HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1138 · CALIFORNIA '!'.'~"·' ": · · "i-" ": ". .. ' ' ' . ~ ' '. ' '" ' ...... ..'"".)"'.'"..... . · . '.i ...... '..." ?. '. .. · ' . "· . ~ .. "' · · '." .. '-. .'...~',-~z./'~". · ' ' '.'":: "..."' "" ".'::': t'""";'..~iE~S, 'i"0r'din~nce "" "" ' ' '" '' ' .... ' "'"" ': ':~'%'~::":: ": <' '. No. ~130.~. New. Ser!es,-':'requi~e~ .~e~i~oe'-".· '. i! '. . · · · ~. .., ...'~. . ' .. . ""-';'~.'?i'.. '. · . - '." · '' ."; .. .... · · · "' ' - ' · '" ".' ' ' :3J'?>~". ' ' " "' '': "" .~. · ' ' · · ' .:t "%,~"' .' · :~her'e6~'""m~d'"'[']" ' ' '. ".'.. '... .. ~: '.' ." '.:.".."/.".' :" '." 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'"' ,~truct~e's, to 'be used' S'6 'long aS".'th~ de'gr.e.e' of .p~oteCtt6~'a'ffo~'ded " '~*' af'fo~.ded b~" the' fence, Wall, o~ .othe~ enclosing .StrUC~e.-and the . ~'a~e, 'door, l~h .0~. otho~ l°cki~ deviCes 'des'o~.ibed..~or'~tn.' .. -" .... · ~:'.. ... .. :..... . ' ..]. :......'.': ' i' .. '..' '".'f .':. (b) ~en ~i~ shall be dote~ined b7 .~ho' .Co~cil ~hat .stri~ ' '....' :..'..:.'4 .. ,... . , .... ..... · .'. '"' '· /bon~gl~'}..~'' S~f-Oga~'~' ~ho.. .. p~o ~na.. ~" ~he ..~°~k .~o bo aorta.. ... ".... '.- · ~ ....'.'~','2 ' ... · ~ . ', · . · .. .'(.~ ':.. g~o dago .~f' ~t;" ': ~S · .. . · ... · ' . ~ · .. ~..~ ... .. . .:.~ ~. .. ... .... ..... · ..:~ "....'"/":'"'.....'...'.. "~" ---~.- ~o~.-~--~ . .~' '.. . " .. ......./......'. ..)..' ... · . · . .. . .i. ' ~' . . ; · ~.: .. ...'-.:.'...' .... . . .':"' .. . ...... . : ~ . ..... ...... .... .........., . .. ? . .. · . ~.~- ""..'~.--.:-~.-..- ...... '. [.:~C;:.:T ............" .~. .......... ~ .............. . ............. .~. . . ..': . . · ; ~ .. ...~.. ..'". ... · .... .: ',..~. · .. ~.'. ;.. . .' . ... · ,.. .' ~.. .J . . ~.....;... "....:~. ..' j '. ... · . · ... . .. · . .~. · . ..' · . ..:... · ~' . ~. · .?j' "...'.....: ..~., ..'. ' - ' "~.~'5' ,... . · .. . .' .. :~.'~"~%*~." /. ,... j' ~ " ' ": ~..... :.' ~. ::,.. · .~: .... ~... :.', "'"..'i.'.: ..... .~.,....... · :... · I M~EB~ iCERTI~Y that the £oregotng. Ordlnance waS~'Dassed .. ~d adO~t'~.',by-t~'e Co--oil of ghe Cl~".of Bake~sfteld'a~' a. r,egUi~..~..''' meeting[.the~e0f'~ held on. the 19th .~:.:;aay. of August 1957~'."'" ,.. ... ~ the f011owi~...v0,'$e: -. ..... ....'... , .. ., ..... . ... -. ~ ......~../. ...' . ~., ,.'4'~ . ' . ... ·. ' .... · ' .'-....~n~:___.. ' '-" ' ' · ·. . ~ ~.~ -~ ~. · ... , ., .... · ... ... .. .:, .... ~as~-r:.~~- . - . '" '-' '" ' '' ' ~' . 2"..· ' ' '' ' '-__ ' . . ~..~~'.,~ .'.~ .. -' ' ."'. . Ci~ ~l~R'.~n~ ' " . ~" .--".... 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IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the dul.~r appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that the 20th day of August, 19~_..7.._._ she posted on the Bulletin Board at on ....................... .. ................................................................... , the City Hall, a fu.ll, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a nn the 19th day of Au._~__st . meeting thereof duly held .................................................................. ,. .......... ,19.5-..7...., which ordinance was numbered ....... .1...1._3___8__ .................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE A~iENDING SECTION 6 OF ORDI~ NANCE NO. 1130, NE~ SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA