HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1185 :..'..~:.'.:. ... ,...:'.: '.."-....~ ,.'...' .... :~.:... ~ - ... .............. ~. ..'. " , ~:'- " -. i,./':~,~,~.""f '.""~':"'- ' . :....-.., :."'.//..~'.:,. ,'.. · ,., . .:%i~,.V.. · ....:[%?,~,~' · · .~i'.b '~-.,;.. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO,. ,.],.L85 NEW sERIES '. .... ,z:% .,.... ...... ... .%...:~....'.,~. .~,.,~. . · . ':,...;~,..~.,.... ': .,,"... AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING EMERGENCY .'i" ....'. ~.~,:'.:..'.::.'. ORDINANCE NO, 582, NEW SERIES 0g THE CITY .........~-:.'~.:... 0F BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, BY INCLUDING '. :-...... " A NEW STREET IN THE SYSTEM OF MAJOR CITY '....'.' '"" STREETS. '~' "' ' ' WHEREAS, tho' City Council hereby declares .that an emerge.~C'Y..." exists for the immediate preservation of the' pub!lC health,..(P~.~erty anti safety, ~.~ich requires the passage of an 0mergency oFdinanoe to. amend. Emerge.ncY 0rdinanoe No. 582, New Series, by .including a neW..":'.'.'" 'street in tho system of major st~?eots. " ..-.. · ':..'~ ... NOW, TIt~I:[~'0RE,. 3E IT ORDAINED by tho Council of the' Cit~' .of · ,. Bakersfield, as follows: SECTION 1. '" That Emergency Ordinance No. 582, Now Series, of the City 'of Bakersfield be and the same is hereby amended by including' a'new ',. street in the system of major city streets, to be numbered 130, as follows: 13C. All that portion of South Chester Avenue ·between· a line 25 feet north of the south line of Casa Loma't~ive and the westerly line of U. S. Highway 99, lying within the corporate' limits of the. City of Baker~field. .. SECTION 2. 'This o:~dinance is hereby declared .to be an eme~gen~..y measUme .' .... '~ithi~ the meaning of Section 24 of the Cha~te'r of the ·City of. Bake~s-' field, State ~f California, and necessary for. the immediate prese~'vation of the public health, property and safety, and shall take effect immediately' upon its passage. I NE~REBY 0ERTIFY that tho foregoing Emergenc]~. 'Ordinance was passed and. adopted by tho Council of tho City of..ltakersfield at a regala~ meeti~ thereof held on the 9th day of !'~une, 1958, .by following vote: '-' City Clerk ~d Ex,Officio Clerk of ~e " Co~cil of ~he City of Bakorsfield. MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield. Affi a ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Ke]m ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ................ .t...h..e._._..1...0..t._.h.._._d__a...y...._o...f..___J.__u..n__.e...~ ..................... ,19._..5__8__ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of .said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ........ ..t..h...e.....9...t..h.._..d...a...y._.._o_..f.___.J.__u..n...e..~ .................. ,19.5...8...., which ordinance was numbered ....... ..1..1_._8___5_ .................. New Series, and entitled: An F~aergency Ordinance amending Emergency Ordinance No. 582, New Series of the City of Bakersfield, California, by including a new street in the system of major city streets. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .._l._0___t.._h_..day of ....... .~I..q~.4 ...... : ................... , 19..5.~.. My Cc~.m!~z!en_: Expires June 9, ~.96~, -.~..~. - [ ',