HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1201 "- ~I'~.O~DINANOE AMENDING SECTION 3.01 (ZONING_ ~P). "-._'-. "-' '"' " _. _~-... O~ ~IN~CE NO.' 1010~ ~W SERIES OF T~ CITY OF ':.' .'.~.'~.:-"" '- .. ~. B~RS~IELD~ BY CH~GING T~' ZONING .~-~R~AIN -___ ._ PROPERTIES_ IN S~ID_ CI~,' "".'. ' :.. .. " ~AS~. ~n acco~danoe w~h tho p~oced~'.se~'"~.~.-~h tn ..... - · ._ '- -~ :.-'the P~ovtsi'ons-of Zoning O~d~ance No. 1010~ .New Se~ies, of '-t~": "' ~'~':'- ' ' ' 'u..'-7. _ _.:~,.. . . . ' .- '~i~y .0f Bak&~sf~eld~-tho Pla~i'ng Co~ssion and .City Co~C~[:'ihave .~:. ~l-d ~'arings res~ctiV~ly, on a petition, to. ch~e 't.he'-zoni~ of' ..... certain_ ~pe~ttes :~n-sa!d' Ct~, ~d ... '::'" ..- -- :~..: · '.. - '~r-'~REAS,. 'ghe-'C~ty Council.'has deter~d ~te~ due cons~..~a~· "' ---~ion.o~. 't~ p~ti't~on ~d t~ :~ommendatfon of"t~ Pl~ni~_~:.Co~ssion} _ -. -. . -- . · (- .~.-~. .. '- .( · _ z[~e-~in'on file' 't°~the~ wi~--~he ~easons adv~oed at t~':"~earing' fo~ -"~-'. . · . :~.)~= ' . · . a Cha~e_ o.f zoning-of Said' p~ope~ttes, that said zoning nh~ges'' shoed' - ~. r ... . .' -~ '.. ..-_z~.- ':: .. That Section 3,01' (zOning Map) of Zoning O~dinance No. 1010, '" ~,w Series of g~ Oi. gy of .B~e~sfie'ld, be ~d ~"-s.a~ is h, reby a~.n~-' " :aS fo~l°Ws:. ". -- .. :'~ '"' ..... ".'-'~"'~,~"I~,'in"~p. B~-'~, ~g~ 10~,.~.~'~" ~ ...... ..-?~"¥?' ...... ~""~'?'~": .... ' ....' . -.- o~f~' O~ Oh~ ~o~[.~oo~ ~o~g7 .o~ .. .'. · ' ._ l~n~ 8~ of ~l~o~n[a, '-' ...'. .:.. .':)¢ -...._'; _ .... ..,'._. ..- . .. .. · . "' _. .... _ :.' ..' . '" ._... ~ '.'..~.. -~ .- ..':. . - 2_.._. .~' ~...' '_- - :. ~.j ~ ..~- . ~.....~:~.. ·'.......,:?.:.;.~; ..... .:... . - '-' · ' _:-~. -'L. ~::~'~"~' . - . . ., · ..:.~yj;.....~: .'.-.~%..2~:~.~ r.~. _. -~. _ .. _.. :.: .. . . " '' - .... '-'-'-- ' ~:-'~.~':'.~'.'k.' '"' '~'~'":':'~" · ._ · -... -~ C.~7..: '7 ··2'._ ' '- .... . . .,.-. ... .... ..-:.:._ ..: ._. _.?, .... -'- ~._,... · . . . _ .. ~.. - ' .. _.i r:~.i__'_"'. '- ' '" -' ':';'"'~'~'"' ". · .. _- ___.- . · . ·. _ _ .~,?.',~ .. . . a~d adopted by tho .Council of..the .City of .BakerS£~i2[d', at a reg~la:~' t~eging' 'thereof, l~ld.on the 15~h day of Sep~.embe~,. 1950, by tl~-"'.'. " }'" . . · .. ~..- . .,. .. '. AYES: .BALfANZ, GEN'i'L£Y, CARI~]AKtS,' COLLINS, CRO-ES, "E':?.' nE, {~OLINo "' -City Clerk and EX'Officio Clerk of the -' " Council of "' APPROVED this 15th day of ~eptembe~_~ 1958. ... "~iAYOR/or the City ~"r'B'A~ers~le~d_,. " Pro-tern .. ' ' M-2 M-2 CALIFORNIA AVENUE C-2 1 0-2 HARPER AVE. CLARENi 0 I00 200 300 SCALE PORTION TRACT NO. 1~20 Afft a.t of Tlos tng r tnan :es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Ke~ ..~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ....... ..t..h...e.....~...6..t...h....d...a.y.....~...f.....S...e.~..t.~.e...m..b...e.~.~. ................ , 19...._5___8she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full? true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci'l of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ....... ..t..h...e..._.l.__5__t...h_....d...a. _y..__.o..f...___S..e..p.._t__e_..m__b___e_~..., 19...5...8.., which ordinance was numbered ....... .1..2_..0...1. ................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.01 (ZONING MAP) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1010, NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... ~..6...t...~ay of .......... .S...e..~.t...e.~.b_._e.~ .......... ~..'~.'. :. . :-: ............. ,~' Notary PublJ¢'in and for ~h~ ,Coun~._~l~r~a.~' c~lfernia ' ' - _..-