HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1161 ' ,.-.~..' ~ ~.'.. ' ' · - ;:. "' ' ', ' : · ~'~.'.. ~.~ ~T.~ ' ' '" ' ''. · of ~e~sfteld and ~eoorded Decembe~ .~, 19~7 ~n ~ek[?~.~~6' at page l~ts, p~suant to Section 100.9 of the 3t~eets and.~~."Code~...:..' .... ......,-'i '. . .'.~.2:'~': .'.. . ,.... . '~;. ' ....... '. '~ ... ne~ess~ and advisable to ass~e t~ c'ent~'ol "~d ~lnte~ee :~?-' ' NOW, T~O~, BE ~ O~A~ b~ the Cereal'of the C~t~" "~. of ~ke~sfield, as fellowm: " ~-t the City of Bakersfield does he~.e}~· a~s~e full ~e~ "''~': spon~ibilit~ fo~ the ~inte~nce ~f those certain f~onta~e ~oads :. .. '.'.. he~e~afte~, described, toget~ ~ all t~affto. ~eg~latien heretofore pla~e~ ~ ghe Sga~e of Oalife~ia .am~; a~ exisgi~ '.on ... and alo~ said f~ontage ~oads, and ~ ~d .all traffic ~igi o~" .. sisals w~oh. ~y he~e~te~ be pla~ed b~ the'T~affic AuthO~i~ of the City of Bakersfield. 3ECTI'O~ 2. ~a~ said f~ontage ~oads~ as he~einaf~e~ described, s~ii~ ":"'"" f~om the effective ~te of t~s o~d~nanoo, besoms of tho cit2 street system and s~ll be subject to all of the t~affio · . ~ules and re~lations as pre.neribe~"b~'i ' · .... ~ ·" .... :'"'-' :'~".'.'~.".' '- · · . ordinanaeau..~-£, the'., el$~:..:.e...~."..." ..- ~. · ~ ~t.ate law. -' "... · .: SECTIO~ 3. ' "d:...: ~' "" :' ' '" · ::~'''''" '.-." ~t t~. f~entage ~oadI he~einab0ve ~ef~e'd to. ~d. ev'e~' "....: '. '.... . '... ~ ,./. ~.' [ '.:.'. in two pa~cela, aa fellows: :'." .. . . ,. ~. ';::~..-. .. ', ~:' Those poitiers ..el Lots. 1~ 'a~" 17 in BX~ek '~,:?~"" . a~':page 193, X~n Co~t2 Records, Lot~ 1~ te..~, incl~l~l:,:'~n Black " 7:~' Lots 1 tc 3~, inolulive, in Bleak 8 ef T~aet N~ iO0~.,:;'~s pe~ ~p recorded Nov~ber 1~, 193% in Book ~ of ~pt' a~ pa~ei' ~6, ~7 ~d '"': . %8, Ee~ Co~.ty Records, delcribed aa foll~es..' .... ' . .. ... :.'.'.].~, ~GINNING at t~ inte~sec~i'en of'. 't~.::=~ line of-aa~'~':'Bl.oak "1 ~th a curve c~neave to ~e so~t~eat, ~th a.~a-~u, of 200 f. eet, intersection bea~a %.90 feet west. of ~e northeast' ec~ne~ ef laid Bleak 1., said intersection bei~ t~ nort~e'lt, corne~ .of' the l~d de- scribed ~..She deed to ~e State of C. al!fe~ia, ~e~eP~'d ~u12 18~ 19%~ · .in Book 2~ at pa~e 1%, Xern Ce~. ~fffcial[Rece~ds',' 'a ra~i~l, line- .~: t~ough said' intersection bea~s N. 73' 33~ 21" E..~.' t~nce, ~1) 'along said curve, said c~ve being the west lt~e of t~ .'.l~d deseribe'd in said deed, t~o~ an a~le of 16e 27s 09""'~ .a~c ~lt~ce. ef ... .' ";' %7~3 feet to the ~aat l~e of said BlOck 1;.thence, (2~' N'. 68-e.~7.t. . ~9 E., 88.50 feet, thence, (3) ~. 3~e 07~ ~9.,.~., 118.08 feet; 't~nee, '' (~) no~t~esterly along a t~gent curve co,cave southwesterly, ei~h .a ~a~ius of ~1~:~ feet, t~ou~ ~ a~le... ~..o 0.$~ ~1",.. an a~c .dilta~ee ': · f.~2..3% feet, thence, (~) ~. ~0= ~'~..00".e.',..'ll~.60 feet~. (6) nort~west;erly along a tan~e~t c~ve con~aVe' southweaterl2~ ~th-a .. .. ~a~us of 812:.% feet,' 't~?u~~ ~le of 7e O2~ 21", .~.a~c dilt'~ce .. of 99.8~ feet; thence, (7} ~. 57 ~.., . . · · 1~I ~1" ~1.~9 feet.; "thence, . (8) " no~weste~l~ ~o~ a talent c~ve' cCncave'_nort~a~te~ly, with a 'radius of 2.19.~0 feet, t~ou~ ~ ~le of 1'7' 17' 37" an a~c ~i~- tahoe of 36.07 feet; thence, (9) along a non-talent line, N. 13" W., 9~.81 feet. to ~ intersection wit~ a c~ve-concave ao~tBeast~ .... e~ly with'a radius of 119.~0 feet,' a ~adial liue' t~ough said' ~te~- ..' .". section bears 3.'~0e ~5~ 0~e W.; ~ence, .(10)"no~t~esterl7 ale~ last" said c~ve, ~ough.an a~le of 17e 1~~ 0~e, .~ a~c ~stance · feet; tBence, (11~ ~. ~' 19~ ~2" .~,, ~3.8$~e.et.;' .thence, (12)"no~th- · wes~erl[' alo~ a t~ent, c~ve conca~eSOUthwe~'l7 wit~ a ra~uS ~ ' .. of ~12.~0 feet, t~ough ~n ~le ef 1~ 00t .O0',' ~ ~o ~st~oe of' ~E.7~ f~et; thence,' a~on~ a nOn=ta~on~· l~n~, ~.'~'~ 0~'~ .~,'"~..~ 31.6.20 feet to the no~tB~ly city l~ts of ~a~afield, ~enee, (.~) alo~ said nor~erl7 ~it2 li~ta 3,...:~.*'' ~9~ 2~e W';,. 6~..28 feet to ~e .. sout~esterly' line of the l~d deaeribed i~ t~ deed to t~e ~tate of . California recorded ~rch 20, 1'9~7 .in Book .~'~0 at ~age 7~,' Xe~n .. '" CoWry Official Records; thence, a~l,ng, sai'd seu~est'erl7 .line~ ean~e~ly.alo~ a ta~en~ o~v~ GO~O~Te :5'o~hv~5'~i v~h ~ southwesterly-, meas~ed ~ad~ally f~om Co~Sb.'.- (~) he~e~above de. so~bed, ~ou~h an a~e of. 1~e 00~ 00e, ~. a~ .~s~e of ~02.11 feet~" (17)' ":'.. S. ~2~ 1~ ~;~e E., 21.~0 fee~; ~18)'soutM~"~"~lo~' a' t~ent C~ve 'con-".' c.ave southwesterly, ~th a ~ad~us...~ 100. feetf..'~o~h ~ a~le of .- .. ' . :-,..':.'.: j.....'.:....:. [:..: .: .. .~.....[~ · ,~.. · ! It ~ ~"' ~' "' ".,.~ -~" "' ~r"-.. ' " ' ..i...'.':~......... ...... ..' . -.. 3~. lC) ~?-. , an arc d.tsta.n '.e '-". .... · '. '"' .... · ..... '" : . to aline ~ara-~-- .---~ ~'~,.~" f_~-'_~.3', re. et., .(19_).'..S~]~;...'..21..,68' .feet . 'Workst su~--~-'7.'---"-~-~'~e c_e.n~.e~'~xne of the .D:l~&ttme~t .~f"i~Y'~' _ -,,~ uauween ~a~oes GL~o~e 'and Snow R~d"" ~oad VZ'ire~, the center line of said s~vey als° bei~ the ~en~er line o State Avenue, as s~ · ... ... said p~allel . ~ .~. the ~ of sa~ ~a~ ~o. 100~';".(~0)..al~""~;f-'.;~:.:.'' " line S-'~? ~9' 0 .... '~"~'~'. .... · .... ~.;'"""'"'~'"' - '. · 3 ~, llg.~-f zest to an ~'e' ..'''".:'... with a c~ve concave souther '....-.. ~ ...~..~le~t!~ ....: e .. .... = 8~ _a ......... ~vxO~.~'DeaD8 ~8~, "~ "'"':' '"""~" ~" '"' ...... " .- aste~l... '. · "' "' a ' · · . · · ...... ~. (.~) .... ~1~ a~&.~ .' ~c distance of 2.8 fe · o' ." ~.~ ~' '~'.'~..'.~ ..' .'...;......- ~ . ~ ~ et, (S~} s. ~7 ~6,~ ~. fee .... 7 ne off ~e land des ~ ." :. · of' Califo~a_ . .C _ e~.-~.:,.~e..~ed to the State , recorded ~ay 16, 19~7. "An .seo~: ~.,,"a't .... a · 2 ' · Cowry Official Rec . ...... . ........~.P g ~9,. ~e~n .. o~ds, thence, ales last 'aa " · ' · ....... ~e followin co · · .: -. :g.. i~'.'"l=~thweate.~Xy -1.~e,. . . ~ ~ses~ (23) sou~eaate~ly alo~...~l~, ~ent' ='~e." '-:'..' ' eoncave southwesterly, with a ~a~as e .' of · 02~ " · . f 7~0 fee~:"~'-t~o~gh .~.."' .i...~. .~ ~ ~ 2! , ~ arc ~st~ce of .'93.37 feet. '//:~.~ - ~. th,' ' '.. aoove ~eso~lbed. ~ '~l ' .' .'X~ . ' .... · · .· . '." . '.':.. .. · . :'.' '.' .~ :.~.~¥~/.' . . ~= Those portions of Blocks 1 ~d 2 of".['~aCt"NO; '100~, 'a~. ~er "'' Se, ~ern Cowry Records, desc~ibed"~' follo, a=.~. · · p g.. ~$~ ~ ~d Co~enoi~ fo~ reference at the 'noP~east c~ne~ 0f ~e S .... '""'" 1/~ of Section T. 2 S ' · the ~,-v, AA~. ~X ~e M. ~. 1/~ o~ said aa~ -- =-e". ~. su~veF b~ee~. Ga~ce~ _Ci~c!e ~d 3n~ Road, ~oad ~-~e~'-~-B~;. thence, ~] a2o~ saxd cente~ line, N. ~7= ~1 .30".W.., 1~7,78 feet '? to ~ nor~e~ly city l~ts of the Ci~ of;B~e~afteld; thence,'" .. (3) aAong said no~e~ly city 1Mrs, .N.. 8~ ~9~ ~':E., feet to the TE~ ~0~ OF BEGI~ING 'of the 1~ to be des ' thence, ( ) S. f- , · .- . c~ibed. .. __,_ _. ~ _ ~7 ~9 30 E., 1~6.30 feet; ~ence, (5) sou beast-' -~-y axo~ a ~a~en~ c~ve concave ~or~ea~terly '.with a ~ad~ua _~eve~se_c~ve, a .~ad~al l~ne of sa~d c~ve at sa~d po~t 'bea~s ~. 26~ 30~ 30" ~.; thenoe~ (6). sautheaste~ly. alo~ a ~eve~se c~ve conoave.southees~e~y, · · . with', a ~adiua 'of. 11-9.~0 '. S. h6° g~.'~ ~.,.~~, t fJ a~o~ saxd non,v~ent line, · ' ' ~ ~- *~ -., v~.j) ~ee~ to an xn~e~sec~ion with a c~ 'eon- ~ough said lntePsection be~s N. ~ . 38~ 01 E.; thence, '('$). ~t~l~ alo~ last said c~ve, t~oueb ~ a~-- -- ,c. - .'. thence, (9) southeaste~ alo~ a ~eve~se C~ve c'encave no~ ~th a ~a · 'theaate~ ~us ~f ~0~.~0 feet, t~ou ~ ~e · s. n - Y~ ~o ~st~ce o~ 620.38 feet, t~-~-- ~ '~"e°~-~7- ~9 ~ . feet to t~ oente~ liwa ~* ~=~[~'~ ~' ~ 'AS' .00' E., 68,39. ' '" .:. ..... ~ee~, xas~ .said.. eenter, l~e bei~ · ' the southeasterly line of t~e l~d de'scribed in the deed ~ ' of Califo~a r'ecor . ' . . . o the .Irate .. ........................... ded H~oh. 20, 19~7 in Book 1 0 a~ ' Oo~ Offi-cial. Reoo s . .-... - - ~ ..._..~age 79, .E~n... N. 35~ fig, lC" E ,~d~ ~Vc?, ~11} ale~ last' said cente~ line '." ...... ~ ~ ., ao.~o xee~ ~o :~e".ne~easte~ly line of t~ l~d described in said deed; thence, alo~ said northeasterly line, followi~ courses: (1E) N. ~ ~, ~.' ~., ~1.2% feet to ~ inte~' 3. . :. . i.f.~ ~.. .... : ~...' .: .".'.. ...~-. 'y; . -.... .... ......2 .... .:~.-' .' .'...." .'.:.:..:.. ; ~'.~f ~:': ..~.i.',~.'.j .~;~...... ' · . . .... . .'4-...,..~ .~. ·" .__.~ ~,' ~. ~'..' ~'- r . .... , .,. ,.. - ....,: . .'..' '.?.f'.. . .· ..-~:,...~. [ '' · ... ... ....... .. ...-, . · ,:~. ... .. · ...' :.( . . · . '..-5..--.. · o~e.~ ~ete~ · ' .. :. ~'~..~. . .... .. _- ., .... ...... ; . ':"' .g~[8:. ~[[~!~, gEI~T~ ?[, J"..,~.~.-[,~, C ~. C',ig[g.. [2','~;~ · ~00~]~, . · '. . .g~.., . ' ',.'z ' . .i~ '~..' ~_.~ :' ._ .".. ... .~, ..~ ...... ' · ' ::~.... '..· '. .. -..-. :~ . ~8:~ .. ..... . .. ...: . · ~,..:. .. '.& "' . .} .:':. '~ · " ~gS[~{~; ........... ~Y .... ~ ' '""" · j ,.' ,..:,... -~-. . .,. , ..;.. "' j/ · .... . . :..'..[.~ . · .[...,.~.:...~.. . .. .: .... ~ " . ...... i~'~4.'.::' . ."" '"'. '.. i mi. ..... 0~ ~1~ ~ ~ ;~tlo~;. Ol~k .',f :. ~..... '. .. . .. j~.~.'." ., . · · ~.~ .:... . -[~,~ ~ ~, ~. .'.' ¢~. -..? .. e ~'~* -.. ... . .~.. -¢ .~. ~ '..~ .¢.:" '. ..'.~ ~0~ $-*~th ~ay Deoembe=, 19~7 '" Il I m m m ~ ~z;- ~. . ", ., ~ " ::=  [: .... ~.r .' ., · ..~. ~ ~,',...'.:~ .-~ ..~.. '~' 'r" · -"~. :', ) " " .. '.-.~ '., .'.. . : . .- ·. ~ :.':... '~ .... -. ...:..::.' , . ,~, ...... ..: ... .? · · · . . .'.: .-27...k~, ' · . . · .... ~ ~ !:, '~:./-~.~ .. ~, ... . · . . ' · . *~.~'~ .. ' -. . ~:....'.':~..-~: ~-:~,":'~. ' :':...'.7~.:? '~h}~ ..: ~ .'.' . · ' · · . '? . ... . · · . .. .;...h.::~:.,?y~.....¢~.:.:.;;-~* ~ ."." · ¢"'::'5~-' '2'.:' ' ' .' .- · · ': '..;.-'~.*'-:' ..: · .~'" '"." ' . .'-'...' 2' ~;~: .. ~ .. -.:.~' '.~.~ ' '-: ?. ~. ~ "*'4 ~g?.' '~ ~-~ .~ ~'~:,~ .' Affi av ! of ost ng ( r nanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ........... ..I~....c...e._m...b_..e..x.:...3__l_. ...................... i ............................ , 19____5..7.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ........ ...D~....c..e...m...b..e...r.....3...0. ......................................... ,19..5..7...., which ordinance was numbered ....... .].:.1...6...1. .................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE ASSUMING THE CONTROL AND MAINTENANCE OF REGULATORY TRAFFIC SIGNS ON CERTAIN RELINQUISHED STATE HIGHWAYS. i'ff"Subse~bed and sworn to before me this 31st 'day''of December , 19 57 ..........~ ' ' ........ Notary Public in.' and for the County of Kern. State of California