HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1203 -ORDINANQE.~v . 12o.~ .NEW SERIES .- " "- AN' ORDINANOE REGULATING THE FEE'PING AND ':'...:":" -- HOUSING 0F PIGEONS· AND IX)_.IffiB .WITHIN THE .';: BE tT ORDAINED by.--~e-Council of tho City of Bakersfield, .' ~xoept in an 'agricultural ~one, a c'°~ercial ~one~ or. indus- · --- triai'' .z~ne', as' 'Sai~ .~.ones ai-e defined in goning Or'din~.noe No,..l'OlO, New SerieS-of the Cit~y o£ Bake~s'fisld, it shall be unlawful for any person.~o keep or maintain. 'more' than sixty (60)'. pigeons or doves, · · _or.~!~-..oombinat:.ion thereof, in said Olty. Ail pigeons or 'doves must '-~7~. ..... ; . . · be. kept and maintai_ned in a pigeon house, dove. :'c..et~ or' other structume. (a) When not more than tWenty-five (a~) :' pigeons or .. doves are .... " k_ept, or maintained on any property, said pigeons and doves shall' be k~Pt.oF maintained'not less than twenty-five (25) feet f_~om.any .. dwell~ house.-'except the dwelling house of' the' owner or keeper of .. . "such pigeons Gr._doves. (b) .When. more than twenty~fi, ve (25..) pigeons er doves are kept or.. maintained on any p~operty, the. distance, from. a dwelling house Other. than that of 'the owne~, o~ keeper of such pigeons or doves shall be inc~eased by five feet for every additional five pigeons or doves o~ .fraction of 'such number, so kept .er maintained on said property, sEcTION 3'. '" · -" All pigeon houses, dove cotes,· or structures or enclosures ....... shall~h_e_, enclosed lin m~_ch_ma.r~!_.er, as. to. prevent ~he...escape...of. any ....... pigeon or dove therefrom, provided, however,· that the owners or keepers of carrier, or homing pigeons .sh'all be permitted to liberate not more than. twenty-four (24) carrier or homing pigeons for exercise and flying' at any one time, and said pigeons shall be at such times under the · -*__.'~_~-- ~" . '. ~."' supervision and control cf s-Uch.-._~Wner or keeper... · 'PigeOns or doves sha'll not be -' 'or other commercial pump. ese, .e~....:oe.p.....$ i~"agricultural~ ~'~ercial' or :Industrial zones.. Not more than twelve (12~ ..aqua-ha .over. six (6) weeks-old shall be permitted to be kept or m_aintained orraised in .S..a..~d pigeon house, dove cote or O~her structure or enclosure except i~ an agricultumal, commercial 'or industrial zone. SECTION 6. " Every place .where such-pigeons or doves are kept shall be · maintained at all times in .a clean and sanitary condition and free 'from flies and' other insects,· and free from odors obnoxious to the neighborhood. " · . SECTION 7. The Health Officer of the City or his agent shall, be permitted to inspeCt t'he property upon which said pigeons o~ doves are kept, raised or maintained. SEOTION 8. This ordinance is not intended to prevent the. releasing of carrier or homing pigeons in greater number than herein, specified, for racing or homing purposes. SECTION 9 · This ·ordinance shall take effect thirty days from and after the date of its passage. _- 2e I HEREBY CEHTIFY ~hat'~he fore~9~ Ordinance was passed...and adopted bY the Council of thel...C_.ity of Bakersfield at.a ~esu'lar meeting · ~hereof held on ghe 6~ , day' ~'0c~ober, 1958, by ~h~":~'~ollowi~ vo~e: . AYES: BA. LFANZ, IK~-N~, CARNAKis, COLLINS, CROES, DEWIR£, DOOUN, - ''''~ - . NOES:~' '-- .__ . . '~ ' e~g and Ex Officio O~k of the Affi au ! of ost ng ( r uanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of KeJm ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ....... .t...h...e.....7...t..h.....d..a.Y.....°..f......O..c...t...°..b...e..r._,. ........................ , 19___5_.8... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Councii of said City at a meeting thereof dully held on ..... .t...h..e.....6...t...h.....d...a.Y.....o...f_....O...C__.t..o...b..e.__r__~_ ............. ,19...5...8., which ordinance was numbered ....... .1..2...0...3. ................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE KEEPING AND HOUSING OF PIGEONS AND DOVES ~/ITHIN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .?..,,. :<.7.l,h._.-.d.ay' of ............ .Oc~her.~ .......,,,_..., 19...5.._8... .. ~. - ~. · . ..- '~...... 2 ~i,,?,~