HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1128 ORDINANC~ 1~0o 1128 NEW SERIES FInD ~D REPE~I~G ORDINANCES S~IES A~D 101~ ~ SERIES OF T~ CI~ O~ SEC TION 1 book fo~.e entitled tlUnXfo~m ~ Western PI~bX~ 0ffXoXaX~ &ssooXe~Xon a~ ~he ~en~fXf~h A~u~l oo~e~ of ~oh have ~ofo~ been fXle~ ~X~h C~ o~ Ba~sf~eld fo~ use ~ e~nation b~ adop~d' and ena~d as ~ ~1~~ .Code .Of ~ C~ of. Bakersfield~ fo~ ~ p~pose.s erased ~b~e~n~ ~h ~~n2s and ~elet~one of SECTION. ~.~ ~ subsection 10 of i.~ ~O~o~$ '1o1~ lo'R~ %o3.o 1.~.o~'08~ 1011~ ~l of P~ S;n .oo~!st~ ing of Seotions 2,1 Bo 2o1~o b0Bh t'nolusiv~ ~d ~Bio~ 1202 a~ 130~ of t~ 195~ Un~fo~ Pl~b~ C0~e S~TION Seot2on 60~ of ea~ Un2fo~m P~~ Code ~$ ~b.~ a~nde4 to ~ a6 ~$ foll~.s ~ Seo~on 60~ (a) ~a~e~.~ch has been used ~ ooole~; appl~a~ev .de'v~ue o~ ot~ appe~a~usv shall no~ be colored ~o ~ d~ainage sys~m on ~ v~oe om o~ 'apparatus ~s located .an~ used; no~ shall sa~ 'wa~e~ be ~n any ma~ disoha~ed ~n~o t~ s~i~a~ sewe~ system of t~ C~t~ of Ba~sf~eld; p~0vl~ed; howeve~; tha~ wa~e~ which ~s been used as a coo1= 2ns ~~ ~n an~ c. ooie~v appli~c% O~sposed of ~n a ma~ approved C~ ~. of B~ · ~sf~el~ o (b) All co.n~.~cti'ons heretofore made or existtng at the time of the effective date o£ this o~dtnanoe~ as mentioned tn this seotion~ shall be disconnected .f~om th~ sanitary sewe~ system of the City o~ Bake~sfield and the diachars$ of water from the coolera~ appliances~ dsvic®a~ and other, apparatus h~.rein msnttonsd~, shall be effected in a manner approved bY the C.hief Btttldin~ inspector° SECTION ~o. T~ ia ~eby added to said U~fo~ Pl~bi~. Code a new sec- ~ion to be n~be~d Section 609o~s. ~ch said section shall ~ead aa loll o~s ~ Section 609,~,. (a) All a~i~t~ pools in t~ City o~ B~e~ao field a~ll be sq'&p~d ~i~h a Cilt~ation a~stem ~hioh sh~l be installed ~ ~ au~talons ~d to the' aatiaf~iont o~ t~ C~ef B~ldi~ ua~ of t~ ~ate~ in said ~i~i~ pools fo~ a period of v~t less th~n (b) T~ discha~ pi~ ~om said ~i~i~ pools sh~l not be la~se~ than o~ i~h and ~ ~a~ In said pools aha!~ not b~ disc~ged into t~ aanit~ ee~ a~atem o~ said City mo~e oC~n than once a and no~ ~til a pe~ has been obtained ~o~ t~ City E~i~e~ ~ho sh~l dasi~te t~ ~me Co~ t~. discharge of such wats=, In no event sh~1 a~h discha~ o~ wate~ ~o~ ~m~ng pools be at a tim ~hen ~e old,at= lc ~m~at~e ts hig~ than ~vant~ de~eea~Fe o~dinanoe~ shall be made ~o co~o~ to t~ P~0Vialona cC t~s o~dinanca~ ~EOTIO~ 5~ ~ve~ u~d in t~ ~fo~m Pl~bin~ Code~ the ~ms "Ad~nia~a= and sating C~e~ Buildtn~ lna~cto~ of t~ City of Bake~sfield~ ~s d~F by la~ to pe~o~ t~ duties nOW be'i~ pe~fo~d bY that o~ficial City off Ba~sfteld, sEC~o~ 6, ~ C~ef.Buildi~ ~nspect~. may ma~ ~es and ~e~lati~ns~ sub~ Jeer t~ t~ approval of t~ Ci~y Co~il of the City of Ba~sfield~ and administration of the Uniform Plumbing Code. SECTTON ?o This ordinance shall not Be construed as .imposing on ~e Cit7 o~ B~sfield ¢,r its Officers oF employees any liability for damage su!~ing from defective plumbing Wo~k~ ~o~ shall the City of BakerSfield or its officers or employees Be held to assume any such liabiiit2 by reason of the inspections authorized hereunder° SECTION 8. (a) ~he .issuance or granting of a'permit or approval o~ plans and ~peci~ications shall ~ot be deen~d or constx~Aed to be .a ps.nit for; or an app;oval Of; any violation of any of the provisions of this CO~So per.mi~ p.Pesuming to gi~e auth.oPity to Violate or cancel the p;cvisions of this ~ode shell be valid~ except insofar as the work or use. which it. authorize s i s ~a wful ~ (b) The issuano® of a pex~.i~ upon plans and sPsci'fiCations shall not p~event ~e Chief Building Zn;pe=tor f~om the~eafte~ requiring the corPe~tion of ~:~o;s ia ~sid plans and specifications o~. fro; preventing construction operations bein~ carried on thereunder w~an in violatio~ of this Code .o~ Of 'any other ordinances or from ~evoking any CertifiCate. of e Approval when issued in (o) EVery pe~mi~ issued by the Chief Building .TnspeCtor under the p. rovisions of this. Code shall expire by limitation a~ become, null voids if the wo:mk .aut~o~iz®d b2 such pe .~mit is no~ commenced within $0 days from ~ date of such permit~ or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended o~ abandoned a~ any time after tb~ work is commenced fop a period -of'60 '~days: B®fo~e such woPk can be recommenoed a ne~ per= mit shall, be f~-r's~ obtained so ~.o do. SECTI ON 9 o of said Uniform P1 .uu~ing Code shall be deem~.d guilty, of. a mi.sdeme.ano~ and upon conviction thereof shall be 'punishable 'By a fine of not ~o oecd Fiv~ Hundred D'olla~s .($%00?00.) or By imprisonment, in the County ~ail for a period of'not more t~a~ six {6)' non,hsd, or by both such fine and imprisonme'n~.,'. Each sep. a~ate day' or any. po~.tion thereof du~i~g which en~ violation o£ said Code ocou~,s o~, continues eh~ be dee~d ~o cons~u~ a sep~e~e offense~ ~d upon oonv~c~on ~o~ sh~ b~ p~shable as ~ein p~ovided. SECTIO~ 10, O~d~na~es Nos. ~68 l~e~ Se~es and 1016 New Se~es of t~ flic~ ~t~h~ a~ he~b~ SEC~ O~ 11, ~e o~dinance sh~l take effect thirty (30) days f~m and ~ da~ of its passa~, AYES: BALFANZt BENTLEY, CARNAKIS, COLLINS, CROES, DOOLIN, SCHWEITZER, NOES: ~ AB~EI'tT: ""~,,~a.~,~,,.~.~.__.~, , Affi av ! of ost ng ( r nanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Ke]m~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly' appointed, acting and, qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on the 25th day of June ........................................... : ............ ~- ................................. , 19....5...7. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a fall, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci.'l of said City at a meeting thereof duly held nn the 24th day of June, 19..5...7..., which ordinance numbe.~ 1.128 ~,~. was ,~u ..................................... ,,~w Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, 1955 EDITION, FOR TIlE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD AND REPF,&LING ORDINANCES NOS. 958 NEW SERIES AND 1016 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~ CALIFORNIA. ShbsCribe'd'-and ~worn to before' me this " · ......... ~n~-~.25::l;l~da_"y,, of ........ J~ ....... ~ ................ , 195.~ , ~ ~.-/ .'~ , ':; .... · - ............................. .~, '.~ ~ Notary Publ.ic,?n~and for the County of Kern, State of California -,-~~,~-~ .-