HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1104 "-i NlglUO 'dOOd t AN ~~CE AP~IOV~G A~A~ON 0F A P~C~ OF ~,- ~ ~0VM~G F0~ T~ TJ~TZON 0F 8A~ T~RZT0~ ~ PAY ~J~R~S, a p~.titf, on cms filed ~.r!'~h the Council of the C:'ty ttguous to ~he Gt~' off B~e~sff. eld~ ~d ~~S, on the 20~h ~.a7 off Au~u~b~ 19~$, ~he~e was pa~ ~h~ b~ed tndeb~o~e~s o~ s~.1~ ~t~ ~he~e~ ~en~rtbocl~ ~s p~c~vL~ed tn 0~d~.p~'~ce N~. 9~0, Ee~ ~eri.:;s of 2ho Ct<;~ of 'Bake~sfte~.d;. ~.d ~0 ali. o~ i~eb~e~ess o~, !t~b111~y of the City ~ch may ~ha~ said consen~ fs si~ed b~' s.ll 2:~e o~,~o~s of p~o~e~ included in said ~ritory, ~d c~pli~.., in ~?ery respec~ with She px'ovlstor, s tot2 Act ~f 1939, ~ aen(~o=;;g ~b.e:.,e~o~ be/ri Tl~!e ~, Dtvteio~a P~ 2, Chap~e~ ~, Article ~ o~ ~h~ ,.~over~maen~ Code of ~ho 8~s. te 0~lifornia, specifica-~.l~ describing-the boundaries of the territory so .proposed to be annexed to the City o£ Bakersfield, and designating such ter?itory by ~ app~?op~i'ate name~ and setti~ Monday~ Septembe~ 2~ 19~6, at the hour of eight o~clock P,M,~ in the. Council Ch~b~r~ of the City Ha!!~ 1501 T~tun Av~nue~ Bake?sfie!d~ Ca!ifo~ni~.~ as the day, hou~~ s~d place when s~d where the City Council %~ould hea~ protests made by ~ per-son o,~ real preper, ty within the afor~s~fd te~ito:ey, ~ud ~R~S, said Resolution ~as published at least twice~ but not offtener then once a week in the Bakersffield C~ltfom~ian, a p~ner of'general cfrcu!~ion publicized i~.~ the City of Bakers~ield~ ~d also in The Oildaie Ne~s, a newspape? off general circulation published outside of the City of Bakersfield, but in the coumty ~here said te~-ritory is located~ said publications havi~ been completod at least twenty dszys prio~ to the date set for said heari~ in compli~uce ~.;i. th Section 35311 of the Government Code, and ~ER~.S~ the 6i~y Clerk .off the City of Bake~-sfie!d has caused written notice o~ such proposed annexation to be given by mail at least t~en. ty days beffo~e the public heari~ on said p~opo~ed aonexation in. compliance 'with. Subdivisions (a) s. nd (b) off Sectiou 3531t of the Government Oocl. e o~ the State of California~ ~xd ~I(ER~S~ at the time set for he~-i~ protests~ no ~rtt~en protests were filed against the proposed s~nnexztion by any owner o~ property within the ter~.ito~,y proposed to be a~uexed~ NOW~ Ti~EFOHE, BE IT ORDALNED by the Co~ucil o~ the City of B~kers~ie!d, ~s fo3.1o~s: SECTION 1 ~ ..... Tha~ She Oo~cit -o~-b-~ -~.~ ~~ersfiel'd-'he~e-by-apDrove's ~he ~exatt~ and ~nolu~ion ~t~n the ~ne~o~ated l~ts of Ct~ off B~ke~sfte~d. of t~t ce~taf~ ~l~b~ed ~e~tto~ ~ RBAL AC~ES NO, ~, the boundaries off which a~e decca&bed ~ Tha. t certain parcel of land situate in the Co~'by of Ke~n, State of Cali~o~nla, 'being a portion of the N, W. !~. of the S. E. !/~. '~on 35, Tc~mship 29 So~o. th, Rs. nge 27 Es. st~ M, D. B, ~ M,, and particul~?ly describod as ltl!owe: Beginning at the northeast (NoEo) cot. nor of Tract 1573, a point on the current corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, and as last named northeast'(NoE°) corner is shown on map of said Tract !573~ recorded September 27, 1950, in the office of the County Recorder of Kern Co~%:.~y, in Book 7 of Maps.~ at page 119; thence N. 89° !!.2~ 39" Wo, along the northerly boundary line of said Tr~.ct 1573, the last n~_med northerly bo~u~_da:.~y line, also being the southerly bour:.dary line of Tract NCo 1892~ as shox.m on map of said Tract No. 1892, recorded June 27, 1956, i~-~ the office of said County Recorde:~, in Book 9 of Maps, at page ?8, ~nd along the corpora, to boundary of said City of Bake~s~ield, as defined by that 'oarticular annexation desig-' nated as Real Acres~ adopted July 3, 19~0, under Ordinance No. 880, New Series, a distance of 330o00 feet~ to the southwest (SOW.) corn.e~ cf said Tract No~ 1892; thence N. 0° 17? 21" E., and depa~_~ting from the corporate boundary of the City of' Bakersfield, on and along the westerly bo~.~dar~ line of, and to the noz:tb~.?est (NoWo) co~ner~ of said Tract Nco .1~92, a distance of 660°00 feet,-, thence S. 89° ~2~ 39" E., alor~E a northerly boundary line o'~ said Tract No° 1892 continuing along the easterly prolongation thor. eof a distance of 220°00 feet; thence So 0~ 17~ 21" Wo, pm. fa!lei with the westerly · boundary line of Real Road, to intersect the northerly boundary line of Green!ear Coomt. as said.. Road a~d said Court are shown o~. said map of' Tract No° 1~92~ a d~stance of 135o00 f.eet; thence S. 89° 4.2~ 39" E., alo~ last named northerly bouudar, y lxne to intersect the said westerly boundsm'-y line of Real Road~ ~.d to a poin*~ on the corporate boundary_ of the City of Bakersfield, a distance of !10~00 · feet; thence ~. 0° 17~ 21" W., along the westerly boundary line of said Real Ro.ad~ the last n~med westerly boundary l~ne also being an easterly 'boundary line of said Tract NCo 1892, =nd a!o~ the corporate bo'~dary of the City of Bakersfield, as said corporate boundz_wy is defined by that particular annexation designated as adopted Febru~..ry 27~ 1950, under O;~di::~.~a~ce NCo 863, Gibson Acres, _ New Series, a dists_nce of 525°00 feet, to the southeast (acE's) corner of said Tract No. 1892, and to the point of beginning, con- ;aining, 4. o659 acres of land, more or less. SECTION 2o Said territory, ~o_d the property located therein~ shall, the completion o:~ the ar~exation of the same to the Ci~ of Bmkers~leld~ be subjected to taxation eq~lly with obhez, proper~ty in the City oF Bakersfield to pay the bonded indebtedness oF.the City o~ Bakersfield, described in the a~o~ement!onod consent oF the owners of property located therein, tl~e issuance of bonds to represent said indebtedness being p~o~ vided for iu Ordinance No. 893, Ne~.~ Series o~ the City of Bakersfisld~ ~d in Ordinate No~ 950, New Se~ie~ of ss. id City, ~d any and a!! othe~ indebtoSne~s, o~ .liability .'of the ~ii~_ ~.~ch-~u~. ~r~.a. ~'o~...~_d s~fte~r- the date thereof. SECTION 3. THis Ordinance shall becorae effective thirty days from and afte~ the date, o~ iSs pass~ge. ....... O00 o I ~W~REBY C.ERTLWI' that the foregoing Ordinance was passed amd adopted by the Co~m. cil of the City of Bakers£ield at a regular meetim~ th.ereoJ~ held on the 24th day of September, t956~ by the fol~ lowing vote: AYES: f;~It~i~l;l~, COLLINS, CROES, DOOLIN,. EVELETH, SCI-IW£1TZER, SULLIVAN. NOB: ~., ,' ABSENT: ~ City CIler-~ a~.~d Ex-Officio C~erk of th~'- Council of the City of Bakez's£ield Affi av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Kmm~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly' appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ........ ..t..h...e....2...5..t...h.....d...a.y...p...f.....S...e.p..t...e.m...b...e..r..~ ............... , 19.___5..6_. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a fall,_true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci:l of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ..... ..t...h..e.....2...4...t..h.-.d...a.y.....~...f.....S..e..p..t..e...m...b~.e..~., ..... ,19....5...6., which ordinance was numbered ........... _1_..1...0_.4.. ............... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNIN- HABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, AND PROVIDING FOR T~. TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th. ~ September, . ~^ 56 .............. aay ox .......... ' ...................... ,,_.~ ........ , 1~ ......... ~~~ubllc in and for 1:~ C~nty of Kern, S~ of California · ~'' ~ .... S ,, = ~ = Ju..e ~, 1957 ~. '.~ .... · ~. ,. :~~..