HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1153 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR T~E .ISSUANCE OF CITATTON.S FOR V~O~TION~"OF".O~D~ANCE~ .. ' " .. ~ IT.0R~I~D by the Co~cil of ~e City· of ~sfield,.. CITATIONS FOR VIO~TIONS OF CI~ ORDINANCES· (a) Written No$ic~..to Ap. Dear. If any person is arrested in the City of Bakersfield for the violation o..f'.'.[.an~ Ordinance .o~' .'aid City, the violation of which is punishable as a mtsdemean0~'.."under such· ordinance and such person is not immediately taken before::;..~,"~agistrate as moro fully set forth, in the Penal C. odo of the' State oftt~C'a'lifornia, the arresting officer shall prepare in duplicate .a written no~i.c.e t.o appear in cou:Pt, containing the n~u~e and addreas:.:~f Such peraO~-~ '- the offense charged, and the time and place where and when such"'person shall appear in court. -'.~.'."~' (b) Time ~o Appear. The time specified in the noti'ce~'."to appear must be at least five (5) days after such' arrest'...' .: .. (c) Place to Annear. The place specified in the notice to appear shall be either: '-' .. 1. Before'a municipal court Judge within the Judicial. district in Wh.ich the offense charged is alleged to. have been co~- .' mitred and who has Jurisdiction of the offense and who is neareS..'.~'' .'." .. and most .accessible with reference to the place whore the ar'rest is' made; or '. ..... 2. Before an officer authorized by. the City' .o.f. Bakers- .. .. field or tho County of Kern, to receive a deposit: of bail .... ...... (d) '~on_v of l~o'cice 1;0 Arrested Pe~"son.' deliver one copy 0f ~ nogioo to appoa~ ~o the a~ested"pe~son ~d :.. Ohe ~rested pe~son in order ~o secure ~elease' musg give ~s ~i0~n '" p~o~se so to appear in oo~t by si~ing the ~uPl~ca~e no,ice w~.ch':'. '.'" . . ....'.('._ · s~ll be re~ainod by'~he officer. T~e~eupon ~he arresti~' offi'~'er s~ll fo~ghwigh ~elease the pe~son a~es~e~ f~om cus'~o~y.. (e) O~n~t_o. be Filea.. Denoal~ of Ba!l~...~e~'::*ffice~ s~ll, as soon as p~aOtioable, file ~he duplioage notice'.'wi~h~ the magistrate' '~eCifie~ ~he~ein. Thereupon the magistrate s~'X1 fix ghe ~o~g of bail w~'o~' ~ ~s jud~ong, in aooord~oe wi~ ~he..provis~ons of " 3ection 'i275 of t~e Penal Code, will be ~easonable .and 's~ficient:~ for g~o ~ppea.~ance of ~ho ~efen~ ~ s~ll when ~he case' is oallo~ fo~ a~ai~en~ before ~e magistrate, if .~e' ~efen~ant'. s~ll not appear,', eigher ~ person magistrate ~y declare ~he bail fo~feige~, ~d ~y in ~is discretion .. orde~ ~..- ~at ." no f~gho~ proceo~i~s shall be ma~ such oase, Upon the ~ing of such o~de~ t~t no f~.~her p~oceedi~s ~oa~a~ o~ t;~ Oo~g~ oI K~n, ... .. ".....~ as ~equired by law. · demeanor regardless of the disposition of the charge'" upon-~ch he' was originally arrested. ..."'" · (h) Wa~an~ to~Issue .- ~hen....~l..en any. person signs ::a writ- ten promise ~o appear ag ~he time ~ place speoi~i~ in ~he.. ~i~'~e~....~., . .... pro~se to appel, ~d ~s not posted bail a's provided in :'~aSv[sion ~: '"' · .. .~. ~':-jf · , .. (o) above, the ~gistrage s~ll issue ~d ~ve .~elive~ad fo~ ~2ec~tio~ .~ ..~ ~ · ~o appea~ as p~o~se~, o~ if such pe~son p~o~ses ~0-appea~ ~efore '"' '::' ~ officer authorized to accepg bail' ogler t~m a m~gisg~age' ~'.'$ails go do so on o~ ~eforo the da~e which he ~omised ~o appear, gh~n,. . ? wi~n ~engy (20) days after ~he delivery of-Such ~iO~ea pro~se · ". ~'. to appe~ by 'g~o ~fficer to a magistrage ~vimg J~isdic~ion over gh~ '~en suo~ pe~son violates ~s p~,mise go appea~ bofo~e ~ officer augho:mized to receive bail other t~ ~he magistrate, the ". officer s~ll ime~agely delive~ to.ghe magisgrage ~v~g JUris~io.g!o~ ove~ ~e offense c~ged the ~itten p~o~se, to appea~ ~d the. compla~t, If ~y, filed by the arresting officer. ... · .- SEOTION 2. afte~ ~he dat~ of its' passage. f'"~w~.REBY'' "' 'CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordtnance Was 'passed... . · ':"'"'. and adopted by the .Council of the'~"Oity of. Bakersfield a~'.'a..regular...,- meeting thereof held on the 21st' day of October, 17'.~.71~ .by the '. .... . · ?. ,) .' . ...- · ,, ,' .~ · .f'~ ,.~]'.. ~OES: ........................ u'. : ... ABSENT: -~ ................ . .... .~, .. .... · .". ..' ...: '. ,:~: · .. · APPRO~D~.. ~21st.. day of~ 0o~obe~, 1957 '::. ' . .': ~.'..'. :~." Affi av ! of J os ng r uan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ....... .t.._h.e.___._22_._n__d____.d_.a_..Y__.._°_._f__.°..C..t_._°_b_._e_._r__,. ...................... , 19____.5..7. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci. l of said City at a the 21st day of October, 19...5..7..., which ordinance meeting thereof duly held on .............................................................................. , was numbered ............_1_.1.__5_.3.. .............. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR Tm~. ISSUANCE OF CITATIONS FOR VIOLATIONS OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ....2...2_..n__d_.day of ............ .Q..c__t...o_b...e._.r.j .............. , 19.....5..7.. .............................. ........... -~'o ~' ...f' Notary"'Publle in.. and for the County of Kern, State of California '~. ~ ~ ~