HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1193 ORDZN~i~OE N0o~1]~9~3~__ ~FEW SERIES ~N 0RDiRL~NOE APPROVING AI~¥~E'.~.TXON O~ A PARCEL OF ~!~B!TED ~m~XTORY TO THE OI~ OF F~?~ 0AL~G~N!A~ ~.ND PROVIDING FOR TI~ TiON OF S~iD TEBRITORT TO PAT T~ BONDED INDEBTED- I~SS O~ SAID %'J.~-~.~S~ s. peti~:~o.:~ was filed wi~h the Council o£ the City of Bake~sffietd on the 25th d~y of ~e~ 1958~ requestl~ that certs.:~.n unin~.bited te~?it0ry ths~ein described be am~exed to and inco~'pormt~d ~ttl~n the 0i~y of Bake~sfie~d~ l,~E~S, s~id petttiom, was signed by the owners of all of the territory to be a~uexed~ E~I~, the territory described in s~id petitiom is to the City of B~srsfie~d~ ~d " ~EAS~ ~e said te~rito~y does not form a pm~t o~ any the o~fice of ~e 0i'hy 01,~k of t~ 0ity o~ B~kerz~ield~ m consent~ signed by ail the curie,s of' p~operty lnc~.uded i~ said tory, tl~s.t sai~ terri~ory be subjected to taxation afte~ ths o~ s~ch z~e~ati~ equatl~y with p~operty in the City o~ ~.ke~sfield to pay the bonded imdebts~ess of said City ~erei~ desex~tb~d~ m~ p~-ovided ~or in 0~df~nce ~fo.o 893~ Ne~ 8s~ies, in Ordlo~.uc~ Nco New Series~. mhd in 0rdi~%ncs ~oo 1i12~ Ne~ $e=les~ al! of ~he Ci~y of Bakersfield~ ~(1 any and o.~.1 otho~ indebtedness o~- liability of the tion of said ts?r-itory,, e~?.d this 0c~mlt here~ dete~.~s t!~at said with thc provisions of t~ 'tnne:~ation of U~n~bited Ter~ito~ AcS of !939~ and ~.~ndz,~ents thereto~ bei~ Title 4-~ Division 2~ Pm~$ ~m300., st Seqo~ of the Government Ohapte? 15 Article 5~,.,~ce~tions~ ~ 0ode of the State of Oe. lifornis.~, specificzlly describing the bound~?ies of the te~z~itory so proposed to be ~nne~ed .to the City o2 B~sfield~ ~d designating such .,=~-~..~,~.~ by an s. pp~opriate ~.e~ a~.d Callfo~ni~.~ as tl~e day,. [i~.ou~ and p~e. ce whe~. and ~.~he~-e tb.$ City would ~ar ps, crests m~.do ~'"~. e. ny persou ov, n:~ rca! _'oroportY ~-~ ~'?'~_ afo~esmid Ser~Ito:ey~ and nos oftene~~ t~ on.co ~ '~-:ook in The Bzk,:~sfield OmZiforniaz0.~ a z..e.~s pape~~ of general ci~ouL~'bion published In .the City of said publication ~i~ 'b*~'n .... completed m~; leae~ ~em~y ~ '~' dayc o~io~ to the date set fo~ smld' ~--~ i~ ~ ~ tho Govez~eni; Oodo~ protosts ~ers ~iI~ e. ga~.z'~., thc p~oposed m~exm~iom by m~z owne~ prope?ty ~-sith~.n .$s~e te~:~i'bo~y proposed ~o be Bakersf!e!d~ as That ~e Comncil 11,25 feot c~s';c~'i;' '~7~:::z: .and ge mea~?ed ~o~end:%c~%$~ t~ shol-m on the ~'=Corrscted Map of the BQrg~.,~.a~.dt Tracts" filed ~eco~d ~'an~da~ 12~ !907~ in Book 1 of.' ~:~S,. a~ page 100~ in the office of the. Cot~ty. Reco~zde~ of ~a!d Eer~ County, s~d iasc ~ed. p~.r~.l!el !in9 's. lso being the ~-rest~ly. boundary l~e of ~minished B~e~ St~'eet~ of 60 f=~ in ~,i~th~ a portion of County Road No~ 5~5~. t~ence smlthei~ly aloi~ '~ho. southerly proloilg¢.tioi~. of the te.~t naraed p~i'.a!].¢i line, to intersect a line paro. ilel ~.~ith.~ aiid distant 30 'feet s.outh~i-ly frbm~ ai~d s.s :~e~sured perpendicular · co tho ~oVt~lerly bo~mdary of the ss. id. ~outheast ~uo. rtei~ i~S- of the no~tnwest n~-~ ~?v ,-~ ~ ~, ~ a' '~ ' " ' A~-o.[~'~ ~ ~.~.'~.~ t.*m~ ....... also being the ~ot~.bhe~ly bo~filc!e.~? 1i~ of a portion o~ Co~r~y ~o~ 663~ a ~-~esterly. om~tou.sion of Potcauac .Avenue, also lumwn as Lmz.;son Streets thence ~as~e~ly along- last-tamed parallel !inet. as define4"by:"tha'D certain Deed to th~ Co~%ty of Ke~n~. ~ecoyded March 10~ %92.'~ in Book 169~. s.t page !~.11'~ Official Records~ in the office of the said.. Ooun$y !~eoorde~ t0 Z~%t~sect the e~.stePly bo'o~d, ary ~f the. said so~thes, st quaint.er {'8-.~ E? 1/~)=.of the. q~a~-ter (N'o Wi. 1/4)~. thence contlnui~ng, ea~te~ly to ~ntsrseot. line p~ailei ~.~lth~ and d~ts'bea~ 30 f~e't eas:f~erly fromm, and as me~.s~ed p~p~n~cu!ar to the lass abov'e nmued es. ste~12' said last~i~olued' parallel ii!Z~ e. iso being the. easterl~ bci~d.a!-y ii~,e · souti~e~ly along .said !a~'~ n~.me8 ~-~,iei. '!i~ on and a~c~g. corporate bounda~ o~ t~e Oity of Bmke~sf'leld~, and as ~!d Dolmte boundary ts de~in~d~b? tl~t c~rtain ~m~exatlon as the "Su~et~,M~y~Im-ze~- Dis~rict~" o.m~ezed by a Special E!ec~ion held. Decerabe~~ 1~ !9%0~ and approved by Or~nce No, 898~. 8eries~ adopted Deom~os~~ 26~ 19~0, and certified ~ar~ 19~1~ ~y tho. Sscr.etary o~ Bte. te~ ~tate of' Califor~ia~ ~o inte~~ sect }he soutbm~T boundary' of the m.o~.thems$ ~u~te~ (N~. E~, 1~ of so.~d $~ot'i~n 32~ than.cs ~.~esterl~'..' a?.~ d~a~ta~ from '~h~ potato bouuds~rp, o~ ~he City of B~.ke~:~f:~61'd.~.'alo~ the 1mst. southerly bo~do.r~, t.o the southeast- {~',. Eo..).. corner~ of tho south-' east ou~.te~ ,~S.~. E.~ '1/4}~. of the non. t~-~.~'-~ua~te~ (No, W~ of szld Eeo41~.on 32~-tkenc~ co~%tinu~ig. ~es.t.e~ely ~1~ the bo~l,ar-y'0f ~me ~a'~. ~out~camt Gu~.uez: {iBc. E, 1/4~ ~ of the and to the point' of' ~eg%~g~ c~ts.i~i~. 40~.~23 acP~s of more o1~ lasso SECTION Said tel?i'~o_~y;, and the prope~t-~,: !Ooa~ed therein, $-hp~!!~.~ "'~?~. the completion of' the a~!e~m, tio~ of the' same. tp the City of Bmker~7 :~ield; be mfo~ecte~ ~o t~.=~.ti~, e~ual!~-~:~-~k o~he~ p~ope~ty Ci~y of Bakersfield to. pay the bonded ind0btednoss of the Oi~.. of B~.kersfield~ 'described In the ~fol~eme~t~oned c~sen~ of the o*p~.opsi' · ~-~- ioz~.~ed %,.l~.-aln~' "" ~e isst~oe of b, on~s %o ~epyeS~u.~. said indeb~d~ess bairns p~.oV%ded for- in Or~Oe' ~0- 893~ ~m,z in Ordinance ~o~ 9~0~ Ne~.~ Seriem~ and !.n On~?o }To, ii127. 8er!os~ all of sm~d _. C~ and o.~ and all othe~ ~debte&ness ~ ~ia~. , .. bi!ity of fha C-~ T~hich r~ay accrue f~o~ and afte~ ~he ~.te cZ c0mpl~ion ~'~ ....... -- ... .. . POOR ORIGINAL AYES: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CARNARIS, COLUNS, CROI~, DEWIRE, DOOUN, NOES:.. , · . ABSENT: , , AYES: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CARNAKIS, COLLINS, CROES, DEWIRE, DOOLIN, NOES: '-~'-"~'~"/ ABSENT:~, Affi a ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and thai o~ the 5th day of August, 1958 she posted on the Bulletin Board at · ~ ........................................................................................... , ........ the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a ~ the 4th day of August meeting thereof duly held .................................................................. ~_ ............ ,19....5._.8., which ordinance was numbered .........1..1.._9.._3_ .................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD, CALIFORNIA, AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXA- TION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTED- NESS OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..-5.-t..-h-.....day of ....... ..A..u.g..u_.s._.t_., ..................... , 19...5_.8_.. '-' ..' '-l~o~ar~..Publie in and for '~e County of Kern. State of California · : My C~3mmis® Lxpir¢5 Jun:' D, ~.'7-"".,