HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1170 ORDii~,A.'L:,'.'CE HO o 1170 NEW SERIE3 Al,! ORDiI, TA!~fC)E APPD. OVI!~G Ai, E~EJ~TIO~T OF A PARCEL ~ ~TZNH~.~aY. TED T)~ERXTOBY TO T~ Ci~ FIELD~ C.~!',D}'O1'~6i.%.~. A!~ PROVIDING FOR Ti-!~ TXON OF S/LZ~.) T~RRiTORT TO PAY T~ BONDED IF~',DEETED-- !~E88 01~ ~.~.ZD CXT3~' ~ ~:dlw_,..,.%S~ a ps'bit! :)',-?, was filed with the council of the C&ty of B~ke~sffisld on th~ iTtb. day of Januzr-y~ i958~ ~eq~:sestirg '"' ..... ,~,.'.XS~ ~ inoompo~=ated within the OX-by of Bakm3sfleid~ and h~.~.S o said "'~ ""~ " pso.~,~on was signed by the o~.rn.ei, s of a~l olt ~e~r.,tom~, to be e~!%exed~ and ~T~E&S~ the te~ri, to:cy described in said p~tition is ous to th~ City of Bzk~sf~.c!d~ and T'~E&S~ tbs said ',,~..~'~ ~, ,...~ ....~ does not form a ozPt. of ..... m~-., othe? cityu and X .......~" h~RE~8 = on the 17Q;h '" .... ~ .. in the office of tits City ~ ,~..$_.~z of the City of B~.kersfie!d~ a consent: signed by all the own~?s of p)3ope~ty included in said tory~ ti%at sa. id ..... ~ ..... ' te~ ~..~.~o~-~ '~c subjected to taxation aftcr the con,o,.~',.'~'.... of such ~texation eq%~zlly wf.'bb p:?9pe~ty in the City of Bzket~cfio!d to pay the beaded indebte~a~ss of said ~-~- provided fo~, in Ord3.~.ncs 'i~co 893=~ ~Tew Seriss~ in Orch%r~%ce No~ 9~0~ New Series~ ~d f.n O~dinanco Nc~ 1112~ New Se~ies~ ail of the City Bakersfield:, and any and z'Li cthex~ ~debt~%ess or liability of the City which m~j' accz. ue f~,3~ and after the date th.e~eof~ and this CouuciS.. :~.s siDzed b~ a.%,. tk.e cwnz~'s ,. , .... ' '' ~,a~ complies in ev~r-y ~s'oeo'b m~op~:,ty included ~n sat6 '.~e:?z'~;o~y: =~_~. .. SSat9 of Ortiforn. ia~ and u~.gI of Bs.]zersf!ei.d al&d: on 2Otb day of ?,.~ -, - coai~iiance with the p~o~'iaf.'J:.3a .~. th.: Ann~zation of !Tninh~.bg. ted Tex,?i tory.='~ct of i939: and ~.:,.~,.,~-., .... c-~u~,....~.,,~ thersto~ baing Title il-~ Division Part 29 Chap'be.~ .!,.~ Article 5 of the Gover.~a~-~en% Code of the State California~ sDsctfically de~:~,ib!~g the bounde.~ies of the tePrito~y so proposed to be annexed to the ~ . '" C..ty of Bahersfie!d, and dssigna~:,.ng such territory by ~u appr, c. pz:!at~ ~:me~ and set~i~ ~.,;o~'~, 19%8~ at ~e hour- of eight o;o!ock P~,Mo~ in the Council the Oit~ Hmll~ 1501 '~'"~'~ ...... ' ' days hour- and place ~,fnen s.~zd ~.~.s;~s the City Codec:t0. ~.~ouid b.sa~ ~de by ~y pel~son m.~x~ ~;~eaJ. p~operty within the afc~,es~id te~,i.'., tory~ and I,~3~ said Beso!ution was published ~t least ~;:%ce~ but not oftene~ than once'a ~ceek in The Eake~'sfle!d Californizn,. pape~ of gsneral cz_~cula~,~.u=~, pu~ai'''~=z~= in the City of B&kers:t!eid.. ' ' '"' ,~"~'~ at leas~ t~-~enty days p~ioP said pubZ:~cataon h.s~vinE b,~n ........ ~ the date set fo~ said h~a~=i?.Z~ In complisncs ~-~Ith Section 35311 of the Government Code o ~d protests we~e filed against '~h~ p~oposed ~nexation by pz~ope~ty within the ts~Itor-y pro'3osed to bo a~'Aexed, ~..~ ~;'?~ OEDAINED by the Council of the City NOW~ T~R~O~Eo "~'~' of Bake~sfield~ as SECTION Th~.t '~:he Co~oZX ~"~ th~ ity of e~ O Bake~-~fieid hereby app~ov~s t~ axm~xs, ttou. . _ ';:o and incS'asion ~.,'$~n the znco~'po~ated limits of the City of ~ake?sfle!d~ of ~" mated as ~OO!,LEGE ~iGHTS,...O"=" 2~; ~ and it ~' sa~d te~?!to~3y b$ ~ud the,=~.=~' is he~,eby annexed to said0~"'..~. ~,y~ ~ "~nz'o" '"' said ",,er~-z~,ory' -~" · .t~'~ d~sc~ibcd a~ fo:tlo~s~ Stats of Ca~ fo,,',~a.. ~si~.~z a oo',,t~on of .Szction I~ moms pa~'b!cutaPL~.' ce=(~-.,.:~ec, s.s fo.~.io~s~ of Section ~ ~,~..~ ......... '~,W"'~u~. 29 South; Ds~gs. .... 28 East~ field; thence es.~:~:.,].;~' s.L;.ong said oorpors, te bo~demy "College Oz, est Su'.,:¢i,,':~ ''''',-~-''''':.... ~..,,...., ; e. dc~ted, Sep'bemb~ Octoba:~, 8,. !956.~ i:.',.' 'bbc S~a~y of State.. and ~.!ons t~ es.~t:~::~:;.y bo~a%d.~rTf of last nm~.ed -..- ~C~ ~O~'C~'~g'~; t"""''"'~"~ ............ ~ ~ ~ ,: ? :~ .....'~..,~..,' ~.~.~ ~. ~.. ~ _ .'. '~ cnrloo~.te b-,",~~. ~,._~,~... ...... .j ,'-5 ~.~.d. Cf'by; t~nce naiadeS, co~21:os,~.te ..... ~;u~='c', ~s~,.,~."'~'~- ~s dsf:L~.ed amc~cxatlon l~o'c~,r~ a~:: "~oil~ge~e..~os '~ ~ ' '- R'oo 1 and a~.o~g ~;~ .~=-:; ..,.<.w ho~5:~dar~' of &~su · o uz~c. ~..o_ ui%~ s ~, .,... ,. ~. o, 5o:~'r:~k~ 'b~e?6of g ~.~ ~o of bcgimni~]~¢ amc ~t~z].t~,&n!~ ~0~7 aoz. es of SECTION 2o Se. id -"' :- ' ' the eo~-~:plettc, n c;f '~he a~:~.~:~::~?;!o~ of tbs same ~o theO.,.~"~y of ~:~,_,~' .......-....-,, , ~.~ ~'~ ~ * , ,, ~ _.,~.%~ , ~ ..... %._ ~ . .. of ....... ' .... . ..... ~D.d~ D~ ~,.~SS OZ~ '"'"' ~ ~'~' '" 01'~7 .'" ~ ~'* .... ,'"-' fz-om ,:.,.d afro? %b.~ "~'' adopted by '~h¢ Council o:;.' %he City of Bs..~..'.~.~sfieL~.d at s...:?e-,',~ ~''~ ..... ~.~ mc~-,':~, · Fo ~e ~ A~: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CARRA~I$. COl. Ll~'lS, CROES, DEWlRE, DOOLIN, NOES; ~--