HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1219 EMERGENCY 01~DINANCE N0o1219 NE~:,? SERIES AN E~,~GF..NCY ORDINANCE. AUTHORIZING CONTRI= BUTIONS PY THE.' CITY TOWARD TI~E COST OF PREMI%q~B I~'OR GROUP INSUI~ANCE FOR CITY OPFIOERS AND ~O~ES AND AUTHORIZING T~ CITY A~ITOR TO MA~ DEDUC~ONB FROM SAL.~RIES OF SUCH OFFI~RS AND FMPLO~ES AND TO ~ ~ ~NTS OF P~MI~S TO T~ INSURANCE W~REAS, a g~oup lns~mance, plan has been sub~t~d to t~ Co~eil and to the employees of t~ City,. which will~ in the opinion of t~s Oom%ctl~. benefit the Ci~y and its office~s and employees p~ticipating in said group insu~ance~ and it is the desire of 0ity to contribute toward t~ cost of said g~oup tnsu~ancs~. NOW~ T~EFO~ BE IT ORDAI~D by t~ Council of the City of Bad,afield, as follows~ SECTION 1. The City o~ ~ke~sfield shall contribute a sum not to exceed Fo~ and no/lO0 Dollars (~4~00) pe~ month toward t~ cost to each City officem or. employee of t~ p~um fo~ City emplo~es~ g~oup instance, to be ca,tied by any officem o~ emplo~e of the City~ such ~oup insurance ha~ been duly approved by t~ City Manage~ and when made effective by the agreement of a s~ficient numbe.~ of of fi= cars and emplo~es of said City with mn instance SECTION Z. Oont:(~ibutions by City toward pm~nt of p~e~s ~f said g~oup instance shall not be made. on behalf of members of Poamds Oo~tssions not ~11 ti~ sa].a~led office~s o~ employees of said City~ om temporary o=, pact-time employees of said City.: but shall include .all elective officers of said SECTION 3. (s) ~ny office~* o~ e~loyee of the City electing to pa:eti~ cipa~ in said gmoup insurance shall~ in w~lttng~ authorize deductions to be made f~om his o~ ~ salary by the City Audito~. which deductions shall be paid by said City Audito~ to t~ e~ie~ of said gm0up (b) ~ City Audito~· is hereby di~ectSd to pay f~om t~ f~ds of t~ City the s~ of Fo~ and no/lO0 Dollars (~.00) month toward the premium for such group insurance for each employee participating in said group insurance. (c) Payments on said group insurance as provided for in subdivisions (~) and (b) above; shall be made monthly to the insurance carrier by said City Auditor, SECTION 4, All elective or appointed officers and all employees in the employ of the City on January 1~ 1959 and eligible under the terms of said group insurance~ shall have the right to participate in said group insurance upon the effective date of this ordinance, All persons~ elected or aplx)inted~ entering the service of the City after January 1~ 1959~ shall work for a period of six months for the City before being eligible to participate in said group insurance. SECTION 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure within the meaning of Section 24 of the Charter of the City of Bakers- field~ State of California; and necessary to provide for the daily operation of municipal departments~ and shall be e~fective on and after January 1; 1959. o0o I HEREB~/OERTIF~£ '~b.at the foregoing. Emergency Ordinance vas passed and adopSed by ~be Cou~.'.cil of the 0i~y of Bakersfield ~ e ~eg~la~ meeting ~he~eof held on the 22~.d day of Deoembe~ 1958~ by AYES: BALF^NZ, BENTLEY, CARNAI(I~, COLLINS, CROES, DEWIRE,-~'H~,- NOES: ~ - ABSENT: '~ ~ Affi av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ...... .t...h..e....2...3...r..d......d..a...y.....o...f......I~....c...e.~m...b...e..r..~. .................... , 19_._.5___8_ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci'l of said City at a meeting thereof dully held on ........... .t...h..e......2..2...n...d.....d...a.y.....o...f.......I~....c.~e...m...b..e...r.~..~ 19..5..8...., which ordinance was numbered ........ .]:_..2__1.._9. .................. New Series, and entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AlrrltORIZING CONTRI- BUTIONS BY THE CITY TO~/ARD THE COST OF PREMIUMS FOR GROUP INSURANCE FOR CITY OFFICERS AND EM- PLOYEES AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY AUDITOR TO MAKE DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARIES OF SUCH OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES AND TO MAKE PAYMENTS OF PREMIUMS TO THE INSURANCE CARRIER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..... .2..3._.r...~lay of ........ '..D...e..c.._e__.m_.b__.e..r..~ ............... , 19 ..... .5...8 Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California