HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1218 AN ORDIIQ:~..NCE A.T~I~DING ORDINANCE NO, 1044~ NEW SER~S 0t7 T~E OI~ OF BA~RSFiELD ~ ADDING TEERETO 'l~'O ~S~ SEOTIONS TO BE N~ED AND 7~2~ CRYA&T!NG A BOARD 0F ZONING AD~ST~NT A~D SETTING FORTH THE PO~R~ AND DUTIES ~ ~AID BOARD AND PROViDiNG. ~0R ~ RETentiON ~ ~IS DICTIONS' ~.~' TI~ P~NING COmmISSION 0F NOW P~TDXN~. BEFORE BE IT 0RDAi~1ED by '~ne Cot~ucil off the City of Bake~s~ie~d~ as follows: SEOTION 1 ~ T~t Ordi~nc6 No, 10~ Ne~ Series of She City of Bakers~!e!d~ Is hereby ~mend. ed by addi~zg thereto Swo ne:~' sections to be 7,1 and 7~2~ respectiveL~y~ ~'hich said sections s~ll ~ead as fokl~-~s~ Section 7,1, '~e~e is he~eby created a Board of Zo~ng AdJus~~'. men'~ of the City of Bakc~sfie!d~ which shall consist of t~ee (3) members which membe~shtp shall be seleoted on the basis of one member each f~ ~e ~la~.~ Building~ and Leg~.l Departments of the City · ~ s~ll be appointed by the Mayo~ wash the of Bakersfteld~ and approval of the City Oo~u~ll~ One membe~ s~ll be appointed fo~ a ~e~ which sh~ll e~',~i~e Deoembe~ 1~ 1959~ one membe~ s~li be appointed '~o ~e~ve f~ s. ~erm which s~ll ~ire Decembe~ !~ 19~ and one membe~ shall be s.ppotnted ~o sea:ye ~or m term which e~e Decembex, 1~ 196i~ At the e~iraSiom o~ each of the te~s so provided fo~, successors shall be appol~hed ;~or a term of t~ee (3) Years~ Vae~oles om szid Board s~ll be filled, in the same f~ the ~e~i~ed tex~ Members of ~e Board of Zo~mg Adjustment ~y be ~emoved in the smae stunner as memfoe~s of the P!anni~ sion~ as p~ovided by Section 7.2. The Do:~ze~;s ~nd dui:ie~ of the Board of (a) To a~i~)istez~ the Zo~zing O~,d!nance insofa~ as ~He same peats, ins to conditlo~.i '~s~s pe~ts~ varianoes~ modificatton~ m~ud h~e occupation (b) To ~ec~end to ~he 0i~y Council any additio~i uses which may be included within the list of permitted uses° (c) To dete~,mine whether plans submitted for uses in "P~' (Pa~king)~ amd '~W~u (Oilwe!l)~ Zones~ ~espectively~ a~e in h~ony ~$h the p~ovisions of Zoni~ O~dinance No~ 1010~ New Series~ .and mee~ ~he requi~emen~s therein set fo~th~ (d) To conduct hea~ings ~d ~ende~ decisions on applications f~ a~n~lonal u~e pe~ts~ va~ianoes~ modifioations~ and home pa~t~n pe~$m~ subJee~ $o the p~ovisions of said Zoni~ re~la$1~ ~e gran$i~ of smoh per~ts~ (e~ To exercise such othe~ powers as ~y be ~anted By lmw~ amd lo~al o~di~nceso (f) T. md~p~ rules of procedures mecessa~ to car~y o~t the p~oses of this tECTION 2 ~ Ail matters of zoni~ pendi~ before the Pla~i~ 0~issiom om She effective date of this o~dinanoe~ w~ch would be wit~m ~i~dictiom of the Board o~ Zo~g Ad~us~ent on said date~ shall ~e~im witch '~he J~isdiction of said Pla~ Oo~ssion ~til contorted by said tE0~0N 3~ T~$ ~~noe shall be effective ~i~ty (30) days f~ ~$e~ ~e da~e ~ i~s pmssage~ ....... 000 ..... I HEREBY OERTII~ t~a~ the foregoimg Ordinance ~as passed adopted ~y the Oo~oil o~ ~he City oE ~a~e_~sfield a~ a regular mee~.i~g -' -'' 0ommoil o~' the City of Bake~s~ieldo STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on THE 23rd day of December, 19....5__8__ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Counci'l of said City at a meeting thereof duly held n~ the 22nd day of December, 19..._5.__8_, which ordinance was numbered ........:.1:..2_..]:._.8. .................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1044, NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY ADDING THERETO TWO NEW SECTIONS TO BE NUMBERED 7.1 AND 7.2, CREATING A BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT AND SETTING FORTH THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF SAID BOARD AND PROVIDING FOR THE RETENTION OF JURIS- DICTION BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF MATTERS NOW PENDING BEFORE SAID COMMISSION. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...2...3..r.._d_..day of ........ I~a. emb.~r_, ............... , 19...5.8.. Notary Public in and for the County of Kern. State of California