HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1081 ORDINANCE N.O. .: 81 NEW SERIES ,NN_ORDIriANC OF -TIIE COUNCIL OF THE 'CITY SI-IELD, C 4.LLING A SPECIAL MUNI OF BAKER r' CI?AL ELECTION FOR TtM PURPOSE OF 'SUBMIT-• " TNG- TO THE QUALIFIED REGISTERED ELECTORS r A 'PROPOSITIGN TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AND - PROVIDING FOR ThT CGNSOLIDAT ION OF SAID' '' : •''• r EL;:,?CTIQN WITHTHE STATE CONSOLIDATED DIRECT PRI1ILIkRY ELECTION A_ln.� 'PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ' ELECTION- TO BE HELD ON. JUNE 5;'.1956,. AND I r RED UESmI'1dG THE BOARD'-0F SUPhRVISORS-• OF THE ' COUNTY O_F KERN 'TO -CARDER THE CONSOLIDATION -'OF SAID. ELECTIONS. WI3EREAS, in accordance. with the provisions -o.f''�,Seet3.on -lB of the. Charter of the .City of Bakersfield the Courici: '.,`:of.' said City did, on the '12th day of March, 1956, pass and adopt Ordinance No. 1079, New- Series, fixing the salaries of Councilmen -and .fixing- the per diem rate -` f•:pay-'for said Councilmen while• sitting .as a 'hoard. of Equalization and while meeting annually to determine -the budget •of. the . City, and WHEREAS;. .said Charter .'provide s that s aid. .Or'dinan-ce. shall. .be: submitted to referendum. :N.Q � THEREFORE, BE .I'. ORDAINED by the Council -of 'the. City of Bakersfield, •.&s. follows:. SECTION •1. ' "That a .-special municipal .election' be held,.: arid' the same is here- by called -to. tie he.ld .i:n the City "of Bakersfield, on-the 5th 'day of June, 19569 'fdr the:.-purpose of - submitting .to the quali.fie'd registered e.Iec- tons' of 'said' city a proposition for the approval ar rejection 'of the f611!6wing ordinance',. to w1 t: :. A ORDINANCE 'N0.107.9 1V' -W SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY-OF BAKERSFIELD r IXING Tom. SALARIES OF COUNCILMEN. ' WHEREAS, Section 18 of - th:e• Charter of the City of. Rakers- field . as ratified and arpproved January. 23. .i9�5;.. provides' that the salary of councilmen first elected under said Charter shall be fifty dollars per-'month, 'and .that there- after the. Council may; by.' ordinance submitted. to ' a reference" dum at any municipal .election,'. change ' the 'salary of mem- bers of the council, and = WHEREAS, ':since the adoption of .said- ::Charter, dras,.Vc . . econom c ' changes have occurred.,. causing, - the- aforementioned :provis=on to be outmoded .and obsolete , and WHEREAS, thi-s Council .believes that in -keeping with the present financial economic. status of our 'community, and for the purpose of inducing a-greater number of civic minded citizens to compete for. •the, .office .of council- man who otherwise could not.. afford to,'meet the demands pl aced .upon them by- the .dutie s, imposed. by that office, the monthly salary. of councilmen .-should be ' increased, tope t�ior with the -per diem rate of ' pay while sitting as a,.Board of Equalization., .- and .while 'meeting annually. to :make' t�e . budget of the 'e's ti mated amounts re•qui red to 'pay the expenses of conducting ,the government of -the City for the ensuing fiscal year . NOW, n'-FREFORL, F-9 IT ORDAINED by. the' Council of. the City of. Bakersfield, .as follows : SECTION 1. The salary of councilmen shall.-be ; One Hundred 'Dollars .per SECTION 2. That each councilman- shall be paid O20.00 'per day while sitting - as a member of the :Board of -Equalization, not to e,xcee.d 'Five (5} clays; and while meeting �to determine. the' an::lizal budget of the City' for. the. ensuing fiscal ye ar, 'npt to exceed rive (5.) '-days'. SECTION 3. :. This ordinance shall become . effective 'iapon .its approval . .:by `a 'majority of the qualified registe.red .electors voting the re o n.. ---000=-- I I�'REBY CERTIFY that the foreg'oirig. ordinance was passed and '•adop.te.d by the Council of -the City of Bakeref ie-ld'- at • a regular meeting thereof-held on the .2 th 'day of -March:; .1956, by the following votes: Ayes..: Carnakis-i.Colli6-,Croes,Doolj4Eveleth,Schweitezer,Sullivan. Noss: None Absent: None _ —� ----- - - -- _._ _ .Marian -5., Ir.vin C I ty Cler a nd Ex-offis i o Clerk, of T City -of Bakersfel�:.. - APPROVED March 12, 1956; Manuel J. -Carnakis Mayor o t e ity .o B ers ie 2. _ : :�• ,. 41 SECTION 2. - That said .proposition shall be placed on'the ballot to be... used at said special municipal election in the follo�ring words a� d figures, to wit'-- CITY OF BA.KERSFIELD REFERENDUM: An ordinance sn- For:. the titled "An:` ardinance of the: City. of Bakersfield' Ordinance Fixing the Salaries of Counci�:.men" , fixing `said salari.es.. at '100.00 per month and fixing :a rate ' of ' 20.G0 per day while sitting- as 'a- member o.f }against the the- Board. of Equalization, not to . exceed five. Ordinance days, and• while si ttixig. tQ.' determine the annual budget, not- to exceed five . days.: SECTION' 3. That' said special municipal election be ,Md the, sane is'.here- by .-o_rdered to be .consolidated with t 1e :State Consolidated Direct Primary Election. and Pre sidenti'al -Frimary Election to be held on June 1956, az•d the Board of.•Supervisor.o of the County of K.erh is 'hereby :re:que:s.ted to .order such cvnsolidatian in accordance wi th the ..p_-rovisio.ns .of. -thi'8. :ord3narice.... : . SECTION. ! . That for the purpose of. said-:'special -municipal e-lec'tion,• the' precincts, polling places and .oTT cars 'of election shall .be the - same As•-.those ''provide.d .for said .State .. Cpnsoli.dated Direct Primary Election . and- Presidenoial Primary Elect on within the City of Bakersfield, as more. particularly set forth -in. the., notice of election filed and pub - li-shed '.or'.to be filed and published by the 'Couni y'.Clerk of-the County of Kernp ,.Stal;e. of Califorriia, giving notice of sai,d .elec•tion. .The Board of .-Supervisors of the County. of- Kern is hereby authorized: to canvass the returns. of. said ' special:•municipal •e.lection., and , shall certlfy the :result of the canvass o�.f said returns. to the Council of --,the. --Ci'ty of 3ak-er.s'field , who .shall thereupoYn: declare the' results__ 3� . I HERE.BY CERTIFY that the foregoing pfd tishd,6 was passed' ' and adopted by the Council of the' :C'ity ' bf Bakersfield at .a: .regular- meeting:•' thereof. held on the 2nd ' day of April, 1956, by. the .follow ing vote AYES: URNAKIS;COLLiNS,.CROE$, DOOLIN, EVELEM, S1tl•N�I7ZER, SJLLIYAN. Wts: _ ABSENT. '2�1 yh— Clerk and EX-Off ic.tQ_ Ulark oT The Council of. the. City of ..Bakers'field• APPROVED 'thi s ZVI day- pf April,,, '1956-. . or. Vae I V . y. of Bakers a id , !.on Affibavit of Posting (orbinaurps STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss. County of Kern „R MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that the 3rd day of an........................... ...Apr Aril .............. .......... ............ . ......................1 19,�-.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on.........the.......... 2nd day..........................of...... A. pril,........... ......... .............. 10P.., which ordinance was numbered........1081 ....................New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFBAKERSFIELDI CALLING.A SPECIAL MUNI— CIPAL ELECTION FOR THE .PURPOSE OF SLTBMIT-,- P TING TO THE QUALIFIED REGISTERED ELECTORS j! A PROPOSITION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AND PROVIDING FOR THE CONSOLIDATION OF SAID ELECTION WITH THE STATE CONSOLIDATED- DIRECT PRIMARY ELECTION AND PRESIDENTIALRRIMARY ELECTION TO BE HELD ON JUNE 5, 1956.9 AND REQUESTING THE BOARD- OF SUPERVISORS OF -THE I COUNTY OF KERN TO ORDER THE CONSOLIDATION pp OF SAID ELECTIONS. ----------- Subscribed and sworn to-before me this j., 3rd ....................day of............APX!;*Llo.............., 19...56. :7-----------W---------------------------------------------------------------------- AY Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California. Expires June 9. 295r %