HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1140 0RDINAI~CE N0 o~ 1140 I~E~ SI~IES ~ O~~CE AP~OV~G '~T~O~ OF ~ PARCEL OF CAL~~ A~ ~OV~G FO~ T~ T~TION OF SAID T~I~ TO PAY T~ BO~ W~S~. a petition was filed with the Council of the of Bake~sfield on the ll~h day of J~y~ 19~7, ~equest~ t~t cea, tarn ~~b~ted te~-~to~ there~ described be ~e~ed ~o and ~ncorpo=ated ~l~n the C1~ of ~e~sf~eld~ ~d ~S~ s~d pe~i~i~ was si~ed by the o~e~s of all of ~he ~e~i~o~ $o be ~exed~ ~d o~ $o ~ City of Bake~sfield~ ~d ~S, She said 2e~$o~ does no~ fo~ a p~2 of ~ ~~S~ ~ ~ ~l~h day of July~ 19%7~. there was filed ~e office of ~e Ci~ Clerk of the Oit2 of B~ersfield~ a consen2~ si~ed by all ~e o~e~s of p~ope~2 included ~ said $o~ ~ said 2e~i~o~ be subJec~ed $o 2~a~ion ~$e~ ~e c~pletion of such ~exa$to~ ~11~ ~ p~peP~ ~ ~ Ci~ of ~o pa~ ~e b~ded ~deb~e~ss of said Ci~ ~e~ deso~ibedo as p~o~ided fo~ ~ 0r~oe ~o 893~ ~e~ Se~les~ tn 0~~ce Noo ~re~ de~e~es ~$ aat~ c~aem~ ta si~ed ~ aX1 ~e ~e~$ ~~S~ ~e CoccYX of ~he Ci~ of B~e~sfteXd ~d~ On ~e l%th da2 of ~uly~ 19~7~ pass a ResoXu~ion bei~ No o ~0~7~ in pli~ce with the p~ovision~ o~ the A~exa$ion of Un.abided Act of 1939~ ~d ~~en~s She~e~o~ be~ Title ~ Division 2, P~ Ohap~e~ 1~ A~cle ~ of -~he Gove~r~ne~ Oode of ~.e .$~a~e of tO be ~xed ~ ~e 0~ of B~e~sf~eld, ~d des~~ such ~o~ b~ ~ a~=op~a~e ~me~ ~d set~ ~fonda~ A~us~ 19~ 19~7, ~e ~ of e~h~ o~clouk Po~o~ ~n ~he Co=nc~l O~bevs of ~he ~11, 1501 ~ux~ A~enue~ B~e~sf~eld, Cal,.fox. a, as ~he da~ ho~ ~d place ~-~hen ~d where ~e CZ~ Co~c~l wo~d he~ p~otests made b~ ~ person o~ ~eal p~ope~ ~hin ~e af~esa~d ~e~orT~ and ~~S~ saZd Hesolu~on was publZshed a~ leas~ ~y~ce~ bu~ no~ o~ene~ ~ once a week ~ ~e Bake~sfZeld C~C~~, a ne~s pape~ of 8ene~,~ cZ~,c~a~n published ~ ~he C~tF of B~evsf~eld~ ~d also ~n ~e 0t, l~le Ne~ a newspape~ of ~e~al o~vc~a~on published outside of ~e CZ~ of B~e~sf~eld~ bu~ Zn ~he co~ ~e saZd ~e~Z~ Zs loca~ed~ sa~d publications hav~ been c~pleted at leas~ ~en~7 da~s p~o~ ~ the da~e se~ fo~ sa~d he~~ ~ c~lZ~ce ~h Sec~Z~ 35311 of t~ Gove~~ Code~ ~d ~~.~ ~he C~ Clerk of ~ C~ of Bake=sf~eld ~ caused ~Z~t~ no~ce o~ su~ p~osed ~exat~on '~o be ~ven by ~Z1 a~ leas~ ~en~ i[a~s before ~ public ~~ on sa~d p~oposed ~exa~Z~ ~o ~he persons en~led ~he~e~o~ ~n o~plZ~ce w~h subd~vZsZons (a) ~d (b) of Sec~Zon 3~311 of sa~d Gove~en~ Code, ~d ~~3~ at ~e ~e set 'fo~ he~ pvotes~s~ no p~o~es~s ~e f~led ~a~ ~ p=oposed ~exat~on ~ ~ ~e~, p~e~y ~t~ ~e te~to~ p~opcsed to be ~exed, NOW, T~0~ BE ~ O~A~ ~ ~e Co~c~l of the SECTION ~ ~t ~e Co~c~l of the C~ of B~e~sf~eld hereby ~e ~exet~on to ~d inclus~ w~th~ t~ ~nco~o~ted l~ts of ~ C~ e~ Beke~sf~eld~ of ~hat ce~te~n ~.~b~ted testator7 't~t se~d te~,ito~ Be ~d ~he same ~s he~eB~ ~exed to sa~d ~t s~d te~o~y ~s described as follows~ ob ,.-' 2hat certain ps~cel c~ land situated in the County o~ Ke~n~ State o~ Cal~fo~a~ bei~ a pop,ion of ~he south~es~ qua~-te~ (S.~. 1/~), of Section 15~ To~s~p 29 Sou~ R~e 28 East~ ~. D. B. & more P~ticula~ely described as foll~s~ Begi~i~ a~ ~e no~.~est (N.W;) co~ne~ of Lot 2, as said Lot 2 is sho~ on the map of '~act No. 1903, recorded ~y 29, 1957, in Book 9 of Maps, aS page 139, in 'hhe office of ~e Cowry Reco~de~ of Kern Oc~ty~ Cal~o?nia$ thence No 89° 25~ ~" " E., alo~ $~ c~po~ate bo~d~y of '~he City of BeMe~sfield, as said co~cmate bo~d~ is defied by ~.-$ certa~ a~exation ~n as College Hel~s No. 1, adopted May 23., 1955, by O~di~mnce No. 1050, New Series ~d ce J~e ~i, 1955,~b~ the Se~- -= ~.-' ........ · ~tified alo~ '~e no~e~l~ 1'---~T~? u~ ~a-se, p~e.of o~lSfo~ia, ~d ~ ~e~l~ bo~da of said n ~oo~d~ AD~i 1~. 1957~ ~ ~ook 9 of Ma~s~ a~ ~ag~ 130 ~n of ~a ~o~ a~oo~d~=, a d~s~o~ of ~3~1~?~ f~ 'th~no~ S~ 0~ 07~ ~0~ ~1~ ~o~d~ of sa~ ~ao~ ~o~ 1901 ~o ~h~ s~as~ (S.E.~. T~o~ No~ 1901~ ~ ~s~o~ of.?096~ f~ ~h~no~'N. 0~ . ~alo~_ ~. s~u~h~l~ Uo~~ of ~ ~d ~o" ~~ S~ 0~ ~ ~" E.~ alo~ ~ ~s~=l~ bo~~ of sa~d T~ao~ n~d ~o~ ~he ~ad~al oen~e~ of sa~ ou~v~ b~s ~ ~ 0~ o ~st~ 470.00 ~e~t~ ~ce northwesterly al~ said c~ve~ concave to ~e sourest, ~d ~o~ ~e southerly bo~d~ o~ said ~aot Nco 1903~ ~o~h a central ~Sle o~ 12° 17~ 0~"o ~ a ~adius o~ 4~o00 ~eet~ ~o~ a ~st~e o~ ~00o~7 ~ee~'~ to a point o~ compo~d c~ve, ~ ~ch the ~a~el po~ o~ laSt ~ed o~ve be~s ~. 0° dis~ant ~70~00 ~eet~ ~d ~e ~adtal cente~ ~ ~e ~o~1o~ deso~ib~d o~ve be~s S. 00 ~ 3~" Eoo dlst~t~ 20.00 ~est~ thence c~tin~l~ alo~ ~o southerly bo~~ o~ said ~act No. 1903~ al~ a c~ve e0ncave to the'sou~ast, ~o~ e c~al ~le o~ 90 ~ith a radius o~ 20.00 ~eet~ ~o~ a ~st~e o~ 3~.~ ~etv to a po~t o~ t~ency~ ~ ~hich the ~adtal cente~ o~ l~t ~ed o~ve~ be~a No 89° 45~ 26" Eoo dist~t~ 20.00 ~eetI thence N. 0° ~, 34 the ~este~ly bo~nd~ o~ a~d ~act No. 1903, a distance o~ 479.76 ~aet~ to ~e No~ves~ (N.~) co~ne~ o~ said ~o~ 2, ~ said ~act Nco ~903~ ~d to ~e point o~ be~i~~ c~tat~ 7.4~5 ac~es l~d mo~e O~ l~ss. SECTION 2. .... ~e~-"!-~er-~ory~- and' ~he~/~rop.~_~-~-iSe~-~e d · -~h-j~&-in%-~s~K!~,~- .............. upon ~e comple~fon of ~he ~exa~ion of She' s~e to She Ci~ of BakePs~ field~ be subjected 'ho t~a~ion equ~ly with o~ p~ope~ty in ~e City of B~o~sfield ~o pay ~he b=nded tndeb~e~ess of ~he Ci~ of Bake~sfield~ described in the afo~e~n~ioned consent of the ~s of p~ope~ 0 1coated thex, ein~ ~lae 'issuance of bonds ~;o z'epz, esen~; said ~ndeb~e~ess be~ p~ov~ded for ~ O~d~ce Ko, 893~ N~ Se~es~ ~n O~din~ce ~oo 9~0~ ~e~ Se~es~ ~d ~ O~d~oe ~o. 1112, ~e~ Se~es~ all of sa~d C~ ~d ~ ~d all o~he~ ~ndeb~e~s o~ w~ch ma~ acc~e f~ ~d ~f~e~ ~he da~e he~eof~ SECTION ~te~ ~he ~e of i~s pasa~eo I HE~F~f CERT1TY Sha2 the fox-egoing Ox, dinance was passed and adopted by ~he Council of the City of Bakex, s~ield at a ~egulam mee~in~ ~he~eof .held o.n ~e .19.~h day of Au~us~ 19~?~ by ~he follo~ AYES: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CARNAKIS, COLLINS, 41,R4~r~DOOLIN,-S~, NOES: ~ 'ABSENT: (?~.,~..~'~.~..~ ,,~ Affi~av~! of ~ost~ng (~r~nanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified.City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ........ .t...h..e......2..~...t...h......d...a..y.....~...f.....A...u....g~....~..t...~. ....................... , 19...5._-7.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ...............1..9...t.~.._~.a...y._.~..f__.__A_..u_._g_.u.__s_.t___~. ............... ,19....5...7., which ordinance was numbered ....... ..1._1._.4_.0.. .................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~ CALI. FORNIA~ AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. Su..b~cri. b~~vorn to before me this ....~_,..~.~_'_ ,,.~.s~.,,, ,~ ~ ,