HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1187 ORDINANCE NO.:1187---~,~.. NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION .' ~0T'. (.ZON.~NG MAP) .'.'.i '.... OF ~RSFIE~ ~ ZONING CERTAIN: PROPER~ BEING ~~S, in accordance wi~h ~he proced~e set' ~orth in ~he. .... p~'ovisions of Section 21.00 of Zoning 0rdin~ce No. 1010, New $'eri~s, of the' City of Bakersfield, ~he Pla~ing Co~ission and city Co~cil ~ve held hearings respectively, on a peri,ion to zone' certain property now being ~exed ~o. said City, and .. ~.. '~R~S,. the Oi~y Council '~s dete~ned after due considera, · -.rich of the p'e~ition and ~he reco~endation of"the Pla~i~' 0omission, komein on file, 2oge~he~. with ~he reasons advanced at the hearing fop the zoni~ of said property, ~% said zoni~ should'..be authorized upon a~exation of said property ~o the City. '" NOW, T~REPORE, BE IT 0RDAI~D by ~he Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: ... SECTION 1. T~% Section 3.01 (Zo~ng Map) of Zoning Ordinance NO. 1010, ...~ New S'e~ies of the city of Bakersfield, be and ~he same amended by ex~endi~ the b~undaries of said mp ~o include certain proper~y in an R-~ (Multiple-Family ~elliD~) Zone,.upon said pmope~'ty' bei~ ~exed to the City of Bakersfield, ~he bo~ries mf which. p~ope~y a~e sho~ on the map hereto a~tached and made a part of t~s' '" o~dimnce, and are more specifically des.cribed as follows: "': A portion of Section 19, To~s~p 29 South, Range 28' East, M.D.M., comenoi~ at ~he no~heas~ (N.E.) corner of said Section 19; thence '. S. O" 13~ 15" W., .along ~he 8aste~l~ bo~dary of said Section 19, on ~d along ~he center,line of Union Avenue of 115.5 feet in width, a. .._-d.i.a~c~ ~f 7.19.61 feeS, to in.~ersec~ the WesterlF. pnolo~aSton...ef the southerly boundary line of Jeffrey.Street, as. said Union AVenue and' said Jeffrey S. treet are sho~ on the ~p of Tract No.' 1278, recorded Nevembev 14, ].946, in Book 5 of Maps, at' page 195, in the office off the Ce~ty Hecorder of said Kern County; thence N. 89° 14~ 40" W., to · ··intersect the westerly bo~dary line of said Union Avenue, distant. 57.75 ~feet westerly from, and as measured perpendicular to the easterly bo~d~ Of ·said ~ection 19, and to the true point of begi~ing for this des- crip.tion; thence S. 0c 13' 15" W., 'along last named westerly boundary.'....' line, on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, as. said corporate boundary is defined by that certain annexation known as ."Crllege Heights," adopted August 10, 1953, by'Ordinance New Series, and certified September 10, 1953, by the Secretary of State of California, a distance of 640.00 feet; thence N. 89e 1~ 40" W.," and parallel with the northerly boundary of said Section 19'.,' .and de- parting from the corporate boundary of said City, a distance of 2~0.00 feet; thence N. 26° 21, W., a distance of 354.65 feet; thence N. 6e 297 ~0" E., a dista, nce .of 183.62 feet; thence N. 14~"10' ~0" W., a distance ~0" of 146.50 feet, thence S. 89° 14' E., and parallel with the northerly boundary of said Section 19, .a distance of 415 feet, more or less to intersect the said westerly boundary line of Union Avenue, and to the true point of beginning, containing 5.234 acres of land, more cf.'less. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall become effective upon the armexation of .?the above'-described territory to the City of Bakersfield, but in any event not less than thirty days from and after the passage of this ordinance ~ ..- ...... O00 ...... I HEREBY CERTIFY the. t the foregoing Ordinance was passed· and. adopted :bY the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular mee.ging thereof held on the 16th day of J~ue, 1958, by the following vo~e: AYES: ~:T~LFANZ, BENTLEY, 'CRR~ ,O,[.INS, CROE$, DE. WARE, C~'ty 0~erk and Ex-Officio Clerk o~ the Council of the City of Bakersfield. A?ga0xr thi .16t of 0' no, 1958 MAYOR .of' t~.~.~'City of Bakerefield. " · ~. ~8~, . N 89° ~' ,~o" ~v ~a I ~? '~ .: ~o co~ UMBU$ MIN£~ Affii aui! of osting (Ordinances STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Ke~m~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly' appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on THE 17th day of June, 19....5___8_ ............................................................. ,. ............................ , she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci'l of said City at a meeting thereof duly held o~ the 16th day of June, 19....5...8., which ordinance was numbered ........ _]:..~_8__.7. .................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.01 (ZONING MAP) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1010, NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY ZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY BEING ANNEXED TO SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this . .~ot~~ Public in and for 1~ C~nty of Kern. S~ of California MIN£1~ ...1 ' Tru~ po,'nt o.f 6~9,'nn,'ng..' , ~ 5e9°/4'4o'£ 4/.¢.. o' ~ J£FF,~£Y TI4££ MA ~ 9~14' 4~ " t'V .,