HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1209 ORDINANCE NO. 1~2.~.~__ l~rEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3~.01 (ZONING MAP) OF ORDINANCE NO. ~1010, NEW 'SERIES 'OF THE. ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, BY'ONAN~iNG THE ZONING" OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN SAID CITY. '. WHERe%S, in accordance with the procedure set forth in the provisions of Zoning Ordinance No. 1010, New. Series of .the City of Bakersfield, the Planning Commission and City Council hav~ held hear- ings respectively, on a petition and on motions of '"the Council and Planning Commission to cbmnge the zoning of certain properties within WHERE.-%S, the City Ceuncil has determined after due consideration of said petition and said motions, and the recommendations of the Planning Commission herein on file, together with the.. reasons advanced at the hearings for a change of zoning of said properties, that said zoning changes should be authorized. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of. the City of. Bakersfield, .~s follows: SECTION 1. That .Bection 3.01 (Zo?ng Map) of Zoning Ordinance No. 1010, New Series of the City c'..? ~.3a.korsfteld, be and the same is hereby amended by changinE the ....,.cnln/~. of c~rtain properties in 'said City, the boundaries of which ~?onertt.~s are shown on the maps hereto attached snd made a pa~t of this c~'.'t, in~nce,, as follows:.. (a) Changing the z~nir~ from a C-2. ('COmmercial) Zone to an M-1-D (Light Manufacturing.- Architectural Design) Zone of the following described property: Lots 17 - 32, inclusive, Block 20[~, Kern Division, City of Bakomsfield, as per map recorded January 12, 1889, in Map .Book l, Pages l~ and 16, in the office of tb~ Cor,.uty '~%e~order, County of Kern, State of .................... California. ........ · .............................. · · .. (b) Changir~ th~ zoning from an R-2 (Two-Family Dwelling) Zone and a C-2 (0.mmercial) Zone te an M-1-D (Light Manufactuz~ing - Architectural Design) Zone of the following described property: All of Lots 2, 3 and 4, excepting therefrom the' northerly 30 feet and the southerly 30 fe.e-~':.~f not 3 and the northerly 10 feet of Lot 4, Tr~' 1320, 0ity of Bakersfield, as per map recorded' December 26, 1946, in Map Book 5, Page 197, in the 6T£ice of the. County Recorder, County .of Ker~...~.' State of California. (c~ C~ngi~ th~ ~oning from an R-1 (One-F~!Y"'Dwelling) Zone to a C 2 D (C,~ercial - Arc~tect~""Design) ' Zone of the followi~ described propert~'~''''' T~t'certain property located on the Southeasterly." ' ce~-ner of Planz Road and South Chester Avenue, being more particularly described as that certain Property ..lying easterly of 8curb 0baster Avenue in'...~0t' 3, ' 3ection 18, T 30 S, R 28 E., M. D. B. ~:~'~ as per recerd of Survey Map recorded November.'23, 1946, in Record of Survey Map Book 5, Page 89, in the office '. of t~ Co~ty Recorder, County of Kern, State of .~.... California. (d) Changing the zoning ~rom an R.1 Zone to a C-1 (Li~ted Co~ercial).'Zone"~ ~hat certain property located on the norther~y .. side of B~dage between pine ~d Beech .Streets,.":"~e'i~ more particularly described as follows: .... Begi~ing at the southwesterly corner o2.~:~°t 10, Fr~p- ton Acres, as per mzp recorded J~e 21~?~I912, in Map Book 2, Page 47, in the office .of the 0ounty Recorder, County of Kern, State of 0alifornia; thence northerly alo~ the westerly line of said Lot .10 150 feeb; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of Br~dage Lane a distance of 823 feet'.to a point on the westerly' line of Pine Street; thence.."southerly alo~ the wesberly line of Pine S~reet a' distance of 150 feet to a point on the northerly line of Br~dage Lane; thence westerly along t~ northerly line of Brund- age Lane a distance of 823 'feet to the point of begin-' ni~. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty days from and after the date of its passag~ :.~ ~... . . I HEREBY CERTIFY th?~t the foregoing 0rdina~ce was passed and -.. adopted by the Council of the Oity of B~rersfield "at a regular m~ett.~ thereof held on tho 3rd day of November., 1958, by the follo~ vote:'' L'.... ~.~. A'~: 8ALFANZ,~. ~ ~ENTL~Y, CARNAK~g, ~OLI.INS, ~R~S, DEWIRE, DOOUN, ~" . t~ ? ':~. r.~' · · ;~ ~'. '. -. ~.~.· ~.'~ '~:, . ...- R-I R-I R-I R-I PLANZ ROAD CITY LI M ITS ~"'~ R-I R-I R-I CIT'F LIMITS ~-~ L ' PROPERTY REZONED FROM R-I TO C-2-D ~ ..~-" - ~ ,,",'..~,. SCALE; 1'--'2r'' Affi aui! of osling ( r tnanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and thai on ..... ~t~h~e~4~t~h~d~a~y~f~N~v~e~m~b~e~r~ ....................... , 19___5_..8__ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci:l of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ..... ..t..h...e.....3...r.~......d..a_y.....o...f..._.N...o..v._.e._.m..b...e..r._~ .......... ,19....5...8., which ordinance was' numbered__....1--2...0-.-9- ..................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.01 (ZONING MAP) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1010, NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~ BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .~h .....day of ....... l~Ia.v_emher_~ ................ , 19_58_. · ............... .~'~~blie in and for ~ C~.ty Of Kef., Sta~ of California .~ ~' ' ~ ~-~ My Commiss,on Expires ~une -~'- ~ ·