HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1181 ORDINANCE SERIES :'? '"i.... · ...... NANCE NO. 658, NEW. SERIES,. AND REPEALING . ': ORDINANCE NO. 11~1, NE~ SERIES OF THE CITY .~ ..., OF maw~.eaFIELD, CALIFORNiA. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows = SECTION 1. That Section 62 of Ordinance Ne. 6%8, New Series cf the. City· of Bakersfield be and the sa~e is hereby amended to read as'.' fellows: SECTION 62. ONE-WAY STREETS AND ALLE~ In accordance with· Section 18, and when p~operly signposted, traffic shall "~ove ealy in.. the direction indicated upon the following streets and a'lleys= . (a) WEST TO EAST~ " 17th Place D t~ M Streets 23 Pi I t Che "~ Ay · St I~Ce eeeee eec eeeeeeee®ee eeee~eee e C stet ee Alley between 17th Street '... and .Truxtun Avenue...,..,.,,..,......, ' Fte H ~.treet ]~onte Vista Drive ,.,.. Panorama D~ive .re Pasatiempo D~ive Alley between 19th Street and East 21s~ Street ,,,,,,,,,,.,.. I[ern to Xing Street Alley between East 21st a~.d Sumner Streets ,,,,.,,,,,,.,., ,. l[ern to Xing S~reet Alley between Jackson and Eentucky Streets ,.,.,,,,.,,,,.,... Eern t~ 'Xing .Street Alley between Xentucky and . Lake Streets ..,...,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,, Xern to Xing Street Alley between Lake and · Nomterey Streets ,.....,,...,,.,... l~e'~n to Baker Street Alley between Monterey and Niles Streets ..,,.., .'..,,.,,,. Xern to Xing Street . :. ""D to X Street' 20f~ Place ..............................~-'.' TO ORTH= :..'.".:: '" Alley between ! and 0heeter Avenue .................. 21st te'.2~th Street. Alley Between Chester ;:: .' and K Street ...e.....20th.te.21st, 22~.'~e 25th Street Alley between H and I Streets .........."............. 20th to 21st Street Ttmt Ordinance No. 1151, New Series ef the City of Bakersfield be and t~me same is hereby repealed. SEOTION 3. T~is ordinance shall take effect thirty days-..f~em and after the date of its passage. -- .... 000 ..... ' I ~RE. BY CERTIFY that the foregeing Ordinance was passed and adopted by th.~ Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular .meet- ing thereof held on the 12th day of l~ay, 1958, by the following vote~ CITY CLERK - · Council of the City of Bakersfield. A~'~RO_VE.D,..~his ~hday cf May, 19~8 ................... Mayor Pro=t~f t~e City of Bakersfield.. , ffihau ! of ios ng (Orh nanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Ke]m ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly' appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ...... _t___h..e._....1..3_.t...h...d..a..Y..._.°_._f____M_._a_Y_~. ................................. , 19_5_8.... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ...... .t...h._e_.....1..2...t...h.....d..a...y..__.o.__f___..M_a_._y_~ .................... ,19..5..8...., which ordinance was numbered ............1_.1...8...1_ ............... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 62 OF ORDI- NANCE NO. 658, NEW SERIES, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 1151, NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. Subscribed and sworn to before me this . ..13.:l;h_day of ........... Ma~, ....... 2 ......... ~ ..... , 19...5.8. .......... .'~ ~'-' ..No~ ~blic in a~ for ~ ~nty of Kern, Sta~ of C~ifornia f- ;"..' "- ~y C~mmi~sion Exp~r~s june 9, ~,95~ · ~ '. --~