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Juno, 195.7, 'by gh.e .:follow- ".. :' " ' -" " NOES:: '..:..' ' ' ." ,.. · :,.~::- ... '-' .'. .'. Oouncli Of the City of Bakersfield. .. -,....:~-~:.~ ..... : · . · . .. .. ..' . . , - · .:.j~, ~..,'< .... · .... '....,.~ .. .. .:.' ';. · ' of June, 1 :' ..." ...." .... '." -- ..>:~ ~ '. · . of Bakersfield. ..,.. '.. :::. :.:...-.....: · ,. ..... ~ g;: :....' ,.... . .-. ..... . . ..... ... . . ,~' ~.~.,~,. .; , · .... . . · .. . . ! ...' '... .;. ... · : ..... . ...::....... . · . :.' :'. .'-. :.:- ..-...; : .-.'. ..... · . :., . ....;'.. . ...., : .- : .. ". " ' . ' ' '. '" ' · -' · ....' :"i "' -" ' :" : · ' .... ' ':.. · ... .., .. :.: .~ : · .... ' ' "'. ': .' '-' ',4?... -,.'"'.' .~'.'.'.:" ~'" · ~......,:...:. , ., ....'"'": ....,.. '. .... .:..'' ...... . ::..,. ::..?. ,.?.'=::,' .:: ::.. ,:~;:~.'.. '.'.¢~.." ' ..' Affi a ! of ios ng (Or,nantes STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County .of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .......... _t.._h_.e.....4.._t._.h_....d...a..y._...o...f.....J...u...n..e..~. ............................. ', 19..5...7... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance' passed by the Counci~ of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ....... .t.._h..e......3..r...d.....d...a.y..._.o___f_....J..u...n.__e_~ ................... ,19..-5-..7.., which ordinance was numbered ..........1...1...2..4.. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIX- ING THE TIME AND PLACE OF THE REGULAR MEF. TINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF SAID CITY AND REPEALING ORDINithNCE NO. 1052, NEW SERIES OF SAID CITY.. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~.'~h~d~.,~ .............. ~e., ....... .~ ......... , ~.5~... ~-. ........... :. ..... ~&~ ...... ~.~ ............. No~ ~Uic ih ~ for t~ ~nty of Kern, Sm~ of California ~~x~x~