HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1177 . ..: .:, ~.~-, .~!~;. i,;-:%'. ~. · ' · . ......... '. :;. ga.- '. · . · >.~.~..;: .. . .. ~ fOllO~ .... :........'. . ..'.... 8EOTZON Z. '.. ~t Section ~ of ~e~gency O~~oe No. ~g,' of ~e City of B~e~sf!eld~ be ~d .t~e s~e ts he~eb~?'~ended te Section ~ (a). ~e ~ate ~d o~ges te be ~de..~e as fol-. Classification lmu~ C~e .. One F~I7 ~ellt~ $39.00 ;...., Two F~ly ~ellt~ 6~.~ ~ultip!e ~ellt~ 62.00, plus $16.00 fe~ · · - eaoh ~g ove~ ~o. ~elli~ G~ouR (Cou~t) 62.~, plus $1.6.00 fo~ each ~tt ~e~' twe. -. T~atle~ Co~t-Pe~ t~atle~ space 16.00 ~o~el o~ ~o~el-3e~ barroom 15.00 Garage 117.00 Was~aok 195.00 Gasoline 8e~oe Station 117.00 Resta~ant 117.00 (b) 'Gasoline service station~ ~dg~ages' wt~ .wa~aoks ~hall (o) Occupancies listed above shall be const~ue~ ~d defined as p~ovided in O~~oe No. 1010, New Series ~d ~en~ents thereto, . unless a different meaning and/or eonstruction is ~erein sp'eoi.fied:.,. · and/or provided for. "" ""~":;:.':. (d) Occupancies net listed .abeVe will be charged .'at a rate' per year to be determined by the City Engineer, 3aid rate per year shall be detenained after an inspection of the property sought to be connected, as interpreted in the light of this schedulo~, b~t'. in no ease shall the rate be less than Thirty-nine Dollars' ($3~'00) per year. . (e) The said fees shall be due and PaYable at the effice of .the City Treasurer of the City ef Bakersfield, at the ti~e an~ in the ~m~er provided in the agreement. (f) Approval of the City Council shall .be ebtal~ed before any connection is made to the Cityts sewerage system.' Upon sash approval of the City Council, the City Engineer shall be and he is hereby authorized to execute a contract for and on behal~ of[ the City of Bakersfield, as required in this' ordinance. SECTION 2. That Ordinance No. 1087, New Series of the City of Bakers- field be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. ' This ordinance shall be effective thirty days frou and after the date of its passage. . X HE~.BY CERTIFY that the foregein£ Or~lnanoe vas pa.sed .,. and &~epte~ b~ tl~e '-.O-euneil of the Cit~ ef Bakerafie'ld at. a re ~a. la~ meeting thereof held on the 14_th .day of. Ap~lX, 10~0, b~.~e:'".'.'..:',. fellewing vote~ ,-. L.. ,,,,s, COLLINS, CROE$, DEWIR£, DOOLIN., ~ .... -.~ ........ Council of the City of Bakersfield'. 'L.,~. '~ o ....--,~:-.,_- ~y~,'Of ~ Ci~ ef Bake~sfield. .. .. 2:;'. · Affi av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .......... _t.__h..e__....]:..5...t...h...d_..a._Y..___°.._f_____A___P._r.._i...1._,_ ........................ , 19.._5__.8.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City'at a meeting thereof duly held on ....... ..t..h...e.....1...4..t._.h..i..d...a_.Y.....°...f.....A.__P._r__.i._l__:. ............. ,19._.5...8._, which ordinance was numbered ....... .1.__1_.7.._7. ................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDIANCE AMENDING SECTION 4 OF E~ERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 578, NEW SERIES, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 1087, NEW SERIES, BOTH OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of Al~.r~-l~ 19 58 -~..., Notar~j Public. in and for the County of Kern, State of California }.~. ~ . M~:Commissicn Expires June 9, 1961, · %;..~ ._' . ..