adding thereto a..ne4 section.. to be numbered 9..2, which said section. shall•:read as ,follows: Section..9.2'. Whenever the Building Off,i.cial':.shall withhold or refuse the issuance of the permit required under this ordinanoe for the reason that said. building::upon completion .will not ;be ,14r=. in conformity :with the pro' V1s16ns .of Section's or of Section 8 .of `-this ordinance,, applicant.,for'. said permit. may, wi-thin, ten.-(10) days,. file .9,.,J: equeat yin'writing -xith. the. Building Offi-cf'' -.that the matter -of .his• application -be submitted. to,•the'. Board of Appeals created by- Sect on'='204 of ',the Uniform Build .'Code. adopted,:by Ordinance No. '967� New •-Series, for, -an interpretation of -said- sebtions as, to: their, application.' to the building..propoded -to be moved. The Board of Appeals shall make its recommendation, and give.. its interpretation within ten (lO) days from. the.,dater of .filing of said appear, and -the Building Official and. applicant shall 'b.e governed thereby. . . ; _ .SECTION 4.' This ordinance shall .be..effective ihirty...days from and after ' the date.-'of its passage.• 2. -I HEREBY CERTIFY that- the foregoing- Ordinance. was passed -and. adopted. by the. Council of the .City .of. Bakersfield at a regular imeetirig thereof held. on the day of. April, 19562 .by the fol.- lowing vote AYES: CARNAMS, COLLINS, CROES, DOOLIN, EVELETH, SCHWEITZER, SULLIVAN. NOES: ABSENT: City C erk and Ear-Officio Clerk of the ' Council -of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 9th ay of April, 1956. 4L� OR of t; ity of .Bakersfield 4 I I' i; r Affibautt of Posting Orbinanres f if j ! STATE OF CALIFORNIA t County of Kern f ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that the loth day of April, on... , 19 56 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the j City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on the 9th day of April, _, 19.56.-, which ordinance was ,I. --------- -------- ---- •. numbered.......1085 New Series,and entitled: !. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING EMERGENCY ORDINANCE .NO. 1076, NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERS— ;i i FIEID, BY AMENDING SECTION 5 THEREOF AND BY ADDING TWO NEW SECTIONS TO BE NUMBERED 9.1 AND 9.2. II ? I iI�I I t i ! � E 11 !I Subscribed and sworn to before me this ?n ;10th day of April x. . 19.56.. - -..........................-�c� -�l 1►; Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, T '- � .� - State of California. !; my Gonunissign Cxpires June 9r 1957 j I