HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1123 ~HEREAS~ a pe2i~ion was filed ~i~h' ~he Council o~ the Cit~j of Bakex'sfield on 2he 26~. day of Ap~ll~ 1957,' Pequest~ ~;~$ certain ~bited ~e~l$o~ ~e~e~ described be ~exed ~o ~d ~co~o~a~ed' ~l~n ~ City of 'B~e~s~ield~ ~d ~~$~ .$~d pe$ition w~ si~e.d by ~the o~me~s of one~ f~ of ~e l~d~ by ~a~ ~d by ~sessed v~ue as ~o~ ~.. las~ equalized as~es~en~ ~oll ,f ~he Oo~ of Ee~ ~d ~S~ ~ ~e~l$o~ described ~ said pent,ion Is eam~tgu- o~ 2o ~e Ci~ of B~e~sfield~ ~d ~S~ ~ said ~e~l~ does. no2 fo~ a p~ of ~ ci~ ~d ~~S~'om ~ 262h day of Ap~il~ 19%7~ $~re ~-~as filed ~e office of ~e Ci~ Clerk of ~he Ci~y .of Bake~sfield, a oonsen~ signed by aX1 $~ ~e~s of p~cpe~-~2 l~luded ~ said ~o~ $~ said ~e~i~o~ be subjected ~o ~a~ion af~e~ ~he c~pletion of suoh ~xa~ion e~u~ly wi~h p~ope~y [~ ~he Ci~ of $o pay ~e bonded lndeb~e~ess of s2id Oi~ She~e~ desc~ibed~ as p~ovided fo~ ~ 0~~ce Nco 893~ ~ew Series of ~he City of Bake~s~ field~ ~d ~n 0~~ce NCo 950~ ~e~.~ Series of ~he Ci~ of Bake~s~ field, ~d ~ ~d ~1 o~he~ ~deb~e~ess o~ liability o~ She City w~oh ~y acc~e f~om ~d ~2e~ She da~e ~e~eof~ ~d ~s Co~cil hereby de~er-~nes ~.~ said consen~ is signed by a~l ~.e ~me~s of wi~h ~he p~ovisions of Section 35319 off ~he ~e~en2 Code of SSaSe of Cal~or~a~ ~d ~S, ~e Co,oil of ~ Oi~ of B~e~sfield did~ on 29~h day of Ap~il~ 19~7~ pass a Resolu$ion bei~ No, 23~5'~ in pli~ce wi~h She p~ovisions off ~he A~exa~ion of U~abited Ac~ of 1939~ and ~on~ents 2here~o~ bei~ Ti21e ~ Division 2~ P~ Ob~pter 1~ A~ticle ~ of the ~ove~'nmen~ 0ode o:~ the S-~a~e of Califo~,nia~ specifically describing the bo~d~ies of ~e ~e~i2o~ so p~oposed $o be ~exed ~o ~ Ci~ of B~e~sfieXd~ ~d des~a~i~ such ~e~i~ ~ of eigh~ o~cloek Po~.~ ~ the Co~cil ~be~s of the Cit~ ~11~ 1%01 ~xt~ Avenue~ B~e~sfield~ Califo~a, as ~ day~ ho~ ~d place when ~d where She City Co~cil wo~d ~ p~o2es~s made pe~son ~~ ~eal p~ope~ty wl~ ~e ~o~esaid ~errlto~ ~d ~S~ maid Resolu~ion was published at least twfce~ no2 of~e~ ~ once a week ~ The Bake~sfield Califo~, a neWsPmpe~ of gene~ ei~c~a~i~ published ~ She Ci~ of Bakersfield~ ~d also ~ ~ 0ildale News~ a newspaper of ge~al ct~c~a~ion published outside of ~ City ~f B~e~sfield~ bUS in the co~ where said te~i- ~ is looated~ s~d publications ~v~ been c~pleted a~ least ~ Section 3~3X1 of t~.' ~ve~men~ Oode~' ~d ~S, ~e Cl~2 Clerk of '~he Ci~ o~ Bm~s~ield ~s caused ~It~en no,ce of such p~osed ~exatt~..$o be given By leas~ ~$y da2s bef. o~e ~he public ~~ em s~d p~osed ~exa~ion ~o ~he pe~s~ entitled the~e~o~ ~ o~lt~ce with subdivisi~s ~d (b) of See~on 3~311 of said Gov~en~ Code~ ~d ~S~ s.t ~ ~e set fo~ he~ protests, ~ w~lt~en p~otests were filed ~ains~ ~e p~oposed ~exa~ion by a~ ~e~ of p~ope~ ~~ ~e territory p~oposed 2o be ~exede N0~ '~ORE, BE ~ 0~~ by the Oo~il o~ $~ City of B~e~sfield~ as follows ~ 8EOTXON 1. the ~exa~ton ~o and i~lusi~ withim She ~corpora~ed l~its of ~he Ci2y of Bake~sfield~ of ~$ ee~a~ ~ni~bi~ed ter~i~o~ desig- ~ed as "~~0N .AC~ ~0. 6"~. ~d i$ is hereby f~$hex- o~dained said te~i~ be ~ud $~ smme is hereby a~exed ~o said Ci~ said te~i~o~ is described as Th~t; oe~,t;~.n ps.vcel of limd sittu;tt;ed ~n ~ho Co~y o~ ~, S~ l~ly described as follo~i C~e~i~ a~ ~he ~sect~on of ~e ~este~l~ 1~ of Lo~ a of A~es as pe~ ~p ~eof ~eco~ded ~ ~p Book ~ D~e ~? ~n t~ Off~ce 1~ of ~d S~ee~ ~s s~d ~nd S~ee~ is sho~ on a Map of ~h~ ~od~ T~ac~ ~ec~ded ~ ~p Book 1~ pa~e ~ ~ ~he Of~ce of the Ke~ Co~n~ e~de~ ~ce $ou~l~ ~o~ ~e Weste~l~ l~ne of. sa~d Lot ~ ~ Lo~ 3 of sa~d F~on A~es ~ d~st~ee of ~0~.96 fee~ to .a po~t ~$~ ~a~e l~-~s ~ ~e Ci~ of B~e~sfield acco~ ~o ~ha~ ~exa~i~ ~e ~e 0i~ of ~ersfield ~o~m as P~ton Acres' No~ 1 as ad~p~ed ~ch 27~ 195~ ~ O~~ce No~ 867, New Series~ ~d Ue~ified April aS, 1950 by ~e Seure~ of S~ate~ ~a~e of California, said poin~ be~ ~e $~ poin~ ~ beg~ng of ~s deso~ip~i~; ~henoe Suu~ al~ ~ %les~e~ly bo~d~ of said Lot 3 ~d ~g ~he co~ora~e l~s of ~e Ci~ of ~e~sfieXd accord~ 2o ~t ce~a~ ~xa~ ~o ~e Ci~ of ~e~sfield ~ as ~he "Easterly ~e ha~ .of Block ~C" of Gre.ene~s ~ac$"~ adopSed. ~y ~ 19~9 ~ 0~d!~e ~Oo 830~ New Series, and fled ~e 6~. 19~9 ~U a~id 3ec~e~ of S~a~e~ ~ a poin'~ ~ the ~ou~h 1~ of ~ N~h 5b,16 fee~ of the Sou~h 112,32 fee~ o~ Lo~ 3 Of .~.s.~d':~''''-'''?''~:''~" F~p$on Ac~es~ ~h~ce leavi~ 2he said concealed l~'~s of' ~he ~f B~e~sfield~ ~s% alo~ t~ South bo~~ l~e of said' No~th fee~ of ~e Sou~ 112032 fees of Lo~ 3 ~o a po~t ~ ~e Easterly bo~~ ~ said Lo~ 3~. ~h~ce N~h alo~ said Easterly bo~a~ ~ s~d ~t 3 ~ ~g ~e co~pora~e !~i~s of ~he City of B~e~sfield aueo=~ ~o ~t ce~a~ ~exa~ion ~o She C~y o~ Bakersfield as ~t~ Ac~es' No, 3 as ad,ted Febr~ .~ 1953 ~ 0~~ce 966~ ~ Se~ies~ ~d ce=~ified H~ch 30~. 1953 by said Secret~ of ~o a poin~ in ~e c~orated l~s of the Ci~ of B~ersfield as des- cribed ~ ~ ~o~e=~ed 0r~ce ~o. 867~ New Se~ies~ ~he~e Westerly al~ last n~ed co,ovate l~ts..~o the tx~u~ po~t of beg~~ of ~s desc~ipti~ s~d p~cel con~ai~ 0.1599 ac~es of l~d, mo~e les~ e SECTION 2, ~on ~e c~le$ion ~ She ~exa~lon of She s~e $o ~e City of field~ be subjected ~o ~a~i~ eq~ly ~i~ o$~ p~ope~y ~ ~he Ci~ of B~sfield ~ p~ ~ bonded i~eb~edness of ~e Ci~ of B~=evsfield, deso~ibe.d ~ ~ ~o~em~io~d c~sen~ of 2~ o%~e~s of p~ope~y located ~e~e~ ~he issu~ce of b~ds to =ep~esen~ said indebSe~ess be~ p~oFIded fo~ ~ 0~n~ce No, 893~ ~ew Series of ~he Ci~ of B~e~sfield, ~d ~ O~nce ~o, 950~ New Series of said CiSy~ ~d ~ ~d all o~e~ ~ebte~ess o~ i 0f ~he OiSy w~ch may accrue f~om ~d ~te~ ~he date thereof, SEOTION 3. ~s or~oe s~ll bec~e effec$ive ~~ days fr~ ~d ~te~ ~e date of i~s pass,e, I HEREBY C~~ tha~ '~e fo:~e~o~.r~ Oz'd~'mnce ~¢as 10e. e,~ed end adopted 1~ the Couno~:L o£ the C~.~j' o£ B~ke~'~.e3.d at the~eo£ held on ~he 3~d da~ of ~Tune, 1957, by the £ollo.~1n~ AYES: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CARNAKIS, COLLINS, CROES, DOOLIN, SCHWEITZER. NOES: ABSENT: ""~~"--"~ Affi av ! of ost ng ( r nanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA, / County of Ke~m~ ss. MARIAN S. IR¥IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ......... __t.__h_?.....4...t___h____d...a._Y.....°___f.__..J.._u_.n...e..~. ............................. , 19..5...7_.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ....... .t...h.?......3.?...d.....d...a...y_..o._.f.._..J..u.._n_..e..~ ................... ,19...5...7.., which ordinance was numbered ...........l...1...2._3__ ................ New Series, snd entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA~ AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDF. RTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~~.,'~'.'l;_J!...day of ............... J.l.ill~.~....,~ ............. , 19..1/~'.. ......... X;:.:.}~.(~..~....~.~.~.~ ................. No~ ~bli~ in and for ~ C~nty of Kern. Sta~ of ~lifornia ..... :., .~ -~,,