HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1152 ... . . . '~. ......-.,.,~ · . :..--. . ':~,~: = ... · ..,. .......... . · ~ . .. .:'. .,~.~: ' . . . '...'.... . .,.. -~...~ - . t~ · · .. ~ .~.=.-. ~ cultural Oo'de of California. .-' ' ' ... ' .'~'f ....?....'.'. '. :.."...-: "~::..~,. .' · · . ., .. . ,~:...00) o~'. ..~.. ... · . .: ~.,j'.',.'..... :, .. ~. ..' .. ~.:'. ...'... :~:::;:::,.. . ...... . .. :....t:. .... ~ .~"~. '.... ",..'::......,. ';: ...;- ......:. .. ':., .':...":,; ..... ' . ......%,~... :,~,?..,:-.'..: · j :~ · : '?L-". . .. ... ':. :~.. ': ..... . . . . . . .....- .. -..~...~;..". ...... . . .:, .~. ~..:. ~ .. · . ;.. ...... .~... · .... . . ..~ .... ~.~ .. ~,=.~ ;. ... . . . ,.~., .4.-~:.~ -...=,.-.~:..,,. ~('~ · ' · . ' · ' ·" " ":'" ." .. :' '?.. :."." ~': .... '. ;'>. ' :, r · ':"~' '?-.' · · · ".' ' ' '-~,~'t~'~'".~G~' '-. ~:" ~"" ";. ~' -: · . . · . , ... .: . . . . ". .~?.',2; ...~.'.].: .'..:. . - . ..: . ::~.~; ::.'.:.' ..~ .~?,. (.~.~:~ :r.:-~...:...~.... ~. -,.. :-. ' · . . "."..':.~-".. '.. ~'~'~".?.,w .~' ... ':' ::-::~ ~.:~"~'. ~.". '...~.,r' ... ..... '~':~ ~ ',:t.~. "~,"= :,.' ', ,' ... .' , ..:"': I H~REBY CERTIFY'. that the foregoing Ordi'n~.'~,.e. wa~' passed· and' ....:"..,.' ...'.' adopted by the Council of the City of Bake~sf~'ei~' a~'"'a regular ~e:e ti'"~"..' :" '.'i i:.':-:. ".. .... . · . ..... -.,....? . ..~ ,..'.'~?.~'.. ~.. ,...,... . thereof held on the l~th day of October, 1957,' bT' ":the'i followtlg'.',Qte':'.' -'"'- ':i.::'.~.:.-.'~.",','.. ...~,..~_~. ....... A'fl~:,,._-BA~F~Z' -~E~, CAR~AIq$, COLLINS, CROE$, DEWIRE, DOOLI~,, - "'.~-':.' · 'L~ ".:." :'... · :~.... ~,.~- .~'e~' A'~ ' -' .... .. ';' · '~;~ ~ ,....... · ...__~~~.~ ? j..':' . . ... .... : ".", ;.~.~F:' .. · ,qi~./tT: . :.. ...~;~_;~.:~:,...:.:....".. . ..... . : ....,;~,... ..... ...,:.....  .. ~ ...':.:..' ~.. :~.-.." · .i., · ~,~ ..~ ~~_~:." ...:.. !. ':~'--. ~oanoil of .~h~ ~t~ of B~fl~'l~.~:;:~;' "' '':~ :~"" ~ '2. ..," ~1~ ~.- ' · .. ~...:~ · '. ~.<~ ~ ~. '5~,. "..- . ~ .?T '. : ~ ". ~.2" '. ,,. ~-.',. .. ..- ~.'- ,._ · , ~- . '....';:: .... : ' ...' ~- :. ..... ~ · :.-' . · .. ,. .. ~ ...[~: .' ... . . .:' ... ~' ,. .: ...j ""~. ;- .'. -' ' ' ' ~' .'~ ~ ".' i '' · ' '..'.: "~'. '" ' ~ "7-.. ,.' .... · ;.~.~ "[~.;~.......' '.' ... ,? ,: ~ .2.......~...:..,............. .... . "..'_..~ · ..'.'~.~ .:'. ~:.,:~:'~:, '.~.~;~".;'. ...... . · . ~ ~.. ... .~.: · ~ . .:-~..~. ... ..... ·. ." .. ?'.'~ . · :~~.f~',~"'- .'.. ,;r. '..~..~--.': .;~:~.. .. .... ..... · ... .... · ........... . ....... ,.,.. . .:...... ....... ~ ~ '. ..... ...,,.:..~,~ ........ ... ~ .... . .... · ..'-~ g~... '..,.':.~.. . · .. .' . . *.. .? '... . ·. ~ .'..... · ;. ~.r~. ·: ·..~ ~ · : · .. -. .. '.. . x.: · ·: ': ..,. Affi av ! of( rh nanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Ke]m ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ...... ..t..h...e.....~...5...t..h.....d...a...y.....~..f......~..c...t...~..b...e..r...~. ...................... ,19__5__.7... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a fall, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held ~n.....t...h...e.....~..4...t...h....d..a..y.~...~...f.....~...c..t..~..b..e..?..~. ............ 19..5...7... which ordinance was numbered ...... .1._.1_.5___2. .................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE RELATING'TO THE PASTE.URIZATION OF RAW MILK AND C~EAM IN THE CITY OF B~gERS- FIELD, CALIFORNIA. ?'"":'" 'Subscribed and sworn to before me this · ~ .___l__.5.~..h..da.y of ........... .Q~.t~.]~.~.x'., .............. , 19.~.7.... ................ ................ · '. Notary Pub. l. ic in and for the County of Kern, State of California "' " ' .-" My Comm~ss,on I:.xptres June 9~ ~95L