HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1095 MERGENCY ORDINrANCE NO. .1095 NEW SERIES AN ERG}+ CSC ORDI'N 15CE ESTABLISUING A BASIC 'COMPENSP.1"1011 PLAN FOR OFFICEPS AND EMPLOYES OF THE CITY OF BAKE tSFIELD:, 1,i0 REPEALING ALL ORDINANC^S XN COFFLIC T HERE ITT. WHEREAS the Col-w.cil of the City of Bakersfield ield. did by Ordinance No. 679, New Series;, establish a basic compensation plan fc:r officers and employees of the City of Ba.kor^sfield.. which ordinance has from time to time peen amended., and WHEREAS v It li s tho desire of this Ccizic: ? to consolidate all such ordinances Into one ore-i-.ance for =3>ic purpose of simplifying and clarifying the intents and purposes of the bash; compensation plan. heretofore estiLbl fished, and to .repeal all ordinmices ' :ins confliet herewith, and WHEREAS, an emergency exists making v necessary to provide for. the daily operation of municipal departments, NOVI, ITEREF ORE, BE IT ORD11 NED by the C ot-.nc i o of the City of Ba_kersfiel.d9 as folloirs.- SECTIOA+ 10 BASIC COMPENSAT ON PUl G There is he-:-eby readapted tbie basic compensation plan for all officers and emaployess of the City of Bakersfield„ as tine smae was established -and intended by Ordinaroe No. 879s leU. Series of the City of Bakersfa r ld,, and muerndments thereto. SECT:i Old 20 STEP COMMSATION PI-.4N. Subject to r.11e limitations contained in this ordina_ncep there is hereby created a step campen,ation plan which shall be applied to all officers and employees of the City with the exception of- those officers and employees for. "hich a single rate of compensation is provided herel.n. SECTION 37 PERSONNEL DMEC TOR G hj ';h~ City Maneger shall act as ,�P.eypr�Jsorynyn�/etly{ Director to adamirniste:� i:he basic cn,�pensat•i on plan herein Yc IJSd{Ia Jrnc,,d,, ?� h{„.'J. i k..��L._a/: .�.�.:: i V. ; (J� • �si":tl i ;t s -�,Xzp:.o� of the City, of Bakersfield who is a neiy employee of the City, or who has been promoted or transferred to an employment: assigned to a different salary schedule, ih any salary stop in such schedule within G % 00 and including the first three steps. Provided, however, that if at the time of promotion, the officer or employee is already receiving a rate of compensation equal to or greater than that provided within the first three steps, he shall be placed In the lowest step in such schedule as will-entitle him to receive a compensation greater than he was receiving at the time of his promotion. In determining the proper salary step for such emmployee, the Personnel Director shall tape into consideration the previous experience and qualifications of such officer or employee, both within the service of the City of Bakersfield and elset-faere and shall reoelve emd consider reports on such employee from the head of the department in which such person is to be employed. Provided that the officer or employee shall be assigned his proper salary step upon the commencement of his service in the position or employment to which the schedule applies, and such assignment having once been made shall remain. In effect until the said officer or employee, by reason of required length of service, shall be entitled to advance to the next salary step. DEVIOTIORs, STEP TO BE PLACED' IN., UPON. (b) When an officer or employee of the City -has been demoted to .a position assigned to either the same or a different salary schedule, he shall be placed in the highest salaz7 seep in such schadules provided, however, that should the lass: salary step an such schedule provide for the same or a higher salary than the particular officer or employee was being paid immediately prior to his demotion, he shall .be placed in the highest salary step In such schedule which provides for a salary lower than the such officer or employee was being paid immediately prior to his demotion. . TEMPORARY A SSII1 7,M&WIT `O HIGHM YhenG . ever any employee of the City is assigned temporarily to a higher classification and/or schedule, he shall, at the termination of his service in said higher classification or schedule, be returned to his original classification and placed In. the step to which he would have been entitled had he not been so temporarily assigned, 2. SECTION 49. TEMPORARY SERVICE, RATE OF PAY. rersons employed for the performance of temporary services in the several departments of the City9 with the exception of the Fire Department, shall be paid at a rate per hour for an'bua,l time in the performance of the duties of their employment. The rate of pay for such an employee shall be based upon a standard forty (40) hour work-creek and shall be computed by dividing the assigned monthly rate by one hundred and seventy-four (174) . In determining the hourly rate as herein provided, computation shall be made to the nearest one-half (1/2) cent. SECTION 5. COMPMWSATORY TIME FOR ADDITIONAL 'WORK. (a) In the event any officer or employee of the City of Bakersfield works additional hours or shifts over and above his regular iieekly or monthly Mork schedule, compensatory time off equivalent to the additional hoary or shifts so worked shell be allowedg or compensation shall be paid at an hourly rage based upon such employeels regular monthly salary when divided by the cumber of days, in the particular month In which such additional work was perfumed and prorated to the number of additional hours actually worked by such empl.oyee9 except that in the case of members of the FIre Department such additional compensation shell be paid only for full shifts worked over and above the regular monthly or weekly schedule. Such additional compensation to be paid to each member of the :dire Department working such additional shift or shifts, shall be computed by dividing the monthly rage assigned to such member by fifteen (15) and multiplying the resulting quotient by the number of additional shifts worked over and above the regular monthly - or- weekly -work schedule of such member. - In no event, however,.. shall compensation be allowed for working such additional time without the prior authorization of the City Manager or the Assistant City Manager, that such additional work may be performed, OVERTIME PAY, (b) In the event an employee Is called upon to perform work over and above his regular eight-hour schedule by a superior officer who has determined that an emergency exists which requires the services of such employee, such employee shall be paid compensation as provided in Section 4 hereof, EMERGENCYs DEFINITION OF. (c) For the purpose of this ordinance., the term emergency shall, mean an unforeseeable event or occurrence requiring the immediate preservation of Life,, health or property, ATTE MANCE AT MEETINGS. (d) This section shall have no application to attendance by €.n officer or employee at meetings of the City Counoll or any board or cammi ssion of the City in the per- formance of his regular duties SECTION 6. ADVANCEMENT. (a) After the salary of an officer or employee has been first astablished and fixed under this plan, such officer or employee may be advanced to the next step in his proper compensa- tion schedules effective the First day of the month following the date of completion of the length of service required for such ad- vancement. WHEN EMPLOYEE TO ADVANCE, (b) Every officer or employee of the City who has completed the service required by this ordinance for advancement. within and including the first three pay steps in any ,salary schedule shall advance at the t1me specified In sub-section (a) hereof. No officer or employee shall advance to the next steps inhere such step is above the third step In any schedules unless the department head in which such person is employed recommends to the Personnel Director at least; thirty days before such advancement shall become effecti.veg that such advancement be allowed, at which time - employees not so recommended shall be -glees. notice thereof o ' The . Personnel Director may, In his di.scretiong approve or disapprove such recommendation subject to approval by the City Council. In the event the department; head2 s recommendation for advancement is sus- tained by the :Personnel. Director and the City Councils the officer or �o employee shall be advanced to the next salary step as provided herein, Employees not recdm mended for advancement may., after investigation and consideration, be advanced to the next salary step by the Person- nel Director, subject to approval by the Ci-iq Council, SERVICE. (o) The word "service" as used In this ordinance., shall be deemed to mean continuous,, full time service In the employ of the City. In. case of lapse of service of ean officer or employee for a period. oil time longer than thisiy days by reason of resignation or discharge, isuch officer or employee on reentering the service of the City shall be considered a new officer or employee, An of'fiber or employee land off for lack of work or funds or temporary elizinatlan of a position may be reemployed and placed In the same salary step In the appropriate compensation schedule as he was at the time of his lay off. REALLOCATION OF COMIMNSAT%ON SCHEDULES (d) Any of fiver 'or employee who is employed in a classification wbAch is reallocated to a different pay schodule from that previously assigned shall be retained in the same salary ,step in the new schedule as he or she had previously held in the prior schedule and shall retain credit for length of service in such step toward advancement to the next hIghar step, REAr LOCATION FROM SINGLE RATES TO COMPENSATION SCHEDULES. (e) Any officer or employee who, on the effective date of this ordi- nance, is employed in a classification which is reallocated from a single rate of compensation to a numbered pay schedule shall be assigned to a specific pay step In such schedule in accordance with the provisions of subsections (a) , (b) and (c) of this section and Section 10 except that, in order to prevent inequities and to insure the angst effective operation of the basis compensation 'plan.--at the time of this adjustment, the City Council may by minute order place an officer or employee in a pay step in the schedule assigned to his position different from that in which he would be placed according to this ordinance. Any officer or employee so placed shall be paid the salary fixed for such stop until he ' advances to the next atop 5. pursuant to this ordinance. SECTION 7. MOBTEELY PAY. Except as otherwisq herein provided, all officers and employees 4f the City of Bakersgiel.d shall be compensated at a monthly rate. The campenswL-ion schedules contained In section 10 hereof are monthly- compensation schedules. SECT101 8. COUNCIL MAY PLACE WIP D0172 IN ANY STEP. The City Council may, by resolution., place an officer or employee of the City in any step in the salary schedule to which his pozition is allocated by this or-dinanceg When It finds and determines that such action is justified by the nature of the position held by such officer or employee and the Individual capabilities and experience of the officer or em- ployee Involved and is in conformity vdith the objects and purpoees of the basic salaiT plan. Any officer or employee so placed shall be paid the salary fixed for such step until he advances to the next higher step, if any, pursuant to this ordinamce. Time served by an employee 1.n a schedule and a step at the time of the adoption of any such resolution shall be credited to the time -o be served in any now or different schedule and/or step in WW ch he may be placed by such resolution' for purposes of advancement to the next steps If any there be. SECTION 9. BASIC WORK WXM. Subject to modifloations contained in this ordinance,; there Is hereby established a basic work Week of ,forty (40) how:-s for all classes of employment In the City* of Bakers- field( Tooth the exception of employments In the Fire Department, wblch shgkll hate_ a basic work Week of seventy.' (72) hours with such variations for the different classes of employment as will make the actual hours of work equal for all employments In the department. 6. SECTION 100 SCHEDULES AND RATES OF PAY. The basic compensation plan shall consist of the various schedules hereinafter listed in this section. Each such schedule shall include six (6) steps of rates of pay. (a) Compensation schedules for officers and employees of the . Miscellaneous Departments: Siren I §,t_e&.IL UeR %%% S e .V atop MSt V After After After After 1 yr. After 6 months 1 gear 1 year and 6 mos. 2 years Schedule Beginning in next in next in next in next in next Boe M rate loner rate lower rate loser rate lower rate lower rate 14 $230 $240 $252 $ 264 $276 $289 15 240 252 264 276 289 302 16 252 264 276 289 302 316 17 264 276 289 302 316 331 18 276 289 302 316 331 347 19 289 302 316 331 347 363 20 302 316 331 347 363 380 21 316 331 347 363 380 398 22 331. 347 363 380 398 417 23 347 363 380 398 417 437 24 363 3B0 398 417 437 458- �5 380 398 417 437 458 480 26 398 417 437 458 480 503 27 417 437 458 480 503 527 28 437 456 480 503 527 552 29 458 480 503 527 552 579 30 480 503 527 552 579 607 31 503 527 552 579 607 636 32 527 ._. - .._..552 579 . .. 607 636 - _ - - 667. . 33 552 579 607 636 667 699 34 579 607 636 667 699 733 35 607 636 667 699 733 769 36 636 667 699 733 769 806 37 667 699 733 769 806 845 7. • Schedule Step I Step II Step III Step IV Step V Step VI �o, Cam® � Como o Con ad o�edd . Conte 38 $699 0733 $769 $806 $845 $886 39 733 769 8o6 845 886 929 40 769 806 845 886 929 974 41 806 845 886 929 974 1028 42 645 . 686 929 974 1028 1076 43 886 929 974 1028 1078 1131 44 929 974 1028 1078 1131 1187 45 974 1028 1078 1131 1187 1245 46 1028 1078 1131 1187 1245 1307 47 1078 1131 1187 1245 1307 1371 48 1131 1187 1245 1307 1371 3439 (b) Compensation schedules for members of the Police and Fire Departments: t 3t St- ST S. Stet .After Aft er After After 1 yro After 6 months 1 year 1 year 6 mos. in 2 gears Schedule Beginning in next In -next in newt next in next �o rate , ZoLSer rato 12X8,r rate toner rate ,c er rite 16 $290 $304 $319 $335 $351 $368 17 304 319 335 351 368 385 -18 319 335 351 368 385 403 19 335 351 3G8 385 403. 422 20 . 343 359 376 394 413 432 21 351 368 385 403 422 442 22 368 385 403 422 442 463 23 385 403 422 442 463 485 24 403 422 442 463 485 508 25 422 442 463 485 508 532 o 26 442 463 485 508 532 558 27 463 485 508 532 558 585 28 485 508 532 558 585 613 29 508 532 558 585 613 643 30 532 558 585 613 643 674 8e Schedule Step I Step II Step III Step IV Step V Step VI NOn_ C 6 e Conti 0- C®n CO gde COntQ 31 0558 $585 $613 0643 $674 $707 32 585 613 643 674 707 741 33 613 643 674 767 741 777 34 643 674 707. 741 777 815 35 674 707 741 777 815 855 36 707 741 777 815 855 897 37 741 777 $15 855 897 941 (c) The below listed classes of employment shall be allocated to the following schedules consisting of three (3) steps of rates of pay: Sty I Ste-0 II Steen. 7-11 After 6 mo a After 1 yr e Beginning in next in next Jglassif�cation �e raga lower rate dower rate ml�ii"d16 by �Q ®'.mfS.Tdi�91 Refuse Collector A OP292. $306 $320 Refuse Truck Driven B 343 359 376 SECTION lle CLASSIFICATIONS, (a) Classifications of employment in the Miscellaneous Departments shall be allocated to the compensation schedules provided in Section 10 (a) hereof, as follows: Sch®deals No. Clams a�„t 26 Accountant 17 Account Clerk I 20 Account Clerk II 24 - - Appralser- 20 Assistant Appraiser 29 Assistant Chief Building Inspector 9e achedule No, (Conted,) 91pif cat3on►, (Contedo) 40 Assistant City Manager 25 Assistant Planner 33 Assistant Superintendent of Streets 30 Associate Planner 16 Bookkeeping Machine Operator 26 Building Inspector 24 Building Maintenance Foreman 40 Chief Building Inspector 28 Chief Mechanic, Public Works 31 City Assessor 42 City Attorney 30 City Auditor 30 City Clerk 36 City Engineer 47 City Manager 30 City Treasurer and Tax Collector 27 Civil Engineering Assistant 30 Civil Engineering Associate 34 Director of Planning 40 Director of Public Works 30 Director of Recreation 24 Electrician 20 Electr cianos Helper 33 Engineer II 20 Engineering Aide 19 Equipment Operator, Grade I 21 Equipment Operators Grade II 23 Equipment Operator, Grade III 23 Equipment. Painter 23 Field Accountant 16 Intermediate Clerk 16 Intermediate Typist Clerk 100 Schedule No, (ContOde ) Classification (Contod. ) 17 Janitor 14 Junior Typist Clerk 17 Laborer 23 Legal Secretary 23 License inspector 24 Maintenance Leadingman 23 Mechanic 20 Mechanic Es Helper 24 Mechanic Working Foreman 24 Painter 28 Park Superintendent • 22 Planning Technician 21 Poundman 22 Principal Clerk, 19 Principal Receptionist 30 Purchasing Agent 24 Refuse and Cleaning Foreman 28 Refuse and Cleaning Superintendent 22 Secretary to City Manager 22 Secretary-Stenographer 19 Semi-Skilled Laborer 26 Senior Appraiser 22 Senior Engineering Aide 19 Senior Typist Clerk 24 Sewage Plant Operators Grade I 21 Sewage Plant Operator:$ Grade II 19 Sewage Plant Operator9 Grade III 33 Sewage Treatment Superintendent 22 Sewer Maintenance Leadingman 17 Stenographer-Clerk I 20 Stenographer-Clerk II. 26 Street Foreman 24 Street Maintenance Leadingman 110 8rsC186Tini e. .Ld o O (Cant 9 d O) glas S=owt n (Cont Q d e ) 26 Supervisor of Recreation 21 Sweeper Operator 15 Telephone Operator do Receptionist 19 Traffic Painter 24 Tree Foreman 21 Tree Maintenance Leadingman 21 Tree Trimmer 21 Utility Maintenance Man (b) Classifications of employment in the police and fire depart- ments shall be allocated to the compensation schedules provided in Section 10 (b) hareof, as follows: Sc ed�a1,, Io, CAification 19 Animal Warden 28 Assistant Fire Chief 28 Assistant Police Chief 22 Captain a Fire 25 Chief Mechanic ® Police 28 Deputy Fire Chief 20 Desk Sergeant - Police 22 Detective - Police 25 Drillmaster - Fire 20 Engineer ® Fire 16 Fire Alarm Operator 22 Fire Alarm Techniclan 37 Fire Chief 25 Fire Marshal 20 Fire Prevention Inspector, Grade I 21 Fire Prevention Inspector, Grade II 19 Hoseman a Fire 25 Lieutenant m Police 25 Master Mechanic - Fire 19 Motor Patrolman ® Patrolman ¢ $25.00 per month 12. Schedule Noo (Cont'd* ) Classification (Conted* ) 19 Patrolman m Police 20 Plainclothes Patrolman, Grade I 21 Plainclothes Patrolman, Grade II 37 Police Chief 25 Radio Technician ® Fire & Police 22 Senior Policewoman 22 Sergeant — Police 25 Superintendent of Fire Alarm 16 Telephone & Radio Operator o Police SECTIOIa 120 - (a) The following step classifications shall apply to temporary positions with the Bakersfield Recreation Departments Stop Ae Beginning rate* Step Bs After 1�00 hours experience* Stop Co After 1000 hours experience* (b) Temporary employees of the Bakersfield Recreation Department in the following; positions* shall receive the hourly rates to which they are entitled as herein set forth° Stop Name of Position Classification A. B. Ca District Recreation Supervisor ti)1*75 01,90 ti%2®00 Recreation Leader I 1*50 1.60 1,70 Recreation Leader II 1-40 1.50 1*60 Recreation Leader III 1*20 1*30 1.50 Junior Leader 1000 1010 1020 Pool Manaeor 1*50 1*60 1*70 Life+Guard .. - --- - -- ---� 1*30 -- - - -1.40 -- - 1050 Special Activity Leader 1*50 1*70 1.80 Officials (per game basis) 2000 3000 4-00 Scorers (per game basis) 1100 1*50 2.00 SECT IO N 13* (a) The position of School Crossing; Guard in the Police Depart— ment of the City of Bokersfielde shall be temporary and seasonal only* 130 (b) Temporary and Seasonal work performed by any person as school, crossing guard., shall not entitle the said person to any vacation credit or sick leave. No such school crossing guard shall attain any civil service status because of such employment. (c) School crossing guards employed as such on a temporary and seasonal basis as provided herein., shall receive an hourly compensation of $1.44 for each hour so worked as a school crossing guard. SECTION 14. SALARY ADnSTa`KENT. Notwithstanding any other provision in this ordinances (a) Each and every employee of the City who is compensated at a monthly rate., and who was in the employ of the City on or before July 19 1956, and was compensated at a monthly rate, shall be entitled to and he shall receive the spun of $20.00 as additional salary for each -of the months of September and October, 1956, over and above his salary for said months as provided in this ordinance. (b) Each and every employee of the City who is compensated at J a monthly rate, and who was In the employ of the City on or before August 1. 1956, but after July 1, 1956,, and was compensated at a monthly rate, shall be entitled to and he. shall receive the stun of $20.00 as additional salary for the month of September, 1956, over and above his salary for said month as provided in this ordinance. SECTION 15. REPEALER. Ordinances numbered 879, 9089 9519 9529 9559 960, 963, 964, 981, 987, 1004, 1008, 70179 10189 1032., 1036, 10379 10389 1055., 10569 1057., 10619 1062, 1066, 10729 1073, 1078 and 1086, all NGW Series of the City of Bakersfield, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby- expressly repealed. SECTION 16. EME UNCI MEASURE. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure within the meaning of Section 24 of the Charter of the City of Bakersfield, State of California, and necessary to provide for the daily operation of municipal departments, and shall be effective on and after September 1,. 1956. 24. L 9 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Emergency Ordinance was passed. anal adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 13th dad- of August, 1956, by the f ollow1mg vote: AYES: CARNAKIS, COLLINS, CROES, DOOLIN, EVELETH, SCHWEITZER, SULLIVAN. NOES: ABSENT: City GIQ_i end ExpOr._ic10 C1e7k of ache Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this Miah,4y of August, 1956 I''M of ho uy o:� Bakersf ie3.d STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Kern ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting-and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on__________the 14th day of August, 56- she posted on the Bulletin Board at ______________________________________________________ , 19______- the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a the 13th day of August 56 meeting thereof duly held on______________________________________________________________________________ 19________- which ordinance was numbered---.. "____________________New Series, and entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A BASIC COMPENSATION PLAN FOR OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, AND REPEALING ALL .ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. Subscri d sworn to before me this - - - 3',0 A.ugu�5>t ------------------- 1 56_ ----- -- --- - --------- -- ----- &Ary. Pub in and for the County of rn. State of Calif nin