HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1184 POOR ORIGIN.,. 0RDI~qA~:,:'JE N0o~1___~8~4_~ ~ NEW SERIES AN ORDiE'A~[CE APPrOVInG .ANNE]~TION ~ A PAKOEL OF ~I~&BI~%~D T~RITO~ TO ~ OI~ ~ F~LD~ OAL~ORR~iAo A~ PRO~DING FOR ~ TION ~ SAID ?E}~RiTORT TO PA~ T~ BONDED II~EBTo %~F~AS~ a peti~.,.~.n ~as filed wi~h t~ Co.oil of the ~m~bi~ed f~erri~o~y ~he~eim described be a~exed to and lncopp o~ated wii~n ~e 0iSy of Dzke~sfield~ and l~S~ said pet~t$i~n was signed by the o~e~s of all of ~e territory' ~o be a~exedo and ~~$~ ~he said ~ex~lto~ doe~ no~ fo~ a pa~'~ of a~ eonm~n~ sig~od by all ~'~o o~-~s of p~ope~ty included im ~aid '~' of s~.oh ~ez~$iun ~g~a],ly 3i~n p~ope~ in She 0i~ of Bak~fieP~d ~o pay $~ b~ded ~debSs~$ of said OiSy ~he~ein desc~t'~ed~ provided f~ in 0~naD. c~ ~Oo 893~ Ne~ Se~ie~ In 0~n~oe Nco Ne~ Se~ie~ amd in 0~.~m.~.~ce ~o~ ~112~ New Se~le~ all of ~he 0!%~ 0i~y ~-r~h m~.y ac~e f~m and ~e~ ~e da~e of eomp~e~o~ ~ ~ton of ~id ~ez.~i~omy~ ~,d ~his Co~.c!l hereby de~x~ines ~-"~,. c~sen~ is s!~ed by a~l '~he ow~e~ of prope~$y incXuded in said ~e~i$~ amd eompl!es i~ e.v~ ~e~pect ~-~igh ~he p~ovtsio~m of ~ be a~exed ~o ~ OiSF ,~ ~e~sfi~!do amd de~i~i~ a~ ~e ~ of eigh~ oeclo~k Po~o in ~e Co, clX OiSy Hall~ 1~01 ~~ A'~.~.'~eo ~ake~s~leld~ Califo~nia~ ho~ ~d pXm~e whe~ ~d whem~ '~h~ Oi~ Oo~oil wo~!d hea~ ~de ~ ~y per~ m.~.~ ~a% 9~opem~ ~,i~n' p~pe~ of geue~X ol~u~a~!o~ ~i~ed i~ ~ .Ot~ of ~ake~field~ ~0~0~ 1~ o~ said Ke=m Oo~y~ ~hc~ ~-, 89~ ~" ~ ~ ~o ~0..00 fa~ '~heno~ N,~ 26~ ~1~ %~o~ ~ ~a~Ce of 354065 ~henoe ~o 6~ 29'~ ~0~ Eo~ a ~i~o~ of 183o62 f~e~ ~h~nce ~.o 10~ ~0'~ ~o~ ~, ~a~oe ~c..~L,;~b6oSO. L~ f~e~, ~henc~. ~o... 89° ~ ~0~ ~ ~ '' 0 AYES: BALFANZ, BE~TL£Y, CARNA~IS, COLLII~S, CROF.$, I:£WIR£, DOOLIR, ~OL~: ~ ~ ~ --. ~NT: ~ ~ ,~ Affi a ! of J os ng r uan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and thai on ............... _.t._h..e___._l..Q..t..h...._d...a.y__._.o._f____..J..u...n..e..~ ..................... , 1~..8.__.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a fall, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci~l of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ........ .t...h..e....~.t...h.....d...a.~...p...f...._.J..u._.n__e..~ .................. ,19.5...8...., which ordinance was numbered .........__1___1_.8___4. ................ New 'Series, and entitled: An Ordinance approving annexation of a parcel of uninhabited territory to the City of Bakers- field, California, and providing for the taxa- tion of said territory to pay the bonded indebt- edness of said City, Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...1..Q.t...h_..day of ........ _~_I..u..n.._e__~ .......................... , 19....5__8_..  .*..'..,-,. Notary Pabllc in and for the County of Kern, State of California · fi..~... My Corar,~.iss:on Expires Jun~ :.~. :' : ..'. -.;